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Dave Garrett

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Everything posted by Dave Garrett

  1. The "Genius" set only contained the individual, mostly metal-spined, box sets that had previously been released. There was also a set of all the individual albums that had been released by Columbia, on 70 CDs (but they didn't put his face across the spines): Miles Davis – The Complete Columbia Album Collection
  2. Here's the backstory on "The Tree": The Legend of the Music Tree
  3. Key to Wordle strategy is to use starting words that contain the most frequently used letters. The old Linotype keyboards were arranged starting with the most frequently used letter, "e", then the second-most frequently used letter, "t", and so on. So if you pick starting words that are primarily made up of letters in the first two rows on the Linotype keyboard (the famous "etaoin shrdlu"), you increase your chances of success significantly. On a somewhat tangential note, there's an excellent short documentary on Vimeo on the last day that hot-metal typesetting with Linotypes was used at the New York Times in 1978. The next day they switched over to computer-based typesetting. Fascinating window into a nearly-forgotten era that lasted for over 100 years.
  4. Yeah, I forgot about the adaptors. I have rarely used earbuds or a headset, although I do have a Bluetooth headset I used to use occasionally. The iPhone 11 was, IIRC, the last one to come with wired earbuds and a charger included. I still have an iPhone 7, but the battery has been on its last legs for some time now (requiring me to charge it 3-4 times a day), and I've been on the fence about whether to get the battery replaced (at a fairly nominal cost of $50) or just get a new phone.
  5. Well, if you want earbuds with an iPhone now it's wireless or nothing. Apple ditched the aux port used for connecting wired earbuds back in 2016 - the last iPhones to offer such a port were the iPhone 6s and 6s Plus.
  6. That would have been the Combat Rock tour. I saw them in June 1982, and remember thinking at the time that it was too bad I hadn't been able to catch them on one of their earlier tours, but leaving that aside the setlist for the show I saw was damn good: Jimmy Jazz London Calling Safe European Home Car Jamming The Guns of Brixton Train in Vain Wrong Emboyo The Magnificent Seven Junco Partner Know Your Rights Clash City Rockers Should I Stay or Should I Go Career Opportunities Rock the Casbah Janie Jones Somebody Got Murdered Clampdown Armigedeon Time Police on My Back I Fought the Law Straight to Hell Police and Thieves Bankrobber
  7. Oil Can Boyd Cool Papa Bell Shoeless Joe Jackson Three Finger Brown
  8. It's always been my understanding that the omission of the apostrophe ensures that the title's interpretation is ambiguous (like many other concepts one encounters in Joyce's work): https://fuckyeahjoyce-blog-blog.tumblr.com/post/23141372251/theres-no-fucking-apostrophe-in-finnegans-wake
  9. I was trying it in Chrome, and just tried it in Firefox. It did not work in Firefox, but I did notice that the likely reason for that is that the connection isn't secure (http instead of https). Could be that your install of Safari is configured to only connect to sites using https?
  10. Weird. I just checked it again and it's working fine from where I sit. Also checked their FB page and there's no indication of an outage there - admittedly, they post infrequently there, but there's a post from Tuesday. If you have access to a VPN, maybe try it from a different IP address?
  11. It appears to be back online now. Must've just been a temporary glitch.
  12. Spiders would have been cool. Or Naps. Someone on Reddit said they'd been hoping for "Cleveland Washington Football Team".
  13. More than the weekend, IIRC it's until the end of this month/beginning of August. They usually run these semiannual Criterion sales for almost a month.
  14. I've always been partial to Moving On and All My Friends Are Going To Be Strangers, but how much those "grab" you may be at least in part a function of how familiar you are with Houston. Some years before he established his much larger, multi-building bookstore complex in Archer City, he owned a used and rare bookshop that used the same name (Booked Up) in Houston, and could frequently be seen working the counter there when he was in town. I just saw that longtime newspaperman/author Leon Hale has died at the age of 99. It's been a bad couple of days for venerable Texas writers.
  15. I'm surprised that's been up for as long as it has. Milestone Films has the rights to many of Shirley Clarke's films, and they will not hesitate to have YouTube issue a DMCA takedown notice if someone uploads one. In addition to THE CONNECTION, they've also released ORNETTE: MADE IN AMERICA on DVD: https://milestonefilms.com/collections/shirley-clarke
  16. It can take several days to a week after exposure for the virus to incubate sufficiently to register a positive test result: Evidence suggests that testing tends to be less accurate within three days of exposure, and the best time to get tested is five to seven days after you were exposed. Here's hoping your wife recovers quickly and uneventfully, and that you only wind up with a mild case (assuming you haven't already had it).
