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Dave Garrett

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Everything posted by Dave Garrett

  1. Ran across a seller on eBay offering what are described as "negative & print of album cover" for several BN albums. If anything, they look like they might be color separations on B&W film, but I'm not very familiar with the technical details of how album cover art was produced back in the day. Possibly of greater interest is that he claims to have "personal items belonging to Alfred Lion" that he plans to list on eBay within the next few weeks. Any ideas as to what these really are? http://www.ebay.com/sch/Music-Memorabilia-/2329/m.html?item=251469664294&ViewItem=&ssPageName=ADME%3AB%3ASS%3AUS%3A3160&_ssn=thenativeway
  2. Wow! Thanks. I didn't know about this and have no memory of doing this interview. It was just posted on Esquire's site on Monday, but it wasn't clear how recent the interviews were. Also had me wondering if the piece had been put together some time ago in preparation for the 30th anniversary of the film's release and they decided to publish it now when Ramis died.
  3. http://www.esquire.com/blogs/news/ghostbusters-oral-history
  4. How fast is your DSL connection? I don't have MLB TV, but in my experience you need to have at bare minimum a 3Mbit connection to stream HD video, with 6Mbit or greater being preferable. My dad still has an older 1.5Mbit DSL connection, and he's not able to stream 1080p video wirelessly to his TV without a lot of stuttering and buffering.
  5. Perhaps it's purely down to being European but I really dislike the taste of Hershey's. Indelible - at least to me. I guess it depends on what you are used to. Me, I like Swiss chocolate. I think it is a European vs. American thing. I remember the topic of chocolate came up once with a Belgian coworker - he absolutely could not abide American chocolate, and was quite firm in his conviction that it was crap.
  6. Thanks - she is bouncing back quickly from the surgery. She definitely seems more relaxed, and after the fact it's obvious that the pain being caused by the tumor was worse than any postsurgical pain she may be feeling. Biggest challenge over the next couple of weeks will be to keep her from pulling out the stitches.
  7. Here's my sad dog story. Our dog had to have one of her rear legs amputated this morning, due to a tumor that had taken away her ability to use the leg. The vet removed as much of the tumor as he could in October, but as is common with this type of cancer, it grew back quickly and much larger than before. If there's any positive aspect, it's that this type of cancer rarely spreads beyond the area of the malignant growth to other parts of the body. We really struggled with the decision to amputate, even after it was recommended by almost everyone we talked to, as there's obviously no going back once you do it. But she has effectively been a three-legged dog for the past couple of months, and seems to have mostly adapted to it. Despite being on pain meds, the vet said that the tumor was likely causing more pain than the meds could control, so hopefully she will get some relief now and be able to adjust to a "new normal" for the rest of her days. She is having to stay at the clinic overnight after the surgery. This is the first night in the 12 years that we've had her that she's not been at home.
  8. Fuck breed-specific legislation and the people who vote for it. I'd be beyond pissed off if a pit or Staffie went after my GSD, but I also don't tar all such dogs with the same brush. There's a special circle of Hell reserved for arsehole dog owners who let their ill-trained dogs with poor impulse control run around unleashed. .
  9. Speaking of hair, the most ironic photo has to be the one of A Flock of Seagulls.
  10. Does someone have a list of which Ferraris (no Maseratis or Lamborginis?) Miles owned? Inquiring minds want to know if they somehow equate with what he was playing at the time... The one in the pic Lon posted is a 1958 250GT California Spyder. The others that I'm aware of: 1963-64 250GT Berlinetta Lusso 1967 275GTB/4 308GTSi (1977-79?) Pics of Miles and his 275: http://jakescarworld.blogspot.com/2013/01/miles-davis-1967-ferrari-275-gtb4.html Additional info: http://ferrarichat.com/forum/vintage-thru-365-gtc4-sponsored-vintage-driving-machines/103918-miles-davis%92-ferrari.html I like to think that he was recording Sorcerer, Nefertiti, Miles in the Sky, and Filles de Kilimanjaro while he owned the 275. If ever there was a car that would inspire its owner, a four-cam 275 would be the one.
  11. I was at last night's Cookers show as well. It was sold out - I put off getting tickets for too long, but scored a pair yesterday afternoon that had been released by season subscribers who weren't attending. Definitely one of the more impressive shows I've seen in recent memory, with clear appreciation from the hometown crowd for Billy Harper. I had to laugh when Weiss announced "Croquet Ballet" to silence, prompting him to ask if anyone knew that one, to which a couple of guys went "YEAH!"
  12. Import CDs is one of the retail subsidiaries of Super D, which is the biggest wholesale music & video distributor in the US. Super D also owns Deep Discount. http://www.sdcd.com/ AFAIK, they are a one-stop, not a distributor. One-stops buy from distributors. You're right, they're a one-stop. IIRC there's been some pretty significant consolidation among one-stops over the past few years, and Super D is the one that came out on top. Looking at their homepage a little closer, they do act as a distributor for CD Baby and Film Baby.
