Well, I want to be able to get a good consistent sound out of the trombone, but realisticly that might take up more of my time, than I can spare. I'm a father of two, have a full time job, already play two instruments etc, etc... I just hope that perhaps with a bit of practise (2-4 hours a week for 3-4 months), I'll be able to play something that I can record by adding a lot of patience and possibly the willingness to do many, many takes before getting it right.
Does that sound realistic in your ears?
Pardon me for displaying my ignorance on this matter, but isn't the valve-trombone more difficult than the slide one in terms of embouchure. Like on a trumpet where you'd only have three valves, you'd have to form every tone with your embouchure - not just get the right air technique, but actually produce the nature of the tone with the way you use your mouth? I've played fretless bass every now and then and I think I could get use to it. I've got a pretty good ear, so if the tones are located logically, I think I might manage.
Another reason I might be going for the slide is the money. I can get a decent slide-trombone for $350 http://www.danguitar.dk/product.asp?product=603 (it's probably not fantastic, but for what I'll need it for, I suppose it will do). A valve trombone, could easily cost 6 times that amount - money I dont have at this time.
Any thoughts, comments would be appreciated.