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Soul Stream

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Everything posted by Soul Stream

  1. AWESOME!!!!!! Nice to see all ya'll hard work paying off!!! Congratulations!!!
  2. That's the album on Honeydew! Is it rare or worthwhile? Also saw an LP called Texas Jazz Festival that was a live recording from a festival in Chorpus Christi in the 50's starring Clark Terry. Didn't pick it up, but it did seem pretty cool. My last find was a Jack Wilson from the 70's with Clarence Johnston on drums. All acoustic album except for a few cuts with Rhodes...forget the title...anyone remember this one?
  3. I was at the Austin Record Convention today and came across a basically unknown Dizzy Reece album from the 70's. I didn't buy it...should I have?... It did have "Theme From the Exorcist" on it. Pretty wild jazz album with a red cover. Anybody know anything about this LP?????
  4. I saw Burt in concert twice in the last couple of years. I've always been a huge fan of his and Hal's work. Amazing music that somehow was popular! Unconventional forms, melody, harmony, beautiful arrangements and orchestrations.... I never tire of their music. Alfie may have been a pop hit, but it's one of the best songs/lyric ever written in my book.
  5. What session/album is this? Soul Connection. It's an album he made in the 80's on the Nilva label. It's just been reissued on CD.
  6. I've posted the full thesis in the blog section of my John Patton myspace site... www.myspace.com/bigjohnpatton
  7. That's the story.... Not sure how close to the truth it is...maybe it's the whole truth. That was the story Javier gave in the Patton biography. I'll ask Marvin how it came to be he wrote so many tunes on that and the follow up sessions. My guess is that Patton just dug the way he wrote. Much like his collaboration with Grachan Moncur III. John always was a big fan of the way certain people wrote.
  8. I TALKED WITH MARVIN CABELL TODAY!!!! Man, just got off the phone with Mr. Lite Hit himself!!! A super nice and humble man to be sure. Going to be talking again with him in the next few days for an interview I'm going to post on Patton's MySpace site. If there's any questions you'd like to ask him, let me know and I'll try and remember....!
  9. I'm looking at a new CD put out by organist Bobby Pierce on Pete Fallico's Doodlin' label and realize the drummer is the one and only Clarence Johnston! The badass drummer from Freddie Roach's "Mo Greens Please" "Down To Earth" "All That's Good" "Good Move"....and George Braith's "Extension" among others. Wow, I'm blown away. This Bobby Pierce CD is great, I didn't know much about him...but to find out Clarence Johnston is still around and playing blows me away.
  10. Sounds like you've got an awesome system Jim. Plus, I think it'd be cool to have wurly, rhodes sounds available like you do. Technology has certainly made giant leaps in hammond technology recently.
  11. Just watched Cool Hand Luke a couple of days ago. That scene of him cutting off the heads of the parking meters is classic. Another legend gone... and man talk about doint something with your life...all those millions of dollars he raised through his food procucts for charity. Amazing. He'll be missed.
  12. Hi Frannie, I'm glad that you dropped in to let us know Shaun Barrowes new "coming out" album "Big Bang Theory" is hittin" the stores. He's MY favorite new adult comtemporary artist... AND my new favorite guy to get my closet-homo-jones off behind the dumpster! Nobody plays my skin flute in the "adult contemporary" way that I need like Shaun Barrowes. I, for one, can attest to the potency of his "Big Bang Theory". I'm still sore! *sorry for the totally politically incorrect view of this post, I owe it all to Shaun Barrowes.
  13. Funny how time changes things. I dug up this old thread and saw many things I wrote at the time and I've reversed myself. Open House/Plain Talk has grown into one of my favorite J. Smith Blue Notes.
  14. Just seems like a marketing gimmick to me...maybe not, but McCoy asked for him...kinda think that's a longshot. I saw Trucks on a BET Jazz Studio Jams with all straightahead jazz players. Needless to say they didn't play standards. Nothing wrong with that, and am sure Trane himself sould have enjoyed playing the blues or an open ended modal vamp with him. I wouldn't consider my stance as Unenlightened Purism, Ted Dunbar is a great jazz guitarist. Buddy Guy could do a track with McCoy...they're both great...just not sure what the point would be. Allman Brothers at the Fillmore is a classic, Duane Allman is one of the great rock guitarists.... They do this sort of thing in the blues field too all the time, genre-mashing for money. I don't think it's for musical reasons is my point.
  15. No, I picked it up at Antone's Record Shop. I dig End Of An Ear a lot though. Had never been there until you told me about it. Went there and was glad I did...cool spot! Thanks!
  16. I got Evolution at the local independent record store on Tues...
  17. Looked interesting until I saw Derek Trucks' name.... Not to be an elitist, but that's pretty heavy company for a duane allman-influeced slide player. Would have been nice to see any other number of guitarists...Peter Bernstein, Kenny Burrell, Kurt Rosenwinkel, Ed Cherry, ect. come to mind rounding out the bill
  18. Soul Stream

    Sam Rivers

    I'm not really a fan of this album, to my ears Fuscia Swing Song (one of my top 10 Blue Notes for sure) is the ultimate Sam Rivers (just to show you my pretty conservative leanings concerning his output). But basically I just wanted to butt in to say...yeah Cecil McBee is a killer! That BIG FAT TONE!
  19. Couldn't get through the first tune of the Lovano/Motian/Bill show.... Never heard that group, sounded like 3 guys, one playing like vanilla Ayler, one like Spade Cooley's steel player and one like Miles-era Tony Williams.... All great musicians I LOVE doing their own thing, but together I'm not a fan, judging from that first tune. Looking forward to the Blade.
  20. Remeber "Live At The 5 Spot" where he's playing a horrible B3 clone and McDuff's on the real B3. Later he went on to record on the new Hammond XK system with Tony Monaco (that actually sounded pretty close, but who cares about close?) and now the Diversi thing. It reminds me of the albums McGriff did on a clone in the 90's and it really ruined those albums for me. I'm not sure I want to hear an "B3 album" that seems like a thinly veiled marketing gimmick for the newly endorsed clone. Is selling clones that important to him? Groove Holmes on the new X-77 "Live At The Lighthouse."
  21. Seems like Peterson always gets knocked 'round these parts, but the Peterson preview looks pretty damn badass...there's some HARD SWING and groove happening in the clips posted!
  22. The Monk sides I've listened to the most over the years are "Live At The It Club" (that stuff swings HARD) and his Blue Note recordings. Don't know what that says really...oh, yeah...and solo Columbia stuff is a close third.
  23. Have a great one Dan!
  24. Everything's fine here in Austin. We're so far inland that it will just be rain and wind here. Matter of fact, it's veered kind of east, so they were talking like we will just see a few inches of rain and that'll be it more or less.
  25. Does this offer include airfare? Why don't you call and ask him? Wow...a David Sanborn album with guest artist Joss Stone and Eric Clapton! Who's next? Green Day and Jaz-Z? That would be jazz-a-riffic!
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