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Everything posted by golfcrazy1984

  1. Duke Ellington Small Groups Disk 6. I return to this set often. This music is straight from the heart. Looking forward to spending more time with the Ellington big band set this week I broke down and ordered several OOP Mosaics from Amazon sellers that I missed out on back in the day. Buck Clayton CBS Jam Sessions, HRS Sessions and The Classic Capitol Sessions (not sure why I didn't get them originally) I paid $75 for the Buck Clayton, $179 for the Capitol and $150 for the HRS... I know it's a chunk of change but this music's gonna be GREAT and I will be in Mosaic heaven for the next few weeks
  2. What a DEAL! I would get it, but I have 1/2 the material plus a whole bunch of other Jimmy Smith. Plus I have three OOP Mosaics on the way... THANKS FOR THE HEADS UP. It's under consideration.
  3. I was just writing along those same lines, when I saw you responded! I've read posts where Mosaic has said that the Boxed sets (not Selects) are sent out in numerical order. However, I was looking through my sets and I ordered the Lionel Hampton set in Feb. 2010 and that number is 4082/5000. Okay, now we have definitive proof that they don't go out in chronological order. I got the Hampton set two weeks ago and my number is 2481. So, the next time somebody says they put them out in the order they are shipped, just link to this thread and we can dispel that impression once and for all. CRAP! Ok, the 4082 is the LESTER YOUNG set....My Hampton is 2415. I placed my order for both the Hampton and Lester Young sets on 2/16/2010. Sorry for the confusion. But even with my typo, you getting your Hampton and it's 2481, I ordered mine a YEAR ago and it's 2415. I sure hope they have sold more than that in a year!!!! WOW.
  4. A few sets a week is optimistic. OUCH! That's too bad. Hopefully the cash flow situation at Mosaic is much better than last year at this time. Because I want Mosaic to be around for a LONG time to come.
  5. I was just writing along those same lines, when I saw you responded! I've read posts where Mosaic has said that the Boxed sets (not Selects) are sent out in numerical order. However, I was looking through my sets and I ordered the Lionel Hampton set in Feb. 2010 and that number is 4082/5000. Perhaps the initial sales of newly released boxed sets are large and it's just steadily falling demand from release? For example, Mosaic has already sold 1,000+ sets of the new Ellington box. So perhaps Mosaic is only selling a few Turrentine sets per week, and therefore won't need to put it on the running low list for a while. Anyways, I am going to stop speculating and listen to some music! Thanks for the comments.
  6. Hi All, I ordered the Blue Note Stanley Turrentine Quintet/Sextet Studio Sessions on 11/9/10 and the number on the inside cover is 4754/5000, do they really only have 246 (less now) left? Should it be close to "running low" status? Anyway, I don't know why I waited so long to get this set! It's fantastic, and I wanted to let people know that if you're on the fence, and like hard bop and strong blowing tenor players, GET THIS! I don't want to start a rumor or be alarmist...but I've misssed several sets as they were going out of print that I should have gotten and wanted to give everyone a heads up! BTW, I received the Hank Mobley in early December 2010 and it was only numbered 5897/7500...this must have been a returned set, and I got it. Because there should be NO WAY that this set is only that far along. AGAIN, a set that I LOVE and can't believe that I waited this long to get.
  7. The Complete Lionel Hampton Victor Sessions (1937-1941). Disk 1 (probably all disks today). This was the first set that I got after a Mosaic hiatus of a few years. Now I'm back to large orders, maybe I should ship them to the office....
  8. The CD's were VERY difficult to get out of the middle dish.. breaking one would certainly ruin my day. I was careful taking them out. Thankfully Mosaic would gladly replace them if that ever happened.
  9. I'm an unapologetic Jazz Crusaders/Crusaders fan and have been since the late 70's. I have everything the core group has put out but lost interest when Wayne Henderson left the group and don't listen to the post-Henderson material. The Jazz Crusaders Mosaic is indeed exciting listening and was a godsend enabling me to snap up all their early material in one fell swoop. One of my favorite things about the Jazz Crusaders is their unique sound and what they brought to the table musically as well as how tight and cohesive they were as a group. My music budget always has me seeking out deals and bargains but this is the sole Mosaic set I ever paid full price for. I had to have it and didn't want to wait around for a bargain that might never materialize. I didn't want to take the chance that I'd miss out on it. The music speaks for itself. If you'd like to hear sound samples from the entire set, check out the link below. I'd recommend it without any reservations. Jazz Crusaders Pacific Jazz Quintet Studio Sessions Here's some videos of them in their Pacific Jazz era. Young Rabbits Freedom Sound Tortoise And The Hare Thanks for the links!!! I don't know why I didn't check the All Music site for the music before! Again, this will be on my next Mosaic order along with the Buddy Rich set and the Woody Herman big band set. Can't wait!
  10. Got an Amazon gift certificate from my mom (she's great) and I bought the out of print Mosaic HRS sessions and Mosaic Capitol Jazz Sessions!!! I got the Capitol set for $189 and the HRS for $150 (a little OOP premium...) I missed out on these when they were in print and have wanted them for a LONG time!!! Looking forward to listening to them when they come in.
  11. While doing some editing work on a book before a New Years gig I am listening to Dizzy Gillespie disk #2. St. Louis blues! They are cookin'! I will be spending some time listening to the new Ellington big set tomorrow, as I haven't been enjoying it as much as I thought. Am I being to nearsighted listening to Mosaic records exclusively? I really haven't listened to much else recently...
