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Dave Garrett

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Everything posted by Dave Garrett

  1. Sadly, it was too good to be true: http://dangerousminds.net/comments/bust-a-gut-funny_albums_that_never_were_but_should_have_been
  2. PM on Sidney Bechet - Mosaic Select 22 3CD OOP $30
  3. Season two was indeed released on DVD - Amazon currently has both seasons one and two for $9.99 each. They also have season three streaming on Amazon Instant Video, which I was unaware of until just now.
  4. I just got around to listening to that- hilarious!!! Thanks for posting it. Another classic Weaver moment:
  5. http://www.hark.com/clips/npylfkhyxq-earl-weaver-tirade (NSFW)
  6. Despite appearing to have a .zip extension, the "attachments" are really hyperlinks to the actual zip files hosted on Google Docs. If you click on one of the links, it should take you to the Google Docs site. I was prompted to sign in with my Google account, and was then able to download and unzip the FLACs with no problems. Listening to them as I type this. Great stuff!
  7. A little over a week ago, not too long after I finally filed a complaint with the Postal Service, I received an email from someone who said he had purchased a Led Zeppelin box set from endofcommon, but it had been mistakenly been shipped to someone else, who eventually shipped it to the correct buyer. The buyer, meanwhile, had wound up with the Talking Jazz box I'd purchased. He indicated that endofcommon was indeed having what sounded like some very serious health issues, and a family member had mixed up the two shipments. He volunteered to ship my set to me on his dime, as the guy that wound up with his Zep box had done, and asked for my address. I provided it, and the set showed up on my doorstep today. I would say "all's well that ends well", except unfortunately I'm not sure that's currently the case with endofcommon.
  8. Great HuffPo obit: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/11/24/larry-hagman-dead-dies_n_2180944.html
  9. Five weeks later, I still have not received the box after sending payment, and no response to followup PMs here or an email sent via the Hoffman board, where the seller had also offered it. Last login here was on 9/26, which is also the date of the last PM I received indicating payment had been received and the set would be mailed that weekend. I'm inclined to give board members the benefit of the doubt as things sometimes happen. I hope everything's OK with endofcommon, but in the absence of any further communication I'll be contacting the post office to file a mail fraud complaint.
  10. They've released some of them on various DVD collections, some containing full shows and some containing excerpts from shows. Johnny Carson DVDs
  11. I thought about using a powerline adapter when I had the same problem, but ultimately went with a wireless range extender: Linksys RE1000 As you can see from the reviews, some people had less-than-satisfactory results with this model, but I had no problems at all. I do have a Linksys router but it should be usable with other routers. One caveat is that for it to work well, you need to be able to plug it into a power outlet that is roughly equidistant from both the router and the location you're trying to strengthen the signal in. Before I had it, I had a very weak wireless signal in the room where I most frequently use a laptop, iPad, iPhone, etc., and the signal would drop out completely at regular intervals. After installing it, the signal is much stronger and very stable.
  12. I had the same experience with J&R when I ordered this set from them last month, after Amazon cancelled my earlier order and the set had disappeared everywhere else. At the time J&R had it listed for about $45. I wouldn't bank on them fulfilling any orders and am likewise wondering why they're still showing it as available.
  13. Or just use Chrome for browsing non-English sites. It automatically detects the language a webpage is rendered in, and prompts you to choose whether you want to translate the page or display it in its native language. Much easier than copying and pasting into Google Translate, especially if you're viewing a page with multiple frames.
  14. My dad got this on one of his computers. He is quite tech-savvy and is still grappling with getting rid of it - has tried several of the usual remedies (different antivirus programs, MalwareBytes, etc.) with no luck and when I talked to him yesterday had pretty much resigned himself to having to manually edit the registry to permanently fix it. Fortunately, he has several computers so even if he has to scrape the drive and reinstall Windows, it's not the end of the world. I hate this kind of crap. It's getting more and more common for software installers to try to sneak adware-laden toolbars past those who aren't paying attention and just click through the default options on said installers. Babylon is just an extreme example of that evil trend.
  15. Along similar lines: Going, Going, Gone: Vanishing Americana This was originally published in 1994, so in the intervening 18 years many of the things covered have receded even further into the past, but there's still much of interest between its covers.
  16. The Outland volume is available for preorder on Amazon, and looks to be coming out next month: Outland I also noticed that the 2nd and 3rd Bloom County volumes appear to already be out of print with ridiculous asking prices, despite only having been published a couple of years ago. Too bad I didn't get them when I had the chance, but for anyone that's interested, Edward R. Hamilton has remaindered copies of the first volume for $11.95 - quite a good deal: Hamilton link Looking forward to the final Krazy & Ignatz volume, I have the first two and they are magnificent. Wow -- that is wild. I tried to get one of the signed editions but they kept cancelling it on me. I do have vol. 1-5 and have pre-ordered Outland, so I guess I'm set. Bloom County was one of my favorite cartoons and much of it still holds up. If nothing else it reminds me of some of the general craziness (and crassness) of the 1980s that I sometimes overlook when thinking about the past (through rose colored glasses). If anyone is interested in the earlier volumes of Bloom County, it appears they have reprinted them and the prices are back down to normal levels. The Collected Outland is shipping now. Ideally this would have included the full set of Opus strips, but it will probably be one last trip to well. Curiously, I have been scanning (and finally discarding) all kinds of things from my yooth, and I came across 36 Opus strips I clipped from the papers. I actually did get the Sunday Chicago Tribune simply for the cartoons for 9 months. I can't remember now if the Trib dropped the strip, or if this was when I moved to England. Edit: Well, I didn't realize Opus ran nearly as long as it did (2003-2008), which is about the same length of time as Outland, so it clearly will need a separate volume. It also means that there are somewhere north of 200 Breathed strips I've never read, so something to look forward to. There isn't a firm date on the Opus book, but I'm guessing some time in 2013. Good to know about the Bloom County volumes. I wound up getting vols. 2 & 3 from a local Barnes & Noble, where they were languishing unappreciated on the shelves. 10% B&N member discount + a couple of 20% off coupons they'd sent me in the mail, so I actually get a slightly better deal than what Amazon's currently offering them for.
  17. Al Jaffee's mad Fold-in. If he's still alive it's still on the back cover. I just became aware of this. Had no idea such a collection existed.
  18. From the excellent Letters of Note blog, which is well worth visiting regularly (or following on Twitter for those that are so inclined), a 1967 letter from Louis Armstrong to a Marine stationed in Vietnam: Link
  19. I had a bunch of those paperback anthologies as a kid as well. More recently, there was this, which has occasionally been available at ridiculously low prices for such a massive, beautiful set.
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