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Everything posted by Bob_Bobson

  1. It's on Spotify, and it's excellent.
  2. Solidarity it is, at least so long as the sets are still in print. Gotta support the people who make the sets possible in the first place. http://talkingnewmedia.blogspot.com/2011/08/keeping-catalog-alive-in-itunes.html
  3. Apparently, I'm very late to the party on this (I discovered several threads on this subject from around 2010-2011 after the fact), but there are a few Mosaic sets available on iTunes at a steep discount. In particular, Stanley Turrentine is $19! That is impulse-buy territory. Should I be boycotting this, however, in solidarity with Mosaic?
  4. Don't know if this is the right forum or not, but I'm looking for a good representative box set of Billie Holiday's best. I see countless boxed sets on Amazon, but I wanted to cut to the chase with Organissimo experts on which was the best to START with (i.e., I'm not necessarily looking for a 10-disc encyclopedia of her work). Thanks!
  5. Art Pepper Complete Galaxy Recordings. My jazz epiphany began with middle-period Art (the Aladdin recordings, in particular, which remain favorites of mine to this day), but it took some time to warm up to his Gotterdammerung period of the '70s. Nevertheless, I took the plunge on the noah's ark collection and am now a thorough convert with no regrets!!
  6. I already bought it when I thought it couldn't get any cheaper than $25, but Amazon's got the Frank Sinatra Capitol Concept albums set up again for an unbeatable $22.79!! http://www.amazon.co...26461866&sr=8-1 This is indubitably a core library requirement, and, at this price, it is an immediate, no-regrets impulse purchase.
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