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CJ Shearn

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Everything posted by CJ Shearn

  1. Kyo, that would be an excellent RVG. However I bought TOCJ's of "At the Club Baby Grand" vols 1&2, on half.com, over the weekend, couldn't wait any longer!!!! I think the rejected July 3rd tracks are additional ones where Jimmy plays piano, which I remember hearing on this board sometime. The entire "Cherokee" session was going to be on piano but JOS stuck to the organ instead for the released tracks
  2. I really wanna check out her albums, the energy she has is really amazing I think.
  3. I hope its a good session, sessions like "Bucket" with that trio dissapointed me. Although my favorite album with this group is "Crazy! Baby"
  4. really, more revelatory than some of JOS' 1957-8 sides? I think the sides like "Groovin at Smalls" feature some of his most stunning playing on records.
  5. right. The power of positive thinking has cured people from disease before.
  6. I have the Blakey/JM's "Midnight Session" from this series.
  7. yeah! Stanley isn't as dismissive of free as I thought
  8. Kyo, I believe both are JRVG's.
  9. looking forward to the JOS
  10. Tokyo Live would be a great Connoiseur. I'd like to retire my CDR's of that album with a real copy!
  11. Masabumi Kikuchi solo disc? Manfred, get he and Jarrett in the same room. what a moan fest that would be!
  12. oh, that weird European twofer? my "Keep on Comin" is on Wounded Bird. Jimmy's piano playing there is more advanced than what most would think of his organ playing or aren't knowledgeable
  13. back to the music. Its a nice session, "Cha Cha J" is definitely a JOS oddity. the piano solo reminds me of a nervous chihuahua or something
  14. I won it on ebay for $14. The seller says the front cover of the CD is in bad shape, and the CD label has an imprint from the insert but that the disc plays fine. I just want the session! Should be here soon. I can just use a HQ scan of the front cover anyway and put that in if the cover is too dogged up.
  15. hmm, is this JOS session mostly ballads, mellow standards? looks like it. I am glad they are putting it out though
  16. JOS: Straight Life? is this the unissued June, 1961 session? if so I am ALL over that!
  17. I love the 2nd alternate of "Africa". Definitely one of my fav. Coltrane sessions.
  18. I'm listening to PM radio right now waiting to hear a preview of "The Sound of Water" which I heard is Pikasso and piano. I just wonder if the "Complete Sessions" package has anything extra because you know me Joe, I will go get MM Quartet on release date. just heard it........ its great! Its such a Pat tune with those changes you know but they sound so damn good!
  19. wasn't that sweet when Dwight Howard stuck the sticker on the backboard and then dunked? Green doing the Dee Brown over Nate Robinson was too much though!
  20. Keep on Comin is a good recording, worth having for the solo piano feature as a historical curiosity and because its the only JOS record with Johnny Griffin.
  21. wow this discussion is getting more confusing. The version the JM's recorded at the Cafe Bohemia, has the only written bridge I ever heard to that tune. Bertrand are you talking about "The Theme" versions by Miles where he improvises and trades with Philly Joe or Jimmy Cobb and then a few bars of the riff comes in at the end?
  22. I didn't but I got 14/16
  23. that A section is cool on Caravan. Who thought of that?
  24. awesome interview bits
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