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About Kalo

  • Birthday 06/06/1961

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  1. Anthony Braxton recorded “Nine Compositions (Hill) 2000,” CIMP #236.
  2. Have this on vinyl. Time to pull it out again! Gorgeous album cover!
  3. Love, love, love Lucky!
  4. Sounds right up my alley. Will definitely be checking this out. Athens-born, Boston-based pianist Pandelis Karayorgis’ Fender-Rhodes-centered trio, with bassist Nate McBride and drummer Curt Newton, includes all of Hasaan’s tunes in its repertoire. “Off My Back Jack” appears on their hatOLOGY release “Betwixt.”
  5. Like CJ Shearn, I got mine straight from ECM via their special deal for journalists. Only had 4 of these on vinyl and one on CD, so didn’t have to think twice. Listening to Tribute to Lester right now, which I missed at the time, and it is inspired! And the booklet is amazing, including what appear to be all of the original artwork and liner notes plus much more. This will keep me busy for quite some time and will surely see me digging into their earlier work again. (My box # is 1563/6000.)
  6. Kalo

    Gildo Mahones

    Definitely dig him on those Booker Ervin dates.
  7. Kalo

    Herb Jeffries

    Flaming O! Happy 100 Herb!
  8. Brick and mortar, by and large. Basically, Newbury Comics in Cambridge and Boston, and my local thrift store, where interesting stuff shows up from time to time. Also, directly from artists at gigs, of course. And, of course, directly from artists at gigs.
  9. Glad that I scored it when it was still available. Will have to listen again, soon! (I loves me some Konitz!) Glad that I have the Dickerson and the Konitz, among others. Nice series!
  10. Great show, thanks for the heads up on the new season. I didn't know it was due to start. Like your Third Man avatar. Thanks. The 4th season is supposed to start on July 17th if I recall correctly. No Mad Men this summer, so I started watching Breaking Bad. Amazingly great show! Talk about noir! Looks like my summer is saved.
  11. Great show, thanks for the heads up on the new season. I didn't know it was due to start. Like your Third Man avatar. Thanks. The 4th season is supposed to start on July 17th if I recall correctly. No Mad Men this summer, so I started watching Breaking Bad. Amazingly great show! Talk about noir! Looks like my summer is saved.
  12. Great show, thanks for the heads up on the new season. I didn't know it was due to start. Like your Third Man avatar. Thanks. The 4th season is supposed to start on July 17th if I recall correctly. No Mad Men this summer, so I started watching Breaking Bad. Amazingly great show! Talk about noir! Looks like my summer is saved.
  13. So glad this is coming out on CD! A few years ago, when I was writing an article about Hemphill's music, I had a hard time finding a copy of "Dogon A.D." Thankfully, a kind organissimo forums member came to my rescue! Here's the article: http://www.boston.com/news/globe/living/articles/2007/10/14/celebrating_his_joy_of_the_sax/ Once again, let me remind you that the headlines of articles are written by the copy editors, not the writers.
  14. Edmond Hall -- Rumpus on Rampart Street (Rae-Cox) Somewhat beat but still quite listenable copy that surfaced at my local thrift store. Nice music!
  15. Just picked this up at my local thrift store. I'm thrilled, because I recall really wanting this when it first hit the bookshops in the 1970s and I was a boy of little means. I'm looking forward to revisiting the Holmes canon... Hear hear!
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