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Dave Garrett

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Everything posted by Dave Garrett

  1. Looks like the buyer's been NARUed at eBay, so presumably the sale fell through.
  2. I think I've recommended this here before, but just in case: Total Recorder
  3. I've been looking at laptops recently, as I'm probably going to be getting one for my wife soon. My requirements as far as specs were 2GB RAM, >120GB hard drive, DVD burner, and a dual-core CPU. You can get something matching these specs for $500-600 if you shop around - most of the big-box stores have had different machines in this price range on sale each of the past few weeks. Best Buy in particular has had some attractive deals, and you frequently don't have to screw around with mail-in rebates there, as you get the discount right at the point of sale. The downside is that you're pretty much stuck with Vista on the new machines. I'd greatly prefer XP, but I've heard reports of mixed results from those who've tried to "downgrade" Vista to XP.
  4. The author clearly isn't familiar with the work of the Fugs.
  5. Me too - just called Mosaic this morning. I haven't gotten an email from them yet indicating it's been moved to Running Low/Last Chance, but it seems like everyone that's put off getting this one is jumping on it quickly now.
  6. I forgot this was on, and turned on the TV last night just in time to catch the Best in Show award. I'd read that Uno was favored to win, but I had no idea a beagle had never won Best in Show there. The crowd went absolutely apeshit when the judge announced the winner. And Uno got caught up in the excitement too, barking at his handler a couple of times.
  7. Just found out about the KSB reunion concerts toward the end of last week, and thought about going but couldn't swing the $125 ticket price (despite it being for a worthy cause). The afternoon following the second concert, news of his passing had started to spread. Will be spinning the CD in remembrance.
  8. My wife essentially left the music selection for our wedding reception up to me, so for our first dance I picked "Day Dream", the version on "...and his mother called him Bill". Johnny Hodges at his most achingly sublime. Lots of other Ellington played that night, but this is the one I'll always remember.
  9. I got the Horsehoe Tavern box Saturday in the mail. Sound is nice. You'll like it. Is the Detroit Jazz Center Residency box still available? And are y'all getting these sets directly from Transparency, or through third-party vendors?
  10. These titles have mysteriously disappeared all-of-a-sudden. Yeah, I had all 4 on order and they got canceled. I'm hoping they were just added to the catalog alittle too early. Maynard Ferguson LIVE AT BIRDLAND also got canceled. I had the recent Kenny Cox Conn on order at BMG for the past several months. I'd previously emailed them inquiring about it, and finally got a note from them this weekend cancelling it because "this selection will no longer be available for distribution through our club".
  11. 1966 Topps Willie Mays #1 Not a card collector (although I used to be as a kid), but this one seems to be very reasonably priced compared to all of the other "collectors' priced" ones that a quick google turned up.
  12. These are almost certainly bootlegs, with the variable audio and video quality that bootlegs usually have - I believe only four of the Columbia shorts are actually in the public domain, due to an oversight resulting in copyright not being renewed on them when it should've been. You want this set, which is the first volume in a series Sony plans to release of all the Stooges shorts in chronological order. I haven't personally seen it yet, but I've read nothing but good things about it, and assuming Sony sees the project through to its eventual completion, it should go a long way toward remedying their somewhat haphazard previous DVD releases of Stooges material.
  13. I mainly listen to broadcast radio, occasionally internet radio. Don't have satellite, and probably won't unless I ever get around to buying a new car (my car is 17 years old and doesn't even have a CD player, let alone a satellite radio deck). Houston is pretty fortunate to have several very good radio stations breaking up the godawful Clear Channel monotony - as you might expect, almost all of them are affiliated with local universities. KTRU, from my alma mater Rice University, has a reputation for favoring indie-rock obscurata, but they also have an excellent jazz and improvised music program on Sundays, and the DJ usually plays a lot of out stuff - here's today's playlist so far: 03:59 PM- die like a dog quartet / ii [from valley to valley] on the eremite label. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03:35 PM- jon raskin quartet / bloodcount [the bass & the bird pond] on the new world records label. 03:25 PM- albert ayler quartet / ghosts [the hilversum sessions] on the esp disk label. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03:12 PM- john coltrane / one down, one up [new thing at newport] on the impulse! label. 03:02 PM- archie shepp / gingerbread, gingerbread boy [on this night] on the impulse! label. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 02:41 PM- luther thomas & the human arts ensemble / una new york [funky donkey] on the atavistic label. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01:56 PM- cecil taylor & gunter sommer / riobec [riobec] on the free music production label. You can view setlists and listen online here. KTSU, the radio station of historically Black university Texas Southern University, has the phrase "Jazz in all its colors" as its tagline, but you're just as likely to hear R&B or classic soul, with Sundays almost exclusively devoted to gospel. I probably spend more time listening to KTSU than any other station, as their non-music talk-show programming is usually interesting as well, offering as it does a down-to-earth perspective that's absent from other stations. Unfortunately, they don't appear to have an online stream available. Classical station KUHF, at the University of Houston, used to be a jazz station some years ago. Wish it still was, but that was also back when there were a couple of other competing classical stations as well, all of which are now gone, so KUHF is still filling a valuable role. [Edited to fix my oversight of intending to list radio station KUHF but having it come out with TV station KUHT's call letters]
  14. I like uTorrent too, but anyone contemplating using it should be sure to read the FAQ, particularly sections 1.7 and 1.11, to make sure they have a compatible router or modem. If your router is on this list and you try to run uTorrent, you can expect your net connection to drop every few minutes as the router gets overloaded. This happened to me when my old router died and I unknowingly replaced it with a model that didn't play nice with uTorrent. The constant connection drops were driving me crazy until I figured out what had happened, upgraded to a Linksys WRT54GL, and flashed it with the DD-WRT third-party firmware mentioned in the FAQ. If you have everything properly configured, uTorrent flat out screams.
  15. I ordered this, along with the other four Conns released at the same time, from BMG at the beginning of September and have yet to receive it. When I check my account, it's still showing up as backordered.
  16. This is the same company that worked on the kinescopes of Elvis' appearances on the Ed Sullivan Show which were released on DVD not too long ago. I believe one of the principals is or was a "Gort" at the Steve Hoffman forums. They have a blog (or they're at least somehow affiliated with one - not sure of the exact relationship) as well - there's a piece talking about the Elvis DVDs here. Edit: a little more digging turned this up: LiveFeed Video Imaging
  17. We could do a thread just with them Pocahotass. Where the fruit lies The cocksucker Proxy Chances are, for every one you think up, someone in the porn film industry has already beaten you to it. That said, I'm not sure anyone will ever top EDWARD PENISHANDS (yes, it's a real movie).
  18. Ad-Aware 2007 Free Spybot Search & Destroy I use both of these - I normally run full system scans on my machines using one right after the other, as they will each find things that the other won't. Combine with AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition, and you should be pretty well-protected from a software standpoint. From a hardware standpoint, if you don't have a NAT router, you should get one even if you're only running one computer off your DSL connection and don't need to share it with other computers - it will provide an additional significant layer of protection to the computer(s) behind the router. I've heard mixed things about Zone Alarm - my dad uses it and has been relatively pleased with it, but other people I know don't care for it. I've never used it myself.
  19. No, but you might be out your PayPal account. PayPal really doesn't like chargebacks. But last I remember, they usually wouldn't yank your account the first time you filed a chargeback through your CC company. More than that, and you're probably on thin ice.
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