  12. Same here. Disclaimer: I do not own EITHER set. I do have a TON of Parker and none of the Jazz Crusaders. So consider that when reading what I am saying. I have not purchased the Benedetti (sp?) Charlie Parker set for two reasons. 1. Mosaic owns the music, so it won't go out of print. 2. The idea of poor sound quality and partial tunes turn me off. With that said, I do have plans to purchase it at some time. That time will probably come when I own all in print Mosaics and need another one.... My next purchase will be the Woody Herman big band set, Jazz Crusaders set and the Buddy Rich set. I'm gonna order these together when the Rich set comes back in print so I can save on shipping. After this order, I will own all the in print Mosaics that I care to own (I do not own the Braxton or Threadgill sets and it will take a miracle to decide to buy them...). Based on the sound samples of the Crusaders set, it will be exciting listening. Something I can see listening to in the car driving VERY fast. Anybody have thoughts on this set? Sorry to "hijack" the thread.
  13. How is the sound quality on this set??? I am interested too as I don't have the studio sessions collection. Can anybody compare this to the Mosaic Charlie Parker set?
  14. LOL!!!! I don't think I've ever had Tobasco on a plane...AND how did he spill it down his pants. COME ON!
  15. Okay, the first Ellington-a-thon selection from the Sacred Concerts. The Sacred Concerts contain some of Ellington's best melodies ("Heaven" is melodically as good as anything he ever wrote, for example), but I hope it's okay to say in this music forum that I find the theology and lyrics pretty childish, for the most part. "The Brotherhood" is from the Third Sacred Concert, and is dedicated to the United Nations, who sponsored the concert in Westminster Abbey. I'm okay with it until the John Alldis Choir comes in. It's a catchy piece, and the band bites into it, but the very unswinging choir and lame lyrics about the United Nations are a drag. On the positive side, there's a long Harold Ashby solo. I too find his lyrics and his theology pretty undeveloped. I agree that "Heaven" is amazing. I think Ellington put his whole heart and soul into the Sacred Concerts and it's great that a composer such as him would devote so much time to his religious beliefs.
  16. I listened to a little Lionel Hampton (Hodges, and Benny Carter), Count Basie Roulette Studio Recordings (gotta love that SAXOPHONE section!) and a little Benny Goodman Sessions (Clarinade in particular). I am really looking forward to splurging on a new Mosaic set soon and have my eyes on a few that I missed out on as they went out of print.
  17. Over all, I wonder why Mosaic used 78s instead of metal parts (or similar first generation masters). Perhaps they doesn't survive in the Columbia vaults? Or there are other reasons for this choice? To me, too, the sound is a bit too harsh, in the first 3 discs, and the set not so satisfactory: perhaps my expectations were too high. Wonderful music, of course, and it's great to have all this material in one big, beautiful Mosaic box. I think it's great that Mosaic decided to release this set and I love having my copy. I still wonder why they went with 78s as well. Again, I trust they went with what sounded the best. Sadly, I reach for the Ellington Small Groups much more than the new big band set. I don't know how to explain it, other than the Small Groups set is more musically enjoyable and have better sonics overall...for me. That said, some sets grow in their appeal through time. I hope this is the case.
  18. The list is way too long. Thankfully we still have some still with us fromm the Basie band...Frank Foster and Frank Wess come to mind.
  19. I too like the bands performance musically versus say, the original recording or even other live recordings from the 50s-60s. I LOVE Gonsalves' interval between movements. A masterclass on theme and variation and exploration of the blues. I listened to his solo over and over as a kid just getting into jazz and still can whistle it. I've transcribed it and it's wonderful. I wish there were tenor players around today like that. Oh well...there are some out there....but not like Gonsalves, Webster...sound mattered to them. I think for me I get excited about Ellington at Newport '56 partly because of history and it was one of the first recordings that I studied at length when I was coming up. Reading all of the stories and tales from that night were exiting. Jo Jones rolling up a newpaper, keeping time and encouraging the band from the wings during D&C, etc. His output from Newport 1956-59 is just as inspired as the Blanton-Webster years and I actually prefer Such Sweet Thunder, Anatomy of a Murder, etc. to the 40s recordings. I really think his band turned around when Hodges came back into the fold and Sam Woodyard joined. Ellington had the best trumpet section at the time, Willie Cook, Clark Terry, Shorty Baker, Cat Anderson AND Ray Nance. What a musically rich time to be alive! Think of all that was going on in 1956! Sorry for the ramble.
  20. "Clarinade" from the Mosaic Records box set of Classic Columbia and Okeh Benny Goodman Orchestra Sessions (Disk 5). I don't know what it is about it, but Benny is absoultely perfect and swingin'. Normally I am listening to Blue Note or Ellington and Basie, but this whole set is wonderful.
  21. Classic Columbia and Okeh Benny Goodman Orchestra Sessions Disks 5-7 today. Being a lifelong Ellington and Basie fanatic, I am shocked how much I LOVE this whole box set. Benny is amazing and every incarnation of his band is TIGHT and SWINGIN'. I listen to this set often.
  22. There is nothing like having 11 CD's of Duke Ellington (most of the 30s recordings were new to me)! I sound like a broken record, but Johnny Hodges is amazing and he is well represented in this Mosaic set. Let us know what you think of it when you get it!
  23. Just saw that the Buddy Rich set will be back in stock in Feb. '11! Good news for me as I don't have it and will be ordering it. Partially because I only have the Buddy and Sweets album and I love Sweets Edison and also because Malcolm Addey remastered it...so it's gonna sound good!
  24. The Classic Artie Shaw Bluebird and Victor Sessions. ALL DAY. I've neglected it in favor of the Benny Goodman set for too long. Great set, and the sound is fine, but not like the Malcolm Addey remastered Benny Goodman set.
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