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Everything posted by ValerieB

  1. well, it wasn't that recently, but it's still amazing and fabulous news!
  2. i also had no idea that Bob Feller was still with us. i remember Herb Score well and also remember the day the accident happened. my condolences to his friends and family. he always seemed to be a very lovely person.
  3. i am SO glad that he is feeling up to playing almost a whole week!! that's great news!
  4. damn, damn, damn! a beautiful legend gone. she was magnificent and am so grateful i got to see her on several occasions. condolences to one and all. glad she went out singing though!
  5. i'm shedding tears for both of you but you need to feel really good about all the love and care you gave your little guy. seriously. that time you had together could so easily not have been at all. take good care of yourself, please.
  6. wishing him a complete recovery and some hidden silver lining blessings thrown into the mix!
  7. i am sorry to admit that i didn't even know she was still among us. and she was in L.A. as well!! very shocking. and i would have thought she was older than she was. she was pretty amazing.
  8. this is a man who deserves to be appreciated and share his expertise!
  9. i had trouble and when i finally got in, i couldn't get new posts. i signed in again and it seems ok now.
  10. oh, how i wish i had been there. i'm more than a bit surprised that no other musicians attended. of course, most who were in the book are not able to. i'm loving the book. it puts me in the "sweet jazzland of deja-vu"!
  11. Milton Nacimento with the Jobim Trio. Sublime! What a treat!
  12. Newspapers are being replaced by something better, more relevant. Us. Here. Now. That's good for democracy, I think! Yeah, nothing builds a more perfect union like being the center of your own universe.
  13. wishing you a real good one and many more. but what i wish even more is that you were cooking for all of us tonight!!
  14. there was an article in the Business Section of the L.A. Times today (i believe) which was about all the layoffs at the paper in various departments.
  15. this was in the L.A. Times yesterday?!? or was this on Don's blog? the review of the Monk Institute event was in today's paper under "Pop Music"!!!
  16. OMG!! i cannot believe this and don't want to!! i talked to Don last night at the Monk Institute event and heard that he would be reviewing it for tomorrow's L.A. Times. i sure hope i see it!!!
  17. you, go, Michael Weiss!!! keeping of the flame!! a very noble task/mission! you are appreciated by more people than you're aware of!
  18. this is really so sad. he was a very nice man, as little as i knew him. and handsome, as well. i believe he fell at home and died as a result of it. i actually had no idea that he had had ALS for the last couple of years. my sincere condolences to his friends (of which there are many) and family. i believe he was only about 72 years old.
  19. yes, that's true but, very sadly, it's not only those advanced in age who are leaving us lately.
  20. i'm really sorry for your loss, Chris. they seem to be occurring much too often these days.
  21. actually, that's a pretty good likeness of me these days!!
  22. i thought that emoticon was pretty darn funny! actually being without a sense of humor is probably the ONLY thing i haven't been accused of in my life, Chris!
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