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  1. Remembering JEF GILSON
  2. Ehsan

    Lloyd Miller

    Look at: http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyd_Miller I've try to complete the informations about Lloyd Miller, taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyd_Miller and http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lloyd_Miller and other sources Best sources of information on Lloyd Miller's recordings and his life can be find on his autobiography, available online: SUFI, SAINT AND SWINGER: A Jazzman’s Search for Spiritual Manifestations in Many Nations by Lloyd Clifton Miller © 2007 Middle East Years Europe Years Utah and the US years L.A and Early Years And also IAJRC Journal, June 2011
  3. Ehsan

    Lloyd Miller

    Clifton Lloyd Miller is an American jazz musician, now living in Utah, who traveled to Middle East in the late 1950s and absorbed the music of that region, especially music of Iran. In the mid 1960s his first LP, Oriental Jazz was released in limited copies, but now, it is been considered one of the early, and true examples of combining jazz with Eastern sounds. There is an online article about him on the TAKE THE "A" TRAIN blog, with videos of Lloyd performing his famous standard, Gol-e Gandom, and other footage, including one in which he plays 38 different instruments!
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