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CJ Shearn

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Everything posted by CJ Shearn

  1. Well, after listening to some Decoding Society and "Barbecue Dog" on YT (I knew about that record when I was 13 but that wasn't my taste then, lol..... hard bop mode) the similarities between that and "Mastema" are definitely there. What Pat, Decoding Society and this tune share in common is the Ornette connection, what Pat may have been going for with the language used on that tune. Good call, freelancer!
  2. I'm sure he has heard them. Pat has a huge record collection, he may have had that in mind through osmosis when he recorded it. He's a lot like most of us on this board, actually. I'll check some Decoding Society, too. The circuit bending effect at the end is funny. About time theres another controversial Metheny record, right?
  3. http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01rw0zc BBC Jazz on 3 played the opening track. It starts at 4:37. Fans of PMG exclusively will NOT like this, neither will the fans who prefer when Pat plays straight up bop, but the fans who appreciate it all will like.
  4. The most recent master of the album is quite good. If I'm not mistaken the actual album tracks aren't really on this release as originally released. . . . Yes, that's my understanding. The album was doctored by Ed Michel (good job!) and those versions are not part of the new set which releases the entire session in running order. I see now it contains the original album versions too. I last played the 1995 CD a few months ago. Good to see it's mastered by Kevin Gray, I hope that is the CD version's case as well.
  5. Really? I'm a bit confused. I have not been as into the Coltrane Syndicate information as others in regards to discographical details, so, the original album was made up of edited takes?
  6. I will have to wait to pick this up, I have the original Impulse digipack from 1995, I assume the mastering is far superior. How is it? I live in Staatsburg, NY now where there appear to be ZERO record stores around.
  7. They would probably have to license the tapes from VOA. The Newport '59 show *does* exist, I bought it from Wolfgang's Vault and burned it to disc. Jimmy was still playing bop live at that time, which contrasts with the increasingly more soul jazz direction of the albums. Only 25 minutes or so, but it's a smoking set and would need to be paired with something else. Were Jimmy's sets at Birdland in '57 or Small's Paradise prior to his first sessions taped??
  8. I love Lenny and this should be very nice. The version of "Rite" I grew up with was on London, Zubin Mehta conducting the Los Angeles Philharmonic, the second side also had "Eight Instrumental Miniatures". I also like the version Stravinsky himself conducted. It may be unpopular, but I cannot listen to any version of "1812" unless it is the version Lenny conducted with the NYP backed with "Marche Slave" and "Romeo and Juliet Fantasy Overture". That was recently reissued in an expanded edition, but the "Great Performances" LP is absolutely a defining album of my early listening and my childhood. It's absolutely ebullient, garish perhaps but I love it. My mom has stories of me as a child with that album that are pretty funny. I will pick up this "Rite" reissue at some point.
  9. Absolutely, especially when a lot of the Pablo stuff is freely available still.
  10. Actually though I sometimes think it is, the consensus here is that it is not (though this is in discussion of "John Birks" on "Let Me Tell You About It"). Actually though I sometimes think it is, the consensus here is that it is not (though this is in discussion of "John Birks" on "Let Me Tell You About It"). Thanks Lon, though the name is too uncanny. I haven't heard either session, but I would think the tone, phrasing and licks would give away it's Diz, unless he purposely played differently as to not give it away.
  11. Isn't it consensus Dizzy played under a pseudonym on "Rollin with Leo"?
  12. I was told by Cuscuna that all that they have from Turrentine's Minton's recording dates are the released tunes. No master tapes exist as far as he knows. If someone has a "private" tape with more, it's more than Blue Note has. FWIW, Lee Morgan's "Lee Way" is in the same boat. No master session reels. What we got is what we can get. I was told by Cuscuna that all that they have from Turrentine's Minton's recording dates are the released tunes. No master tapes exist as far as he knows. If someone has a "private" tape with more, it's more than Blue Note has. FWIW, Lee Morgan's "Lee Way" is in the same boat. No master session reels. What we got is what we can get. Kevin, it seems a lot of masters for Blue Note sessions were not kept. Dolby copies from the 70's I recall reading in some cases. I would assume that for sessions like "The Jazz Messengers at the Cafe Bohemia" those were the masters, the previously unissued takes sounded in better shape than the album take masters at least on the RVG's. Though I think the RVG's helped the mid 50's Blakey material.
  13. Well, posting that audiophile labels were hardly releasing Blue Note and Prestige albums while the opposite is true isn't good information in my view. Well, posting that audiophile labels were hardly releasing Blue Note and Prestige albums while the opposite is true isn't good information in my view. What I meant there Hans was reissues of things going pretty into outside as far as BN reissues. As an example, "Unity" while structurally challenging, is still fairly inside, compared to a record like Jack DeJohnette's "Special Edition" which goes pretty outside at times. An audiophile label will not touch that, necessarily. That and it's very well recorded/mastered to begin with.
  14. I wasn't aware of much outside of knowing about a few SACD or XRCD issues, so it was good information. Will an audiophile label issue an album like "Song X" or "Special Edition"? Probably not.
  15. Hmm, aren't those alternates from "Up at Minton's" lost like the JOS "Club Baby Grand" outtakes? I would have liked to hear those also? Back in the Mosaic prime years a Complete One Night With Blue Note would have been nice too.
  16. Only if some tapes of DeJohnette with Patton surface...........
  17. Right, which adds to the fetishism aspect. There's plenty of music on Prestige and Riverside from that time period, but they don't touch that stuff that much either.
  18. Doesn't any label deal with a specific set of tastes in mind? like Concord (before the buyout, they didn't have anything hard bop or mainstream really until the last decade it seems) Telarc (until Hiromi, they seemed much like Concord) any Legacy reissue?
  19. Cool, thanks for the information. Hutcherson's "Dialogue" was one of those?
  20. Yeah, freelancer! The problem with audiophile labels is that they don't seem to go for "unsafe" choices, and I don't know if that's because their customer base doesn't want to be challenged musically or what, but I've never noticed any organ dates in audiophile release lineups. The notion I have (which could be mistaken) that some audiophiles don't always want challenging music but something that sounds incredible is evidence why some still enjoy GRP releases for example.
  21. Wow, what awful errors! Coltrane a bebop pioneer? Ok then......... I'm sure Wynton would pay them off too to say he was a bop pioneer in 80's Nawlins
  22. Of the three albums I only have "Squares", but the combination of Mobley and Andrew Hill with Hank being the more conventional, is very interesting.
  23. Yeah Mike, it's definitely true. I've tried to focus on the music these days above anything else.
  24. I agree, the Hoffman forums get insane about that. I do lurk for opinions there though
  25. Thanks for the explanation. It's a whole different world from mine, both musically and sonically I hasten to add that I haven't heard those particular RVGs, though, so I can't comment on their sound. Thanks for the explanation. It's a whole different world from mine, both musically and sonically I hasten to add that I haven't heard those particular RVGs, though, so I can't comment on their sound. You have a way better system than I do, you probably hear way more true representations of different masterings on your system. I have a very mid end system. Though I use the Audio Technica headphones they use in studios for recording and monitoring. Jim mixed "In Memorandom" on a similar set of cans to mine, the next model up. Those headphones reveal many details and they are flat frequency across the board.
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