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Everything posted by ValerieB

  1. i particularly like the last phrase that was written on his last blog entry (May 9th): "(to be continued)". AMEN!!
  2. oh, my goodness, of course you're in shock. i'm in shock just reading about it and don't even know either of you. my heart goes out to you, nevertheless - sincerely, Jim. i am truly sorry and wish you strength and courage in the days ahead.
  3. just fyi, he did not go under the knife, as far as i've heard.
  4. it was reported yesterday on another jazz website that Clark is out of ICU and into a private room. obviously he's making good progress, thank goodness.
  5. i was a crazed Mathis fan in the '50s and '60s. in fact, i was completely devastated when almost all my Mathis lp's were stolen from my 5th floor walk-up in the East Village in the early '60s!! never thought of him with much potential for jazz though.
  6. remember them well from the '70s in l.a. and from their Black Jazz recordings.
  7. very sorry to hear this sad news. what a wonderful woman. what a fabulous wife. and a beautiful face and spirit. the last time i saw her, she was pushing Milt in his wheelchair. i'd like to think that they're together again.
  8. he doesn't usually have a publicist - maybe does though since the Grammy nomination and win.
  9. you guys almost make me sorry that i started this thread. no one has anything worthwhile to say about this honor?!?
  10. Check out #61- Artists and Entertainers http://www.time.com/time/specials/2007/art...1736249,00.html
  11. i heard George play a couple of weeks ago in l.a. with freddie hubbard, james spaulding, slide hampton, roy mccurdy, david weiss and dwayne burno. he sounded fabulous. i even went back two nights later. he also played a trio gig while he was here. he seems to have lots of gigs lined up. he is obviously much better but still has quite a road ahead of him as he apparently will need to receive another kidney transplant within the next year or so.
  12. he played on the North Sea Jazz Cruise last July and is scheduled to be on the Playboy Jazz Cruise to the Caribbean next January.
  13. just some idle trivia but i used to see both those guys on my block (6th st. & 2nd ave) in the '60s. i've seen Ted recently in NYC at IAJE conferences but unfortunately didn't hear him play. he looks like a happy buddha!
  14. so glad that Mr. Griffin is still with us! wishing him many more years in good health! got to see him at the North Sea Festival last summer. he was wonderful although he talked much too much about his drinking habits!
  15. guess so as this was the early to mid-1960s. i just remembered a night in the middle of a blizzard that my friend, Charlie Mariano and i went to this bar as a refuge from the storm.
  16. i'm not sure, Allen, but i don't think that was the name of the bar i was thinking of. maybe it was Juniors?!? that's ringing a bell now! it was in the upper west 40's, right down the street from the theater where i saw James Baldwin's, "Blues for Mr. Charley" about six times!
  17. and Charles's music is being played throughout the day at KJZZ in los angeles. i miss him more and more as time goes on. he was one in a million, that's for certain. i now have somewhat of an addiction for the Mingus Big Band/Dynasty/Orchestra which is about as close as i can get to him when listening to live music. they do a great job but i'm sure glad i have my precious memories of sitting in front of Charles and his bands during the '60s in NY. Priceless!!!
  18. from what i experienced with Carmen, she was nice rarely and with few people. she seemed like one of the angriest people i've ever encountered. when she was "nice," she still had an "edge". and she treated many of her musicians with great disrespect. the way i felt about her sadly interfered with my enjoyment of her immense talent.
  19. Ella was a real lady and actually rather shy. and very soft-spoken and sweet.
  20. what wonderful memories! i lived on W. 93rd St. betw. amsterdam & columbus until 1969 and lfrequented the jazz clubs around there (as well as all the others around town, of course). you'll be happy to know that Barry is still very active: playing and teaching. he's a treasure! i actually remember when he played solo piano in the window of a bar in the theatre district in the 60's. great memories - all!
  21. i'm surprised that Jack Russells weren't mentioned within the 10 smartest.
  22. it seems just like the day before yesterday that they were celebrating the 50th anniversary with a great concert here in l.a.!!!
  23. thanks so much for sharing something negative with us, Horny. it was obviously important to add the above to this RIP thread.
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