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Everything posted by ValerieB

  1. thanks to EKE BBB and Steve Voce for their posts. and "AMEN" to everything that Steve said. i have been keeping up via Clark's website and the unbelievable strength and courage displayed by both Clark and Gwen. i, too, would encourage folks to make whatever donations they are comfortable with. i gave what i could and certainly wish it could have been more. i will donate again if i'm able to. i have loved Clark since the '60s when he first introduced me to a sake martini in NYC!!! LOL!! and he is so blessed to have an angel like Gwen by his side. she is beyond amazing.
  2. Birthday Blessings to you, Jim. very grateful to you. be well and happy.
  3. Cyril, have you been since they're in Rotterdam? I'm wondering how the venues compare. I loved staying by the beach in Scheveningen, not to mention trying to pronounced it. i've only been to Rotterdam but everyone i've spoken to who has been to both venues strongly prefers The Hague.
  4. Chris is fabulous but he sure ain't a new, young musician.
  5. for starters, it's difficult to imagine that she wouldn't have had someone hip her to who he was!
  6. I'm a big Mingus fan too-- thrilling that you saw him play. I lived in Tucson, near Nogales, for years and Mingus-- I believe-- grew up in Nogales. But he's never been memorialized there. well, good news that he finally has!!
  7. i love and miss Buddy. what a sweetheart of a guy and talent.
  8. and he supposedly left behind three children!! makes it even more tragic.
  9. i would definitely say that he is an "acquired taste". perhaps i could tolerate him better if i just heard him and didn't see him jumping and flipping around the stage. ugh.
  10. don't think Wayne has recorded in awhile. should be very interesting.
  11. so glad you got to see/hear him. it's not just his age which has affected his playing but i believe he had part or most of one lung removed some years back. so very happy that he's out there still playing, he is a very good guy.
  12. one-in-a-million guy. sweet, kind, smart, funny, caring and mucho talented. we will miss him a lot.
  13. finally, something we can all agree on: Moose was a great guy and excellent ballplayer! RIP, Moose Skowron.
  14. enjoyed your post immensely and agree with all of it (although i'm not that familiar with a few of the tunes you mentioned). i had to chuckle with your mention of Herbie's first sports car. would you believe that he still has it???!!!!
  15. now that you're putting Lundval down, i really have to get the hell out of here. Bruce is someone who is loved and respected in the jazz world. figures that you wouldn't care for him!
  16. all i'm saying, Allen, is that your needle is stuck on the '78!!! do you really think that's a "personal attack"?!? i thought i was actually holding back!! LOL!
  17. i can't thank you enough for this link. i have been listening for hours. i have a concert to attend later this afternoon and don't even want to leave this stream!! i'm in heaven! thank you again!
  18. you're becoming very boring, repetitive, redundant and soap-boxey! you should really be able to do better than that.
  19. i was really sorry to hear about Virgil's passing, especially at such a young age. i got to hear him a lot in the '60s. last time i saw/heard him was probably when he was in the pit at Jelly's Last Jam, and we connected after the play. sincere condolences to his family and friends. he will be missed.
  20. wishing you the very best, always. Happy, Healthy Birthday!
  21. i will mos def be mailing a donation but i sure wish i could pay it at the event or, better yet, deliver to Clark and Gwen! i am steadily praying for both of these utterly amazing people!
  22. and you, Mr. Phunkey, have so eloquently stated what i so clumsily tried to say. thank you!
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