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CJ Shearn

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Everything posted by CJ Shearn

  1. yes indeed. I had that on vinyl as a kid, have a free Rhapsody trial and listened to it on there, hope I get the CD's for x-mas. I would rather have an actual Columbia disc than download ya know, much nicer I think "Uptown" has my most favorite version of "Willow Weep For Me", behind JOS's version, has to be the greaziest for me
  2. from "It's Uptown" yeah its just a modal vehicle but its sooo hip................ I love the way GB just gets off on the groove generated by the drums and Lonnie'svamp. Howabout "The Borgia Stick" while your at it?
  3. wow. Does Quentin still play at all?
  4. that's terrific. Thanks for the article Bertrand. I hope he can find work when he's out. Aren't he and Quentin Warren related?
  5. yes, that is a great album, as is "Paradox", and "Holding Together" one of Bob Berg's final recordings.
  6. this album is burning! Check out how out So What and Walkin get, I also like how on the CD label they duplicate the Japanese CBS/Sony design.
  7. really? that is surely not me! People are that desparate huh?
  8. finished one time through the whole set.......... wow.... so glad to have this stuff finally. Getting another spin before I review it, then I will just freely enjoy it.
  9. I agree. luckily I have a burn of the Tokyo disc from an old BNBB member, which I got about 4 years ago. Still looking for a real copy at a reasonable price though.
  10. CJ Shearn


    I keep hoping JOS "Live at Club Baby Grand" will be reissued domestically, emailed MC but have not yet heard.
  11. FWIW, the drum machine and electronic drums in the set consist of Simmons toms (not used to excess like on pop recordings) merely used as another color, and a few handclaps (like the ones Run DMC used) and on "Civilization" the only thing using drum machine is "Geo Rose" which is quite cool, a well sampled conga sound.
  12. Hans don't let that discourage you from experiencing some wonderful music. The electronics are used in a musical way and are not invasive at all, as used on tunes such as "Geo Rose" "Foreign Intrigue" and "My Michele". Having finished disc 1, I plan to dive into the rest in a while. Having heard this group perform much of this repetoire on "Tokyo Live", they get so much more breathing room, although the studio stuff has its charms as well. The mix is fine, contrary to Scott Yanow's original comments on Bobby Hutcherson's playing on the "Foreign Intrigue" album, he does not drown Bobby out here. Where Bobby is drowned out however is on "Qing Wen" from Kenny Garrett's most recent
  13. lol nice one Ubu. not sure ether, I haven't popped a disc in yet, I will let you know. I don't have any of the individual studio discs for comparison. This is my first time hearing the Tony Williams quintet studio sides.
  14. so for those of you that also ordered it, you should get it very soon. Received my promo copy to review at AAJ, the booklet is very nice and contains a long interview with Tony conducted by Ben Sidran. He always did have that old K, it just became broken and unusable.
  15. is this a legit release on CD or a boot?
  16. great! I will tune in.
  17. thanks Simon. Here is the first thing to go live besides my Trio Beyond review. http://www.allaboutjazz.com/php/article.php?id=23498
  18. Tony Williams: Tokyo Live Jimmy Smith: At the Club Baby Grand vols 1&2 or the unissued 1961 session.
  19. it's gone isn't it?
  20. thanks everybody. I will do my best there, they edited my stuff but thats ok. I edited things down to curb my run on habit which also comes with some unnecessary transition words, . I think my "Saudades" review is scheduled to go live first........ played that on the radio tonight. Though I am apprenticing right now, I practically did the whole thing tonight. The DJ I work with, Dana was kind enough to let me take a few choruses Some of my announcing still needs work, but you can hear it, dated Oct. 20th at www.whrwfm.org/archive at 19:00 hours. I extend a few minutes into the next hour thus the cut of. BTW, Dana found a CD copy of "Poly-Currents" at the campus booksale for $3 and we lead off with that I saw that and I wish I had known it was there. I told him how rare that was outside the Mosaic on CD, so he was happy
  21. SS, "Cherokee" was recorded July 3rd '57, with a bonus track, "Somebody Loves Me", a leftover from the May 8, 1957 "Plays Pretty Just For You" session. The band is JOS, Eddie McFadden and Donald Bailey.
  22. Soulstream, Amen to everything you've said on this page! I agree that a level of total familiarity with the genre contributes to a better review. I am not a musician, but when I listen to any record, through the very small grasp of theory I have, and asking questions amongst y'all and musician friends I certainly feel and have an idea of whats going on in the music. For example, I may not be able to describe harmonic intricacy but intuitively I just sense and know it's there. If I don't like something, I won't say it's crap because I don't get it, I will just acknowledge it isn't my taste. Anyway, BJP sounding like JOS is crazy. Patton has a whole other set of ideas of his own, as Jim noted. His basslines are incredible as are arrangements in his tunes. Yeah, BJP may have adopted the JOS registration as nearly everyone has, but his conception is totally different. Also, BJP was an adventurous player as musicians on his records like Harold Alexander demonstrate, and it was this adventurousness that led to his John Zorn association, who obviously got and dug what his message was.
  23. I notice they say not to mention yourself too much, though I think that would be alright for extended analysis because it is your view on a boxset or album. I am going to submit the Metheny/Mehldau piece soon, it appears my "Saudades" review is scheduled to be published on the 22nd. I don't know about "The Way Up Live" but I think another CD review will be more likely to make it than a DVD review since I am new over there.
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