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Dave Garrett

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Everything posted by Dave Garrett

  1. That's a hell of a deal on an essential series. I had the old box of half-hour episodes, and picked up the R2 box of hour episodes released by Network in the UK a while back. Network has released a bunch of outstanding TV box sets that are highly recommended (if you have a codefree player or live in R2), including a complete collection of all the B&W episodes of The Saint, something that has yet to make it to R1 DVD.
  2. Damn. She will be missed. RIP, Tura.
  3. Mine is up to 30 days. Wow. I ordered the Masters of Cinema dual-format (BD and DVD) version of the reconstructed METROPOLIS from them on January 2. It took less than a week for it to make its way from the UK to Texas. Granted, it was probably a considerably smaller package than some of the ones being discussed here, and I'm still waiting on a much larger order of MoC DVDs I ordered directly from Eureka Entertainment during the recent sale they had.
  4. Just like it's hard to talk when you're teabagging, it's really hard to laugh when you're tossing salad.
  5. I love hefeweizen in Summer too... and Fall, and Winter, and Spring. Widmer is the highly accessible, regular favorite that I keep on hand constantly. I like Franziskaner, but among the imports I've tried (some in side-by-side taste tests)... my personal favorites are Paulaner (loved the smooth taste, as well as the carbonation) and Weihenstephaner (so rich and flavorful... it's always sad when the glass goes empty). I've had all of those at one time or another, but when it comes to hefeweizen I've probably put more of these away over the years than any other:
  6. The house he lived in before that is certainly noteworthy as well.
  7. Anyone with even a passing interest in these kinds of films will probably want to check this downloadable PDF out: The Field Guide to Sponsored Films
  8. This one is the US analogue of the Staplerfahrer Klaus films - it's on the Internet Archive as well, and has been referred to as the "Citizen Kane of safety films": Shake Hands With Danger Once seen, never forgotten. And you only think you've experienced an earworm before if you've never heard the theme song.
  9. Rick Prelinger is an amazing individual to whom everyone with more than a passing interest in the less-traveled byways of culture owes an eternal debt, not only for being one of the first people to take ephemeral films seriously, but also for his subsequent work, of which just one example is founding the Prelinger Library. Chief A/V Geek Skip Elsheimer periodically travels to various cities around the country to screen films from his massive collection. Like the DVDs he offers on his website, the screenings are usually themed - for example, a group of films dealing with alcohol and drug abuse, driving safety, or venereal disease (I believe he's writing a book about VD films, as it's a genre that's near and dear to him). I've had the very good fortune to catch quite a few of his screenings, as he paid an annual visit to a local microcinema for almost ten years. If you ever get a chance to attend one, they are not to be missed - he invariably precedes the main program with an educational filmstrip that involves audience participation and gets everyone in the mood for the films to follow.
  10. So after you've had a turducken, what you do you have for dessert? Pumpecapple
  11. Quite a few memorable pieces on that list, and it's notable how many of them appeared in Esquire. I highly recommend Esquire's collection of articles from the 60s, Smiling Through The Apocalypse; "Frank Sinatra Has A Cold" is in it, along with many other fine pieces from what many would argue were the magazine's best years.
  12. I don't have the hi-rez download, and I've only skimmed the 1,000,000,000,000,000 posts in Hofflandia that you mention, but some people that have it were reportedly unable to extract some of the files from the huge .ZIP archive after downloading it. And if the disk you're downloading it to is FAT32-formatted instead of NTFS, you're out of luck, as the archive is >8GB, and FAT32 maxes out at 4GB filesizes.
  13. The local alternarag posted this on their website a couple of days ago, with the priceless comment that "Dallas [was] getting teabagged just about to death".
  14. Well, wasn't it Apple who originally popularized use of the term "evangelist" in relation to technology?
  15. The Brandeis bonus CD is apparently an Amazon exclusive, and is being given out with both the Witmark set and the mono box.
  16. I think this is an Adobe Reader issue rather than a FF issue. However: Firefox PDF Plugin for Mac OS X
  17. NSFW, if the title isn't enough of a clue: YouTube link I could see this becoming a big hit - his website mentions a sanitized-for-radio version that premiered on the BBC's Radio 1 yesterday, but doesn't explain exactly how they managed to clean it up.
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