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Mr. Gone

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Everything posted by Mr. Gone

  1. Jaco P clip from the 1985 instructional video he did with Jerry Jemmott.
  2. ? http://www.binkie.net/zawinul/ Well, we'll see...
  3. http://webusers.siba.fi/~eonttone/mingus/birdland.html ?
  4. Albert Ayler on youtube.com
  5. Yep, the discography page is not the place where one would start searching for a contact address...
  6. Why not via http://www.petererskine.com/
  7. I've got a couple of internal hard drives which I connect via an external hard drive enclosure (you can get them for 5,25", 3,5" drives etc.). I think this is the cheapest way to go. Search for "Icy Box" for example. Note that I haven't looked into this issue in some time so there might be better solutions available now.
  8. Just found this... 4/13/81 at Seventh Avenue South NYC Sound files Track order and additional infos
  9. Jim Dye 1 : 0 Mr. Gone
  10. Mac OS X hacked under 30 minutes Apple disciples, rewrite your sermons. Still, Apple's got the prettiest housings.
  11. Yep, I very much like the "Pungent Effulgent", "Erpland" albums and track 1 on "Live Underslunky". Roly's bass playing was pretty cool.
  12. Trivia from Alphonso Johnson's Q&A board.
  13. One day a tired salesman goes into a bar and orders a beer. While he's enjoying his drink, he notices a little old man with a peg-leg and a noggin the size of a baseball. Curious, he asks the man, "how in the world did your noggin get so DAMN tiny?" The old man replies "I used to be a sailor, but one day I was out sailing when my ship wrecked on a remote island. I lived there for about three years. One day a beautiful mermaid came up on shore. She gave me three wishes. For the first wish, I asked her to be back in civilization, for the second I wished for 25 million dollars. For the third wish I told her that I wanted to have sex with her. She told me "sorry, but mermaids don't have the right equipment to have sex." So I said, "how about a little head then?"
  14. If "if someone" >= "one person" the answer is yes.
  15. I'm sure the people in that far away region will hear you. Well, maybe those U.S. guys stationed in regions not that far away can deliver your message... What the heck is that?
  16. Absolutely.
  17. Nah, that was Danny Way.
  18. Who was the guy who jumped over the Great Wall of China? Tony Hawk?
  19. The definition of music WTF: here. Another one.
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