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Head Man

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  1. The Barry Harris liner notes show Paul Goodman as the recording engineer. It was recorded at the RCA Studios in New York.
  2. Thanks for the explanation, Allen. So it's not just me then...phew!
  3. Just picked up this one from the new series..... Very nicely put together package including an expanded booklet with updated liner notes by Mark Gardner. However, there's something about the way some of these Xanadu recordings "sound" that I'm not keen on and unfortunately this is one such album. The instruments sound very harsh to me, especially the piano....is it the way they are miked? I've never heard the original album on vinyl so I can't comment on how this release compares but is it me or does anyone else have a problem with how this album sounds?
  4. Thanks, erwbol.... I might dip my toe in the water with "Lift Every Voice".
  5. ... at The Gateshead Jazz festival in April. http://www.sagegateshead.com/event/esperanza-spalding-joe/
  6. I'm with you here, John. Last time I saw Lovano live he was awful. Not sure whether it was just a bad night or whether he's lost his mojo but I'll take a bit of convincing to buy anything new by him.
  7. Shorthand for someone with very left-wing views.....
  8. Know what you mean..... I don't play him a lot now. .... apart from this, of course https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9U99PMBxhAQ ... MAGIC!
  9. Yes, I've just finished it and found most of it very enjoyable. A couple of the interviews went over my head but the others provided a pretty good picture of what it must have been like to be a jazz musician in 1960s New York. Not sure it was worth the price I paid for it mind you. A very well written biography of the Labour Prime Miinister that never was. Shades of the current ructions surrounding the election of the next Labour leader...what a shambles!
  10. There's a very nice looking batch of cheapish re-issues due out in October including a number from the excellent Japanese pianist Masabumi Kikuchi.... CDJapan reissues for October
  11. As a matter on interest (to me!)... how does the Andrew Hill Mosaic boxset sound compared to these latest re-issues? I've never re-bought any of his Blue Note albums.
  12. Thanks for the heads-up, Roger... that Turtle boxset sounds good. Although I already own the three albums on CD I'll probably get it for the remastered sound and the 56 page booklet. This is top drawer British jazz from the 1970s
  13. Yes. I was going to nominate him too. His work with Maria Schneider is outstanding.
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