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Everything posted by ValerieB

  1. please list address to send $$$ for those of us who cannot attend. thanks in advance. best, valerie
  2. Bertrand: i had no idea your birthday and my son's were the same!! two great guys, i might add. wishing you a happy and health one and many more to come! p.s. you're probably young enough to be my son too!
  3. i, for one, would love to see the thread title changed to something like, "Clark Terry Recovering From Heart Problem"! every time i see the current title, i get a little jolt thinking it might be a new thread!
  4. a huge loss. one after the other these days, it seems. what a great talent.
  5. i am so incredibly sad over this enormous loss. Sydney was probably my favorite person in the industry. i just absolutely admired, respected and loved him. this is just damn lousy. my heart goes out to all his friends and family. i know he was loved by many.
  6. happy birthday to an incredibly fabulous musician, Lew Tabackin, who just happens to be of the jewish persuasion. and isn't Benny Green, the pianist, jewish?
  7. wishing you a happy birthday and a wonderful year ahead! all the best, fellow gemini!
  8. i usually take as many trips as possible throughout the year from L.A. to Boston and NY. i've been used to airfares around $300 for years but looking at fares in the vicinity now of $600 is most definitely going to cut down on my visits. it's a drag, to say the least!
  9. wow!! that was fascinating reading. and so poignant. thanks, Bright Moments.
  10. exactly what i thought, jazzbo!! actually, though, from the way i remember Juliette in those years, they didn't resemble each other at all.
  11. technically, it's at the end of the Strip close to Beverly Hills. My mind immediately wandered (by accident) to thoughts of my first visit to Fattburger with the late bassist, Andy Simpkins. He wanted to introduce me to one of L.A.'s finer dining spots. I think there may have been a Fattburger somewhere in or near Beverly Hills, hence, the confused east coaster here! Marla hello, my dear Marla. actually, there is (or was) a Fattburger on Santa Monica Blvd. in West Hollywood, just a stone's throw from this Hamburger Hamlet where Frances is the hostess. xoxo
  12. technically, it's at the end of the Strip close to Beverly Hills.
  13. that is exactly where my conversation with Frances took place!! she is still there! the story was told to Herbie, Wayne and me. Herbie's wife Gigi became a citizen after living here since the '60s (so she can vote for Obama!) and Herbie thought the Hamlet was a typically American place, just right for her citizenship party! best to you, valerie
  14. yeah, definitely thanks. it's sure to be two hours of enjoyment.
  15. my only comment is that recently Juliette and Frances Davis (ex of Miles) met by chance in Paris. one introduced herself to the other and Juliette's comment to Frances was, "Well, we both survived, didn't we"!?!
  16. wishing you a happy and healthy one with many more to come. valerie
  17. my impression is that are definitely doing some great work and they have been on my donation list for the last few years.
  18. Not to be maudlin or anything, but see, I know that money's been tight from just gigging, and now, here the man has left you with a gift, a craft, that you can use to better help provide for your family while at the same time kinda "walk with him" on every job. I'm telling you man, love is a gift, a blessing. Treat it as such and the rewards never stop coming. And just think, now you've got the chance to "pass it on" to your family. That's a beautiful thing! definitely my thoughts as well. gave me goosebumps, in fact!! and your father's clients will be so very happy (and grateful) to welcome you, i'm sure.
  19. someone i've just discovered fairly recently: Jackie Ryan. she's really amazing.
  20. I guess, but it's such a sad state of affairs that she even "needed" to do that. I can't imagine that a day goes by when 90% of the American public doesn't use or at least hear that word. It's just silly ... not that i'm beyond using the word, but she looks like a hard, tough cookie to me. bet she'd be pretty without all that heavy theatrical makeup. IMHO, of course!
  21. thankyou, Jim, from the bottom of my heart for sharing this very special time with us. it is very generous of you and i know it is very much appreciated by all of us.
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