I picked this one up a few weeks back and I don't what it is about LeDonne's organ playing on some of these tunes, but I'm not liking it as much as I have on other dates he's used the organ. It has a sound that equals "old fashioned" to my ears, like something Doc Bagby would play. Maybe someone can explain it to me. Is it the recording or am I just so used to people playing like Jimmy Smith that when I hear a different approach, it sounds off?
A bit late to the party, you can't take my word for it completely because I'm just listening to soundclips on the High Note site, but I am not hearing what you are when you say old fashioned. I'm hearing the same first three drawbars+percussion registration made standard by JOS and those that followed him, and modern ideas. When I think of "old fashioned" organ playing, it brings to mind Wild Bill Davis, Bill Doggett and Milt Buckner, the full big band style playing. I am liking what they are doing to the Stevie tune a lot, and the swinging "The World is a Ghetto" because my frame of reference is Benson's version on "In Flight". Will check it out sometime.