  17. I got my 89-year-old father and 88-year-old mother vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine a week ago. Saw an alert on my phone around 10pm one night that slots were opening up in the next county over (about a 40 minute drive from their house), and immediately got on my computer and was able to schedule them both right away. Showed up at the designated date and time, and it could not have gone smoother. It was a drive-through operation being run by one of the local major hospital chains, set up in tents in a parking lot at a performing arts center, and despite the large number of cars converging on the location, the logistics were well-thought-out and we were in and out of there in a little more than a half-hour, including the mandatory 15-minute post-injection wait to make sure there were no adverse reactions. Several hours later, my mom had some of the common side effects that lasted for the next few days in varying degrees (headache, dizziness, nausea, and fatigue), which is a bit worrisome as most people are reporting side effects after the second dose, not the first. Given that she isn't in great health to begin with, I'm hoping she doesn't wind up really knocked for a loop after dose #2, which is already scheduled at the same location in two weeks. My wife had her second dose of the Pfizer vaccine this week (she works in a retirement/assisted living community), and felt really fatigued the day after and thought she was going to have to lie down at work. She came home that day and pretty much went straight to bed, but was back to normal the following day. For myself, I've signed up on every waitlist that is available and hoping I'll be contacted by one of them sooner rather than later.
  18. Good to know. There are a few BFI blu-rays I've been meaning to get, and as I've never ordered directly from them before, I was wondering about their international shipping rates.
  19. I've heard the results of a similar effort at re-eq'ing the Victor and Victor/Bluebird singles from the big Ellington Centennial box. The "fixed" versions were better by leaps and bounds - not a subtle difference at all.
  20. My friend did not make it. The damage to his lungs was too great, and his heart ultimately gave out. His memorial service was yesterday (it was limited to family but was livestreamed so I was able to watch it). He probably had the broadest musical taste of anyone I've ever known - he had been music and choral director at a local church for most of the past two decades, and was equally at home conversing about sixteenth-century liturgical music, Art Tatum, or Frank Zappa. He was one of a kind, and his loss is keenly felt by all who knew him. Two weeks ago, my wife's mother passed. She was 92 and had been in a long-term care facility for the past four years, so her passing was not a complete surprise but was also not really expected right now. She had tested positive for COVID a couple of months ago but remained asymptomatic. She had some underlying health issues, but one still wonders about the lingering effects of COVID even among those who are asymptomatic. Yesterday, my oldest friend's mother-in-law passed. She was 89 and had been in poor health for quite some time (cardiac issues, and had previously had at least one full-blown heart attack). She had recently tested positive for COVID and did display symptoms. I expect that, at a minimum, complications from COVID will be listed as a contributory factor in her death. The point at which we are able to dispense vaccines immediately and on-demand to all who require them cannot get here quickly enough.
  21. A friend of over 35 years has been in the hospital for close to six weeks after testing positive. It looked like he was improving to the point where discharge to a rehab facility was being discussed, then he took a sudden turn for the worse right before Christmas. He was moved to ICU and placed on a ventilator, and came very close to death on Christmas day. The last update I had was that his oxygen levels had significantly improved since then, but he appears to have suffered damage to his lungs and possibly other vital organs. It seems likely that if he is able to survive (and that is still a big if), his life will be far different from what it was previously.
  22. I used to work with a guy who, whenever he heard anyone say "it can't get any worse", would get an extremely serious expression on his face and explain that he never uttered that particular sentiment anymore because the last two times he had done so, things promptly got MUCH worse. He passed away several years ago from Parkinson's. I hadn't been in contact with him for a number of years, but as he was someone who was very firm in his convictions, I'm confident that he stuck to his banishment of that phrase from his vocabulary even as he was staring down death.
  23. FWIW, Shipley's is not at all a purveyor of artisan/hipster donuts. It's just a local/regional chain, as opposed to a national one like Dunkin. I rarely set foot inside a donut shop these days, but when I was in college I used to hit up a local Dunkin almost every morning. Their coffee was a remarkably effective hangover cure. Point and counterpoint: The secret world of the Dunkin’ Donuts franchise kings Hot, Sticky & Sweet
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