I voted for "Breezin". I liked that one as a very young kid, before I knew about a lot of stuff, but I wish George would do another straight ahead album, with an organ. I mean he played his ass off and smoked on "Summertime" from Brother Jack's "Bringin it Home" album... As for the pop/R&B sell out stuff, whatever you want to call it, I think he made the transition completely on "Breezin" although I doubt pop fans more familiar with "On Broadway" have heard that killer guitar solo, or at least really listened closely enough to it. The CTI albums had something, I personally like "Beyond the Blue Horizon" very much. Finally, as for his new one, its trying to get the young R&B crowd noticing him, I heard clips, didn't really care for it all that much, but......... I'd say it is far higher quality than most mainstream R&B you hear on the radio today.