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Everything posted by ValerieB

  1. sounds great, steve. wish there were some toshiko in there but i know you're limited with all the fabulous women out there!! are you in your new studio digs yet? xoxo valerie
  2. ValerieB

    Tony Scott RIP

    i remember so well when he played at the Dom (Polish nightclub most of the time) in the Village for an extended period in the 1960's. RIP, Tony. Job very well done. Thank you.
  3. well, you should continue with your good sunday 'cause it's good news about this two legends!
  4. there is a post on another bulletin board reporting that abbey is home from the hospital. here's hoping this signals a smooth, comfortable recovery!!
  5. so grateful that i got to hear him live in the '60s - wynton, jimmy and paul. sublime!
  6. thanks for the info. i sure didn't know about that early one. did she actually have a speaking role? i am really saddened by abbey's health situation but have seen it coming for a very long time. i hung with her and max a little bit in the '60s and with her to a small degree in the '70s and more recently. it's been a fairly steady decline, i'm afraid. no one was more gorgeous or passionate than ms. abbey. and her singing was really a small part of her talents. lots of writing/poems and painting is what i remember from the '70s. my prayers are definitely with her.
  7. no way, jose. her marriage to max was much earlier than her "film career".
  8. i miss this dear, sweet talented man very much. thanks for the post.
  9. i know clint really enjoyed brubeck at monterey last september. and was truly wonderful!
  10. ditto to everything said! she is truly an amazing, incredibly well-rounded woman (and i don't mean her body!!) she is a person who can do it all as far as i can see. she excels in SO many things. still want to sample some of her gourmet cooking before i leave this earth!
  11. hagen daas (sp?) and starbucks both get my vote but i haven't had either in quite a while. hope i don't break down today as my "diet" is going really well!
  12. did you actually watch it yourself? i thought it was pretty fair-minded and balanced about that "thesis". there was a lot of speculation as to whether billy would have been able to accomplish much without duke during that time. that because of billy's personality, sexuality and society's prejudices at that time that he needed to "hide behind" someone like duke to allow his genius to flow.
  13. thanks so much for this. i thought it was on in l.a. tonight but now i think it's not until friday evening. don't want to miss it. i think dianne reeves is in it too.
  14. and i tried my darndest. i even called boston to try to get your cell number! c'est la guerre! xoxo valerie
  15. ted was again holding court in the hilton lobby this year at iaje!
  16. it's a beautiful stamp for a beautiful lady. i bought several sheets of the stamp at the IAJE conference.
  17. i dare say that would be the comeback of the decade!
  18. for those who don't know the story, here's an excerpt from an interview in the May 2003 issue of Straight No Chaser: SNC: Was there a particular experience in you life that caused you to embrace the faith [buddhism]? WS: When our daughter [iska] was born she had some immunisation shots and six hours after she had them we saw that in her cot she was jerking. We found out later she had brain damage. As time went on, while I was out on the road, I would hear that my wife had to drive my daughter to the hospital because my daughter would have seizures, this happened many, many times. Herbie Hancock’s daughter was born around the same time and Herbie’s wife and daughter and my wife and daughter would be together some times when the seizures started. Herbie’s daughter was vaccinated by the same doctor's office. Sincere apologies. I had no idea... not to make you feel worse (because you obviously didn't know about this) but iska died when she was a young teenager.
  19. Tommy Turrentine (4/22/1928-5/13/1997) was 69 when he died, Hillyer (3/25/1940-7/1/1985) 45. thanks for that bit of info, j.a.w. i was obviously under the impression that tommy was much younger than that when he left us.
  20. and both of these talented musicians left us at a very young age. i used to hear tommy in the '60s around the village and of course i heard lonnie with mingus too many times to count. tommy has a brilliant daughter in ny who is a nursing administrator, i believe.
  21. i'll be there with bells on, as will thousands of other jazz musicians, educators and fans!
  22. i remember hearing long ago that it was also a ploy for the union to collect delinquent dues! don't know, however, what truth there is in that.
  23. hi, david: what's so strange about that is after knowing wayne and his family over 40 years and having so many experiences with them, the "anecdote" used re tina turner is rather peculiar. but, on the other hand, i certainly never expected to be included in the book in the first place! best to you. valerie
  24. bertrand: i cannot tell you how thrilled and excited i am to hear this news about your involvement!! wait until i tell darlene about it! it will blow her mind too! congrats to you for this huge contribution to our hero's bio! and additional props to michelle for her openess and willingness. best, valerie
  25. i've wanted to read this and i still intend to do so, but it's so damn expensive! i'm sure it's worth it so maybe i'll put it on my wish list! i guess a cd comes with it which is why it's costly.
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