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Everything posted by Ibuchreitz

  1. Hehe, you're a fun group! I'll probably end up buying a trombone and regret it because it is too difficult to play. I might end up leaving it outside in the rain for weeks, so I can say without lying, that I've had a "rusty trombone". Let's see how that goes.
  2. That's what I was about to post... Inarguably, you two are making quite a bit of sense. The thing is I think that suggestion would be too easy and not a lot of fun. I want to play the trombone - learn the basics and see where it gets me. I just try to have realistic expectations on how often I can practise in conjunction with how good I intend to become. I want the instrument, I want to explore it's possibilities - I just know, I wont be able to practise several hours each day.
  3. Well, I want to be able to get a good consistent sound out of the trombone, but realisticly that might take up more of my time, than I can spare. I'm a father of two, have a full time job, already play two instruments etc, etc... I just hope that perhaps with a bit of practise (2-4 hours a week for 3-4 months), I'll be able to play something that I can record by adding a lot of patience and possibly the willingness to do many, many takes before getting it right. Does that sound realistic in your ears? Pardon me for displaying my ignorance on this matter, but isn't the valve-trombone more difficult than the slide one in terms of embouchure. Like on a trumpet where you'd only have three valves, you'd have to form every tone with your embouchure - not just get the right air technique, but actually produce the nature of the tone with the way you use your mouth? I've played fretless bass every now and then and I think I could get use to it. I've got a pretty good ear, so if the tones are located logically, I think I might manage. Another reason I might be going for the slide is the money. I can get a decent slide-trombone for $350 http://www.danguitar.dk/product.asp?product=603 (it's probably not fantastic, but for what I'll need it for, I suppose it will do). A valve trombone, could easily cost 6 times that amount - money I dont have at this time. Any thoughts, comments would be appreciated.
  4. Hehe, thanks for all the jokes and info. Especially a big thanks to you, Free For All, for your in-depth perspective and willingness to share it with others. I wont have the time to master the trombone. My goal is to learn it well enough to make backing riffs to record alongside my other instruments. Small, simple melodies that I can record in my home-studio. Will it take long until I can make a good sound - not consitently, just every other time I play it?
  5. I should perhaps mention, that I also have avant-garde classical music in my collection. Stockhausen, Varese, Boulez among others, if any of you are interested in that sort of thing.
  6. @Peterintoronto: I really dont get it either. When I access the word-document I can click the links and get to the auctions with ease. I don't know why that doesnt work for you?! @Brownie: Thanks mate, you're a star!
  7. Hey peeps, I've been playing alto sax (for about 6 months) and electric bass (for about 10 years), and I've been thinking about purchasing a tenor trombone. I know people who tell me, that trombone and trompet are extremely difficult instruments to play, but they told me that about alto sax, and I'm doing alright there considering the short span I've practised it. So what's the case? Is it really that hard? I believe it's the embouchure-thing, that makes my friends scared of these instruments, but I'm thinking - how hard can it be?
  8. Not that jazzy, but I rap the third verse and sing backing in the chorus in this swing/hiphop http://remix.emix.dk/files/Bubber/411 I play alto sax and electric bass, although not on the above track. I'll post more jazzy/funk-stuff where I play more of the instruments in the future. This song was made for fun with plenty of alcohol. We're rapping in Danish, in case you're wondering.
  9. Hey there Jeff, I'm glad you asked, but I dont have any Blue Mitchell. I have quite a lot Chick Corea, with whom he played with for some time, but unfortunately no records where Mitchell participates or leads. Sorry.
  10. No worries mate, I understand your initial confusion, I still can't figure out, why it did that. Not that it matters now.
  11. Hey J.A.W, many thanks for your interest. The auctions are indeed still on - for some reason the links got ruined when posted into this forum?! I dont know why or what happened. Bottomline is, I've attached a word-document to my first post with all the links in working order. If your patience permits, I'd be happy if you'd check it out! Looking for something else - there's a chance I might have it.
  12. Hello fellow jazz-enthusiasts! I'm selling my collection of 700 jazz- and classical records. I've loved and cherished those records for many decades, but now I've gotten older and replaced those records for CD's, I dont have the space or time to care for my collection anymore. ...The thing is, I have many, many records. Some ultra rare, some completely common. I pretty much want to sell every record individually, as selling a collection of 700 records all in one, will be too dificult to find a buyer for, I gather. I cant be bothered to put up 700 ebay-auctions all at once, so I've just picked out a few to put on sale (see link below). The point is, that if you're looking for specific jazz-records from the past 5-6 decades, there's a fair chance I got them. Write a reply to this thread with requests, and I'll get back to you asap!!! I'll sell at very reasonable prices - I really want to get these records out my hair, so let me know if you're interested and what titles you're looking for!! I'm currenly selling records on ebay, I hope you'll take a look and possibly place a bid. If you have questions or comments, just shoot. Here's the records I'm currently selling: Records on Ebay Thanks for your time - please let me know if you're looking for specific jazz-titles.
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