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Dave Garrett

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Everything posted by Dave Garrett

  1. I was unable to get either the shows or the links page to display properly in Firefox (latest version - - the only thing visible on either page was the Night Lights logo. Is the site not compatible with FF?
  2. ...all 20 volumes. I knew these were OOP, and never expected to get them all in one fell swoop, but I'm still kinda stunned by the prices some of them are fetching on Amazon. Soul Hits Of The '70s - Didn't It Blow Your Mind (Series) - Amazon
  3. I really wish Criterion would do an edition of RED DESERT, but I assume that a rights issue has prevented that from happening. The old Image DVD is long out of print, and it looked pretty crappy to boot - the colors were washed-out and way off, never a good thing but especially damning for a film in which color played such a central role. I believe IL GRIDO is (or was) also available on DVD.
  4. Complete Bud Powell on Verve - a used copy that was a bit scuffed but overall in pretty good shape, for $27 at Half Price Books after a 40% off coupon.
  5. Woman dies in Mich. fireworks accident A 3-inch shell? Holy shit! That's not exactly something you can wander down to the local fireworks stand and buy. We used to do all sorts of dangerous things with fireworks when I was a kid - shooting bottle rockets at each other and so forth. It's a wonder no one was ever injured. Now they're illegal to possess inside the city limits here. It's not uncommon during fireworks season for fire marshals to stake out vendors and follow people who purchase fireworks to see if they bring them back into the city, at which point the fireworks are confiscated and the offenders get a big-ass ticket.
  6. Ted must've conveniently forgotten about the cover of his old band's first album.
  7. Thanks! BMG's shipping charges really kill you on box sets, and unless you run across one of these free shipping deals, you can usually do better at Amazon.
  8. Hpefully every 10th squirt theres a bit of hot mustard residue in there. Plonkers !
  9. What's the promo code for free shipping? I don't remember getting an email from BMG about that one, and I've been holding off on getting a couple of box sets until they ran another free shipping deal.
  10. One of the guys I work with has roots in Memphis and visits there semi-frequently. After he got back from a recent trip, he mentioned in passing that a few retirement/assisted-living communities there have installed Wii consoles in the common areas, and the bowling game in particular has been such a huge hit that they now have regularly-scheduled "bowling nights".
  11. I'm not sure, but I'm thinking it's going to take more than a perfunctory squirt from a water-filled mustard bottle to fully cleanse a hippie's hirsute hindquarters. It's one thing to be environmentally conscious, but it's quite another to abstain from wiping your ass. Unless you've got one of those computerized Japanese toilets that not only washes but also blow-dries.
  12. There have been several of these on eBay in the past few months, and that price is about par for the course. I'm still kicking myself for passing on the copy I spotted on GEMM a few years ago for $200.
  13. J&R is currently on my shit list. I recently placed an order on their website for 6 RVGs. Got a receipt and shipping notice in short order, and figured I'd have the discs in hand quickly. Several days later, I received an empty padded manila envelope from them, containing an invoice but no CDs. The envelope was open, and after examining it there was absolutely no question that it had not been sealed properly when it was packed. I emailed them immediately, and after a week have received no response. Guess it's time to call my credit card company.
  14. About ten years ago, I was working at a large company with the typical low-walled cube-farm floor plan. One of the women I worked with sat right next to a heavily-trafficked aisle with her large 21" monitor clearly visible to anyone that walked by. One day when almost everyone on the floor had gone to lunch except the two of us, I was sitting at my workstation when I heard her let out a loud scream followed by an urgent plea for me to come over and help her. She was in the middle of a contentious divorce, and it turns out her soon-to-be ex-husband had emailed her an executable file which she ill-advisedly clicked on. It didn't appear to do anything, so she turned her back and started doing something else; about five minutes later, she turned around to discover her screen saver had been changed to a huge photograph of a naked man with an impressive erection. At which point I heard the aforementioned scream. She was somewhat technically challenged, and had no idea how to banish Dude With Stiffy and get her old screensaver back. I helped her change it back, and I assume she thought twice about running unknown .EXEs from that day forward.
  15. His bandmates introduced him as "Rocky" when I saw him. It's indeed pronounced "rocky", and it came from a contraction of his first and middle names - ROger KYnard Erickson. The first Elevators album's a classic, but the second one, "Easter Everywhere", is their real masterpiece. All of the existing commercially available Elevators CDs suck, not to put too fine a point on it; there are various fan-traded needledrops from original mono and stereo LPs out there that are much better.
  16. I thought I'd read that the US Postal Service discontinued international ground shipping as part of the changes made when they implemented the recent rate hike. That seems to be borne out by their online rate calculator: USPS Postage Rate Calculator
  17. I got this set for $40-something sealed on eBay a couple of years ago after placing a lowball bid - I was absolutely sure I'd be outbid, and was shocked when I wasn't. I was even more shocked when it actually showed up, as I half suspected yet another eBay scam but was willing to gamble the money on the off chance it wasn't. Still haven't listened to the entire thing yet, but this thread is encouraging me to pull it off the shelf a give a few more of the discs a spin.
  18. One of my friends is a longtime church musician who's filled a variety of roles over the years from singing, to playing piano, to directing the choir at various Lutheran churches. As he put it to me once, "Bach just never had an off day." I think he'd wholeheartedly agree with the slightly different way you put it.
  19. I remember when this show was on in prime time (1972 or so). It was mildly entertaining for the time, but with all the animated series that have come since I'm not so sure it has aged well. It might be interesting as a reflection of social/political topics (and stereotypes) of that period, but I really don't remember it being that good. I am interested in some of the other 70s TV shows, not so much this one. I thought I'd seen at least an episode or two of almost every obscure H-B cartoon series in existence, but I'd never even heard of this one before.
  20. Coincidentally, the local fishwrap had this article in it today: Building the ultimate burger
  21. I was there a couple of times 20+ years ago. Yes, very very good, well worth visiting when in the LA area. Went there an extra time rather than try Fat Burger. I had chili fries on the 2nd visit. I've never managed to make it to Tommy's whenever I've visited LA, but I have trouble believing their burger could best the one that was offered at another longtime LA burger joint, the late, much-lamented Jayburger. Fresh bun, hunk of meat, slice of cheese, chili and a fried egg on top, presented in a carefully-folded piece of paper as if it were a work of art. Unbelievably good. Jay was a former employee of Tommy's who'd struck out on his own many years ago. First time we ever went to Jayburger, there was Jay chatting with customers new and old, quite dapper in his jacket and bowtie. Sadly, he got in a dispute with the landlord who owned the parking lot his stand was anchored in when the landlord wanted to redevelop the site, and Jayburger closed several years ago despite much vocal support from the community. Looks like it's changed hands and has reopened under new ownership and a new name (Sean's Burgers) since then. No idea what ever happened to Jay - he must be in his late eighties by now, if he's still alive.
  22. Another copy just sold on eBay two days ago for $405: David Stone Martin - Jazz Graphics
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