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  1. Chuck, can you change your label name to White Producer - Black Music?
  2. Has anyone read this book who can speak to the emphasis on "black genius" and "black music"? I'm sure there is much great content, but I can't bring myself to buy the book because ascribing Bud's genius or music to a single racial identity turns me off. I think it does a disservice to the universal themes of Bud's talent and music. Guthrie Ramsey's previous book, Race Music, seems to set the tone. I'm sure he is getting grants for this type of work but one of the things I think we all love about great music is its ability to transcend color, creed, fads and time. What is the goal of academics like Ramsey who lay racial claim to a certain genre or group of genres that were clearly influenced by other races. Bud was profoundly influenced by latin music and other genres. I just don't see what can be gained in 20XX by calling this black music. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0520243919
  3. Yeah, except Malcolm could never routinely hit shots from beyond the arc. The kid is the most amazing pure shooter I've ever seen.
  4. I recently picked up Bluesette and How My Heart Sings on SHM-SACD. Several other Savoys and Riversides are available. Would be nice to have Blue Notes.
  5. I can only hope these SHM-CDs are released as SHM-SACDs.
  6. I got to meet him at Yoshi's a couple years ago. He played a great set. KB is a very humble guy. Amazing to think he played alongside Trane and most other notable musicians.
  7. If ever there was a vinyl set worth getting, this might be it. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00A92MFWA?ie=UTF8&camp=213733&creative=393177&creativeASIN=B00A92MFWA&linkCode=shr&tag=eyes0bf-20&=music&qid=1361218708&sr=1-12&keywords=mosaic+box
  8. ...either that or he was simply being polite and encouraging to an artist who had not achieved nearly as much recognition.
  9. An interesting story, but clearly Wayne can find things to free him up almost anywhere he looks.
  10. I've also been enjoying Flanagan on this Les Spann title. http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00005OR8W?ie=UTF8&camp=213733&creative=393177&creativeASIN=B00005OR8W&linkCode=shr&tag=eyes0bf-20&=music&qid=1360355973&sr=1-1&keywords=les+spann+gemini
  11. It's a record, not a visual pun. It's more fun to hear than to see.
  12. Yeah, that post really bugged me. It was like a kid trying to trade baseball cards to get his dream team. Unless you want to be a producer or a bandleader and handpick a lineup for a recording or a working group, respectively, you really have no business second-guessing why a group of musicians are playing together--especially a group of this caliber. It's fine if you don't like what they play, but I found the "analysis" of a better group quite bizarre. Shorter knows who he wants in his band and how he wants the music to sound. Take it or leave it. I'll take it because it's a language that speaks to me in a new way.
  13. Also check out craigslist for local deals (I have sold an Oppo BDP-83SE and my previous left/right speakers the N802s on CL--good deals on great gear is possible). You can also get great deals, including used deals, on Amazon. For example, these decent Polk bookshelf speakers for under $200 (list price is nearly twice that). http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B0018QRO9A/?ie=UTF8&camp=213733&creative=393193&linkCode=shr&tag=eyes0bf-20&=electronics&qid=1360181122&sr=1-3&keywords=polk+audio+speakers&condition=used
  14. I'm not a fan of Harley, but ironically he chooses my speakers for his cover art.
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