  13. Import CDs is one of the retail subsidiaries of Super D, which is the biggest wholesale music & video distributor in the US. Super D also owns Deep Discount. http://www.sdcd.com/
  14. Read an interesting stat today among the post-mortem analyses - this was the fifth Super Bowl in which the team which allowed the fewest points during the regular season played the team that scored the most points. In those five games, the teams which allowed the fewest points are 5-0. Defense does win championships, and I'll bet Buddy Ryan was smiling last night.
  15. New logo for a new holding company incorporated in the Netherlands and based in Britain, replacing the old corporate structures of both companies: It's worth noting that without Chrysler's fourth-quarter earnings, Fiat would have had a significant loss (235 million euros). We'll see how the new entity does going forward.
  16. I was skeptical about Prime for a long time, but after finally taking advantage of the one-month free trial when I got a Kindle Fire a couple of years ago, I quickly became a believer. I can see where its utility would be limited for those who don't order at least semi-frequently from Amazon, unless the infrequent orders were counterbalanced by heavy use of the free streaming service. Amazon just reported earnings, and their stock was down over 10% as a result of earnings coming in lower than expected. There's been some discussion that they're going to raise the annual cost of Prime membership between $20-40 in the near future. Not too surprising if that comes to pass, as their costs for shipping alone have got to be increasing, and that's a trend that's only going to continue.
  17. Pub-D-Hub is pretty cool, but what I've wound up using my Roku for the most is a combination of the Plex channel and the free Plex Media Server (https://plex.tv/downloads) running on my computer to queue up videos I run into while browsing the web for viewing later on my TV. There's a "Plex It!" button you can add to your browser's bookmarks toolbar that enables adding videos to your Plex queue with one click; although sometimes it fails to recognize videos embedded in webpages, I'd say it works great 90% of the time. I mainly started using Plex to be able to fling YouTube videos to my Roku, back when they'd briefly had an official YouTube channel before Google made them take it down. I understand that whatever disagreement Google had with Roku has recently been resolved and there's an official YouTube channel available once again. If you have a large personal media collection stored on hard drives, you can also add that content to your Plex queue just as easily and watch it via your Roku. There are also a crapload of private Roku channels out there that are accessible if you have the correct access codes. For starters: https://www.google.com/search?q=best+private+roku+channels
  18. Great BBC documentary on the Everlys:
  19. My understanding is that the majority of the sub problems were traceable to a poorly-designed connection on the cable that plugs into the sub, a flaw that I believe has since been rectified in units of more recent manufacture. For what it's worth, I've been running the same set for 5+ years with no problems, as has a friend who bought his set shortly after I got mine. As is always the case with issues like this, your mileage may vary.
  20. They are probably more than you want to spend, but I've been using a set of Klipsch's ProMedia 2.1 speakers for quite some time and haven't found anything else in their price range that even comes close. They sound great on my current computer and I haven't even gotten around to upgrading the sound card or adding a DAC. Check out the hundreds of Amazon reviews from satisfied owners: http://www.amazon.com/Klipsch-ProMedia-Certified-Computer-Speaker/dp/B000062VUO For some reason, they only seem to be available from third-party sellers at Amazon, but they can be had from directly from Klipsch for a lower price: http://www.klipsch.com/promedia-2-1-computer-speakers
  21. I've avoided Windows 8 so far as there's no compelling reason for me to "upgrade" my existing Windows 7 machine, and the only new computer I've bought since Win8's introduction has been a Chromebook that Staples had a too-good-to-resist deal on. That said, you'll probably find Gizmodo's take on Win 8.1 of interest: http://gizmodo.com/windows-8-1-review-little-changes-make-a-big-differenc-1446625571 Perhaps the most telling data, however, is the market share of the respective desktop operating systems: http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:iHhkB4WNAO8J:www.netmarketshare.com/operating-system-market-share.aspx+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us
  22. All joking aside, happy new (y)ear to one and all!
  23. Hmm. The one review of WOLF I've read so far put it on par with GOODFELLAS, if GOODFELLAS is ranked just under RAGING BULL as the peak of Scorsese's directorial achievements. I can't say that I normally find the reviewer in question to be compelling, but in this case my curiosity regarding WOLF has been piqued.
  24. What model Oppo player do you have? Oppo DVD players are likely to be region-selectable by default. Oppo Blu-ray players require a hardware mod for Blu-ray zone-selectability, but I'm not 100% sure if the mod is needed for DVD region-selectability as well, or if that's enabled in the firmware of the Blu players.
  25. My first exposure to Eno, and still a strong contender for my "desert island" album.
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