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Everything posted by Bob_Bobson

  1. I've been looking forward to this one since it was posted earlier. Definitely will pre-order. Samples sound great btw.
  2. Yes, thanks very much for this link! I knew of V-Discs but had no idea how many there were or the breadth of material. I am even more excited about this set now and will definitely pre-order.
  3. Held off on buying this for a long time because I worried it would be too much (too early, too tinny sounding, more dance music than substance), but I've really been enjoying big band and decided to pull the trigger on a good Ebay price. It's really outstanding, and now I'm just coasting around Duke's entire library - the band was great at all stages! I love how my jazz palette has expanded over the years, starting with an old Art of Pepper CD my parents bought me in HS to bebop, hard bop and then backward to Louis and traditional and swing. I remember scrolling XM years ago and passing through the 40s station as a novelty - now it's primarily what I listen to in the car, lol! Ain't life grand? I look forward to continuing the journey.
  4. Ditto. Happy to contribute to this great site. Thank you, Jim!
  5. Thanks, jazzbo.
  6. Thanks for the confirmation, jazztrain. Now I've got to find those Prima versions!
  7. OK, a little revisit of an oldie but goodie. This probably could not matter less, but I just picked up this set on eBay, and I'm positive there's a mistake in the discography. "I'm Shooting High" and "I've Got My Fingers Crossed" on disc 2 (tracks 10 and 12) are credited to Louis Prima and His New Orleans Gang, but that is absolutely Wingy singing. The discography states that Brunswick logs confirm the personnel, but it's clearly Wingy's voice and not Louis' (just listen to the other tracks on that disc). What's more, the booklet notes that these two songs, specifically, were also recorded by Wingy. Am I missing something or just crazy?
  8. This was a great Select. Love all of the tenors on it, but the session with Gene Ammons is particularly rich.
  9. I have been meaning to post that Buddy Rich set for a long time. Completely underrated gem of a Mosaic. I'll regularly have my jazz on shuffle on Plex and hear a song that I think is great and unique only to turn and find that it's this set. Interesting variety of instrumental lineups (I normally hate flute but he even makes THAT work) and always swinging performances.
  10. Huge fan of this set. All-star personnel playing great charts.
  11. Thanks for the confirmation, brownie, I appreciate it!
  12. Resurrecting this thread to ask anyone who has this set whether Autumn Leaves on Disc 2 sounds "scratchy" for lack of a better term. There was a flaw on my disc that warped track 1 (Mine) but does not seem to have affected anything else, except for the scratchiness (like a record hitting dust) on Autumn Leaves (noticeable right at 0:23 when he starts playing and more or less throughout the track on and off). Thanks. Posted prematurely because I have the same issue with Titoro (short version) as well. Strange because Titoro (long version) has no problems.
  13. No affiliation whatsoever, but someone is selling a "Like New" Mulligan Concert Band Mosaic set for $55 with free shipping. One of my favorite sets at a killer price! https://www.ebay.com/itm/294513621065?hash=item4492613849:g:~MwAAOSwr0lhgGXQ
  14. I think the CDs are harder to find and command a higher price. I, too, nearly purchased an LP set that I thought was CD on eBay but was able to back out (I don't have a turntable). I'll get it one of these days!
  15. De Franco-Clark is at the top of my grail list as we speak. Getting it under three figures is a great accomplishment, ghost, well done.
  16. I already had the Kenton Presents, but I've added Freddie Slack. Thanks, crisp.
  17. FINALLY snagged this grail item and am really enjoying it. My entry to jazz was the opposite end of Big Band, but I've really come to love it courtesy of Basie, Ellington, Mulligan, Jones/Lewis, et al.
  18. Yep, thanks for the heads-up. I added it.
  19. Just a quick bump because I discovered that the Classic Capitol Jazz Sessions Mosaic is on Spotify and added it to my Mosaic Records playlist. Feel free to let me know if you see any others that I've missed. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6cTDEBNcRdRT5WlO4BUyrT?si=19993a36937d4b88
  20. I've gotta say, I like the new site. Just having the change is nice, but it's a good clean look compared to the old one and makes good use of Mosaic's photo library. I agree with JSngry that the out-of-print discography section will be very nice to have and is certainly overdue. Judging from the "Great Jazz Artists" and "Best Albums" sections, it looks like they're setting up to be a Jazz101 hub-type site, which is a nice idea for novice jazz listeners discovering the music and label, though I'll be interested to see how that develops.
  21. Just got an email that my Henderson was shipped to the Warehouse.
  22. Got my box on Sunday. Very happy. Great sound, great book (I like Riccardi's very readable prose style and his enthusiasm for all things Louis, though he really seems to dislike Barney Bigard's All-Stars tenure). Praise aside, I have tried to enjoy The Real Ambassadors, but I just can't. Too stilted, too much 60's Burt Bacharach background vocals (I have the same issue with the background vocals on the Dizzy small group Mosaic), too artsy. I'll have it as an artifact, but I won't listen to it if I can avoid it.
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