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About doubleM

  • Birthday 09/21/1969

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  1. The Jazz had that game. Boozer and Williams didn't play well in the 4th. Of course, Walker tore it up. Tough loss for us Jazz fans.
  2. Have a good B-day, Noj!!!
  3. Happy Birthday, Jeff!!! Hope that you're well.
  4. I'm going to have to take the Jazz tonight by 3.
  5. Actually, it was a nail-biter! Nash is too good. The Jazz though, are freaking unbelievable. They deserve whatever props and power rankings that they have been given to this point. I knew that I stayed a Jazz fan for all these years for a reason.
  6. I think I'd recognize Tom Harrell, Rasheid Ali, and Norah Jones. The first two because I've seen them a couple of times, and they're distinctive looking people. Norah Jones, well... .
  7. OMG. I wish that I could be there. Portland---->NYC = $ ?
  8. I've always thought that "Filles de Kilimanjaro" was good to sweat to. It has some good coolin' down tracks, too.
  9. Happy Birthday, Sir Conn.
  10. Have a great Birthday, Paul!!!
  11. Have a swingin' b-day, Brownie!!!! I know, I'm late too.
  12. I played a party for Harrison Ford's personal assistant once, and he was there, along with Gerry Spence and a few other people whose names I can't remember. Ford was very cool. John Ritter came to a disco gig that I played in the early 90's. I once played after Paul Allen's band at a Blazer's gig. All the Blazers were there. I never really have enjoyed those commercial/corporate events, though...except the $, food and booze.
  13. P.M. sent on the Mobley
  14. Up, Moncur gone, Hall/Evans is no longer on hold.
  15. Thanks a lot you guys! I'm working right now, but later I have a softball game (weather permitting) and plans of drinks with friends until the wee hours. Last night they fed me Petron (sp.) shots. Mmmmm good!
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