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Everything posted by ValerieB

  1. nothing new as far as i know. he's still in ICU.
  2. please accept my heartfelt good wishes for your extraordinary days ahead!! may they all be enjoyed in good health and happiness!! thought about you sunday night when i saw Terry Gibbs running around Catalina's - not looking his age!! xoxo valerie bishop
  3. Going out for late-night breakfast after gigs used to be a regular thing, you know, the 2AM breakfast hang (sometimes while quiet inebriated). I never do that anymore, partially because of avoidance of late-night eating, but also because there are no gigs in this town! you just reminded me of some breakfasts i haven't thought of in a very long while! probably closer to 4AM in Chinatown with Mingus or Wells for some eggs, chicken and waffles with my ex-husband. wonderful memories and mouth-watering ones as well!
  4. i'm going to leave that one alone and resist a retort!!
  5. OMG, that he was already gone was my first thought as well. second thought was that i believe he might have spent his life "in the closet". i only remember him from films of the fifties! yikes!
  6. wishing this magnificent man nothing but good health for many years to come!
  7. you really know how to live, Catesta!! and cook!!
  8. i know that as of this past Sunday, he was not out of ICU but continuing to make remarkable progress. the word is that he is now awake and alert although not speaking because of apparatus in his throat. he gave a "thumbs up" to a mutual friend!
  9. the further good news is that he may be out of ICU and into a regular room soon!! he's still got a long way to go but definite progress has been happening. yeah!
  10. Charli Persip told me that he is on life support and it doesn't look good. well, i heard much more positive news: he is improving and they are soon removing the breathing apparatus, if they haven't already done so.
  11. i just love Charles and always have. i might have written about this earlier but i used to literally sit at his feet (in the audience, that is) when he played with Mingus in NY in the '60s. most recently, i saw him in August in NY at the Charlie Parker Festival playing with Barry Harris et al. he's as wonderful as ever.
  12. he has definitely improved since last Thursday so we have reason to be hopeful.
  13. he actually went into the hospital last week, maybe Wednesday night. he's got big problems with his heart, kidneys and liver. it seems he really needs a miracle and i sincerely hope he gets it.
  14. hey, Bertrand, sorry i don't have any info for you re your question but just wanted to chime in here that i'll be seeing Wayne about a week after you here in LA at Disney Hall. i think he'll be playing Boston and Canada inbetween. when i talked with him the other day, he was looking forward to these gigs. hope you enjoy.
  15. Where in LA? What happened i'm not getting into any more details other than i did in a previous post but it was at a club and at a friend's home.
  16. i think both Jimmy Smiths indulged in other stuff as well!! probably brought out strange aspects of their personalities is my guess!
  17. i met him a couple of times socially, probably during the '80s in L.A. during that time, he had already spent a lot of time in Japan. must say he was rather strange!!
  18. they only have one ass between them?!? does Mickey Roker still play at that club?
  19. there's a couple in L.A. who have become billionaires with their "mint" issues of all kinds: plates, dolls, coins, etc., etc. the only thing good about it is that they have given big bucks to various charities, have hospital wings in their name, so at least some of the money is circulating.
  20. i saw/heard him in August at the Charlie Parker Festival in NY. i'm happy to say that he sounded and looked very together!!
  21. i'm very thankful that i haven't seen these ads so i haven't gotten nauseous! but like Big Al, i hardly ever watch TV. i did make an exception, however, and watched James Lipton's anniversary Inside the Actor's Studio on Bravo when he was interviewed by Dave Chappelle. it was incredible! extremely worthwhile watching!
  22. as far as i know, he is doing well. i heard he even played a tune at St. Peter's Ronnie Mathews Tribute very recently. i actually just put a gift in the mail to him as his birthday is tomorrow! Yeah, it will be a good one for him (and us)!!
  23. well, it wasn't that recently, but it's still amazing and fabulous news!
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