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Head Man

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Posts posted by Head Man

  1. The Japanese label, SOLID, is starting an ENJA reissue campaign now that they have completed the Bethlehem catalog.

    Phase 1 will be available April 23rd at all the Japanese hotspots. Dusty Groove does not have any of these listed as forthcoming.

    I don't know anything about this label or the quality of their output but some of these titles (Elvin Jones, Hal Galper) sound good.

    Hal Galper - Speak With A Single Voice

    Hal Galper`s live outing "Speak with a single Voice", featuring the same players as the great "Reach Out" (also on Enja), is excellent.

    I thought "Reach Out" was on Steeplechase....and yes, it's a very nice album.

  2. I've been playing this on and off now for several weeks and I must admit I'm hugely disappointed with it. To me it sounds formless, more like a rehearsal tape than a finished suite. I know it was recorded posthumously and I wonder whether that might have something to do with it. Perhaps it needed Graham to be there in order to realise what was intended.

    Anyway I have lots of other treasured recordings by him, so all is not lost!

  3. it's a little disingenuous to go public with such very personal things - like life with Art Pepper - and then complain when there is public discussion or issue. Nothing mean in any of this. As for living our own lives and not others - well, that's fine as long as those other lives are private. But otherwise it's a bit like a politican complaining about scrutiny. If you do work - recordings, books, films - they are scrutinized. If the work is about YOUR LIFE - as this is - it will also, justifiably, be scrutinized.

    I meant nothing mean in what I said...I love Art's music and still rate hearing him at Ronnie Scott's in 1980 as one of my best musical experiences....EVER.

    I just ..... DON'T LIKE THE TITLE.

  4. Jonathan - I'm very happy that you plan to issue the Joe Daley material. I'll definitely buy a copy as soon as it's released and I'll recommend it to others here and elsewhere.

    Thanks for what you've done and for what you plan to do.

    .......what Paul said.....

  5. I'm having a clear-out and have a few CDs for sale:

    Charles Tolliver - Impact (Strata-East) £8

    Clare Fischer Big Band - Thesaurus (Koch Jazz) £4

    Carl Perkins - Introducing (Fresh Sound) Free

    Shorty Rogers - Bossa Nova (Reprise Japanese Reissue 2014) £3

    John Carter & Bobby Bradford Quartet/Horace Tapscott Quintet - West Coast Hot (Novus) £10

    Woody Shaw - Stepping Stones (Columbia Legacy) £4

    Woody Shaw - Moontrane (Muse) £8

    Woody Shaw - Imagination (Muse) £4

    Woody Shaw - Setting Standards (32jazz) £8

    Woody Shaw - Two More Pieces of the Puzzle: The Woody Shaw Ensemble at the Berliner Jazztage/The iron Men (32jazz) £10

    Charles Lloyd - Soundtrack/In The Soviet Union (Collectables) £3

    Charles Lloyd - Journey Within/In Eaurope (Colectables) £3

    Charles Lloyd/Warne Marsh - The Flowering/Warne Marsh (Collectables) £3

    Postage at cost. For the UK this usually works out at about £1 per CD or cheaper for multiple purchases. Outside the UK will be dearer and I'll quote if anyone is interested.

  6. There's a ten cd bargain box on Membran. No problem with sound quality. It costs under $20 if I remember correctly.

    Have you got a link for this, Bigshot?


    I found it at Amazon:


    The reviews with THIS particular amazon listing, howver, raise more questions as to the contents than they answer. ;)

    The majority seem to confirm that it is indeed a 10xCD set.

    Can you confirm, Bigshot, that it contains everything that's on the Verve boxset?

  7. My copy should arrive today. Looking forward to hearing it and comparing to the LP (even though I know that may make me crazy).

    I'm disappointed at seeing the cover they used - a take off on the Stones Beggar's Banquet reissue. They should have used the original cover. It had some dignity and style.

    Ah yes, I thought it looked familiar.

    I agree the original cover was a lot more dignified but perhaps this version will appeal more to those who are not "hard-core" blues fans.

  8. Douglas is another of those players who made a bad first impression on me, and that I should go back and listen to again. It also didn't help that he's the most self-important musician I ever met; you get the sense he's always looking at himself in the mirror.

    I don't know him but the couple of times I've seen him live he didn't come over like that. I really enjoy his playing and there's no two of his releases the same.

    Also, he must be a decent businessman because he has all his recent releases available as CDs or lossless downloads from his own website, Greenleaf Music. That must be the way forward for musicians in the future.

  9. Nice, and nice to be able to put a face to a name too. ;)

    The kind of shops we miss over here.

    ...the kind of shops we miss everywhere!

    I was lucky enough to visit this shop during a holiday in New England back in 2002. Even then shops like this were becoming hard to find. I bought a nice copy of Gerry Mulligan's "Age of Steam".

    ....aah, those were the days!

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