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Soul Stream

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About Soul Stream

  • Birthday 08/14/1971

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    Austin, Texas

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  1. I say June, but hope for April. We'll see...lots being done between now and then on this...took me 3 years to make, so working to get the release just right. Lots of ducks in a row to line up! Got meetings every day this week on it, and that won't end i get the feeling for a while, ha!
  2. Hey thanks all! (just saw your pledge Dan, thanks!). Yeah, I think it's something some of y'all might enjoy. Thanks for checking it out. I've been husslin' on it, but it ends soon and I'm ready to just kick back and put on Lou Donaldson's "The Natural Soul" LP and drink a beer! Hey Brad, here's the Kickstarter link to my project!: bit.ly/DrifterAlbum Really appreciate it!
  3. Hey Friends, Been meaning to post this up, but I haven't been too active in a while (just tryin' to keep up with life), and it's always weird when someone pops up just to promote something. That said, I messaged a bit with Jim Alfredson today, so it just reminded me it might be a good thing to do. This album has taken me a few years to complete, because it has a lot of guest artists on it (Billy Gibbons, Jimmie Vaughan, Gary Clark Jr, Kat Edmonson, Alejeandro Escovedo, Rev. Gean West & The Relatives gospel group...and more!), and took a long time to get done. It's already recorded. Anyway, some of y'all may dig it! Please check it out if so inclined, love to get the music to as many music lovers as possible! Thanks, Mike http://bit.ly/DrifterAlbum
  4. My absolute favorite is Black Coffee. It's just so great all the way around and his version of "I Remember Clifford"...well, wow. I just like all the cuts on this and the sound they have in this live venue really makes you feel like you're right there. If the cover of the album is the setup of the actual bar they played (which I imagine it was)...cramped is the word. But the sound is amazing...go figure. I also like his Prestige album The Stinger a whole lot as well as his funky Prestige albums like Dirty Grape (probably the best of that bunch). But I really like all of his things. He's just one of those guys who shouldn't slip through the cracks, but does...I'm not sure why....I guess his age was part of it, I remember asking John Patton about him but he considered JHS as a 'older' guy, not a contemporary really. His earlier work too with acoustic bass was super killer too. He was just really great. One of the giants.
  5. Hey Jim, super groovy...just downloading and listenin' now, sounds great...killer job! Big John would be proud (and flattered no doubt)! Thanks for keepin' the spirit of JP alive and well.
  6. Fantastic Jim!, congrats on it all and what an accomplishment...that's a lot of songs and hard work (Patton songs ain't easy either folks!). Can't wait to get the CD!
  7. Thanks PhillyQ and Michel! It really means a lot that you took the time to say "good job!" Makes me feel good about what we did, and that the music made some folks feel good too. That's what it's all about!
  8. Hey Mike, sorry bout the hassle. Just email Fabian when you get time and bypass all the bigcartel. He'll combine it for you, as I've already told him about the situation. Thanks for tryin' so hard to get it! I appreciate the support.
  9. Hey King, Mike.... if you contact Fabian from the label at store@public-hifi.com he will take care of you. He said he tried the BigCartel link and it worked to Switzerland and Germany for him...however, that said, who knows with computers, ect. He said just shipping a CD alone would be $14 overseas. A vinyl album would be $25 for shipping. He said he could fit a CD in along with a vinyl for the same $25 shipping price if you wanted both. Sorry about the high shipping costs. That's just what it costs us to do. Pretty ridiculous and really shuts down overseas sales more or less. Too bad, I know that was a recent change right before we released the album. Bad timing on that. Thanks Conn for the good vibes...glad you dig it!
  10. Hey Mike...yes, I would say the vinyl really brings out the open-ness of the sound. 3 guys in one live sounding room, no seperation. Its just a digital vs analog thing on that for me. I doubt we'll ever do vinyl again as its just so expensive though. Plus we did a gatefold and colored vinyl and wanted to keep it at $20. Not a great business move, but a great value I think.
  11. Hey all...thanks for all the kind words! I really appreciate it. King, you can order the cd direct from the band website www.dupreeband.com also there is also a link on my site www.mikeflanigin.com (Thanks Jim for lettin me plug here) Glad that those that have heard it, enjoyed it. It was fun to make, all live to 2 track tape in an afternoon! ..Vinyl really sounds alive
  12. Come on down y'all!...I'll leave the B3 turned on til ya get here
  13. Thanks Sidewinder! I talked to John Patton's wife Thelma today. She was very excited to hear about Jim doing a tribute album of John's songs! She said to definately send her a copy, as she'd love to hear it. She was happy to know people still think of John.
  14. Nice!...looking forward to it! Congrats, I'm sure Big John would'a been quite flattered and surprised and humbled that you'd do a tribute to him. Great organist, and also as you know, a great writer. Have fun!
  15. Jimmy Smith is just...beyond words. The One. In an aside, great to hear him play with no spin on the leslie, just like the record. So effortless and incredible. Wow, thanks for sharing.
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