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Everything posted by Ibuchreitz
Hello there! Many, many rare and desirable records now on sale on ebay. Many original 1.st presses, very low or no reserves.. Spirits Rejoice,Bells, Bitches Brew, Afrodisiaca, Ascension, This is Our Music, The Shape of Jazz to come, On Tenor....Many nice titles. Hope you'll take a look! Please note that shipping prices are my actual expenses when shipping records - sorry! http://shop.ebay.com/ibuchreitz/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340 (Auctions end on Saturday) Quite a few rock-classics there too... Thanks and Happy New Year!! Ibuchreitz.
You're Danish too, Sidewinder? The weather truly is hellish! Minus 12 degrees celsius last night... Somebody told me, that European winters will be very cold for the next 7-10 years due to a temporary change in the gulfstream...That's just amazing!
The weather is ridiculous here in Denmark! Snow everywhere and sub-zero centigrades all day... I wish I lived in a warmer country.
Hey there! Just wanted to say, that I'm selling these titles on ebay. http://shop.ebay.com/ibuchreitz/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340 I'm letting go of a handfull of rare Mingus records, Charlie Parker On Dial 1-6, A Night at The Village Vanguard with Sonny Rollins, a very rare Danish pressing of Duke Ellington's New Orleans Suite and many other interesting LP's. I hope you'll take a look!
Funny how ebay-auctions always play out differently than I expect. Archie Shepp: Mama Too Tight is an awesome and utterly brilliant album in my estimation. I've looked into it's value and see no original US copies besides my own. Still, no interest what so ever. Out of my 34 auctions thats running this week, this is among the three least viewed. 5 views, 0 watchers... I realize that a lot can still happen, but I'm really surprised that it's doing so poorly. Anyways, if you're looking for a particular record, let me know and I'll see if I have it. If we can agree on a price, I'd rather sell to someone on Organissimo.org than be bothered with ebay.
Back this week with no less than 34 record-auctions on Ebay ending on Saturday. http://shop.ebay.com/ibuchreitz/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340 I've listed quite a few rare rock-albums this week alongside many great jazz classics.
I'd have to agree with you, it really is quite something. It's my favorite Dolphy record and the sound is indeed grand.
New records up now! http://shop.ebay.com/ibuchreitz/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340 Most of my auctions got sold yesterday, but here's a new serving of rarities and interesting records. I have a lot with John Coltrane and Miles Davis this week alongside a super rare Danish Debut Cecil Taylor and a 1.st pressing copy of Eric Dolphy's Out to Lunch and others.
By the way, I have some rare rock-records that I've begun selling too. This week I've included an original issue of Electric Ladyland to the auctions of jazz I have on ebay. I have some other stuff such as Rolling Stones, The Beatles, Bob Dylan and The Velvet Underground... are any of you interested in that sorta stuff?
The Contemporary Jazz Quintet - Debut 151
Ibuchreitz replied to Ibuchreitz's topic in The Vinyl Frontier
I'm afraid neither Buchreitz nor me will understand ANY of that - nor will anybody else. Whereas Swedish/Danish/Norwegian are lumped together in MANY printed media, for example, in Scandinavia where readers' contributions come into play (as you undoubtedly know ...) . OK, just to round off the debate and get back to Lbuchreitz's latest post (this time in English so Chris will spare us an avalanche of Icelandic ): Of course I see your point and I agree. But neither will you get a totally realistic appraisal from any moderately sharp-witted collector either who would be interested in BUYING these records himself. If he is to pay the items FULL PRICE that's not exactly an incentive to buy because it is not really a good buy (much less a bargain) for him. In short, try to get an appraisal of the value from an impartial third party (if there is anybody like that). But moaning about the fact that dealers (and even the keener type of collector) will not provide you with the info that will enable you to push up the prices of the items that THEY might be interested in buying from you is just natural. It has always been like that and is something to be reckoned with at all times IMHO (in EVERY part of any market where the price is dictated by collectability criteria). Good luck! Right, we can't risk a wave of Icelandic gibberish so let's take the threat seriously and switch to English :-) I agree with you completely. The thing is, I've never really paid any interest to the value of my records before now. I've only treasured them for the music that's on them and didn't really care if they we're worth any money before now. I was hoping somebody in here, would know more about the value of this particular record as I can't find any price-references anywhere on the internet. I have a feeling this record could be so rare, that someone might pay around $1000-$2000 or even more for it, but I've no way of establishing that and I want to take a price for it, thats both realistic and fair. I called a record-shop who was willing to pay me $800 on the spot without having seen the vinyl or cover. I don't know, but I'd like to find out what to expect people are ready to pay. -
It is mad! Although, there's a point to be made about these records, that transcends the joy of owning just the music in a nice media. I'm talking about authenticity and historical value. These records - some 50 years old or older - was not released in big numbers, there are probably not many left. To own a record like this, is like owning an antiquity. Like owning a piece of dying history, that becomes rarer and rarer as time passes. Is paying $2000 for a record pure madness? Yes, absolutely. Is paying $2000 for a historical object insane? Yes probably, but it makes more sense, if you look at it, that way. I sold my Eric Dolphy: Live in Europe for $699. That is a sick amount of money, but it's the cheapest a "Live in Europe" has ever sold for on ebay and considering the historical aspect and how rare it is, I think it was a fair amount. It was made (I'm guessing) in about 300 copies on the original debut album, nearly 50 years ago and sold mainly in Denmark and mainland Europe. For a collector, such a record is a piece of history. For people that don't care about authenticity and the historical aspect, there is a re-issue on a different label available. I know people who paid up to 1000 bucks for a playing card for Magic: The Gathering... Puts it into perspective, I think.
Hey people, Just wanted to say, I’m selling some records on ebay. I’ve profited greatly from the insigtful advice given to me by members of the Organissimo-userbase, so I’m very happy and have confidence in my new wave of records on ebay. I’ll put up new auctions every 1st and 2nd Saturday in every month (15-30 or so). The 3rd Saturday of every month, I’ll relist some of the titles, that didn’t sell. Shipping prices are the actual expenses, so unfortunately they are quite high. If you purchase more records (I can hold purchased records for three weeks) you can save a lot on shipping! Most records start on $4.99 or $9.99 and only the super rare have reserves. Check it out! Ibuchreitz on Ebay We have many records - if you're looking for particular titles, feel free to ask and I'll get back to you right away. Thank you for your time!
The Contemporary Jazz Quintet - Debut 151
Ibuchreitz replied to Ibuchreitz's topic in The Vinyl Frontier
Hej Steve, Jamen jo, det er absolut normalt. Jeg forstår godt, at de skal tjene penge på de plader, de køber, således de kan sælge videre med profit. Jeg siger bare, at jeg ikke kan bruge en vurdering af en plades værdi fra en sådan person. Den person er ikke uvildig/neutral og derfor er vedkommendes udgangspunkt garanteret, markant lavere end pladens reelle værdi. Derfor kalder jeg dem "vultures" i min indledende post. Jeg forstår godt, at det er sådan, de tjener deres penge. Derfor har jeg ikke mulighed for at forhøre mig blandt disse proffer, hvis jeg vil kende det eksakte værdi af min skive. -
The Contemporary Jazz Quintet - Debut 151
Ibuchreitz replied to Ibuchreitz's topic in The Vinyl Frontier
I can tell you in all honesty, that I've nothing against collectors of records at all... after all, I've been one for a long time myself. The people I'm not so sure about, are the people who drive around the country and buy peoples whole collections from them for a lot less than they're probably worth. I've tried to sell my collection to three different people who weren't interested as soon as they discovered I had researched prices on ebay and elsewhere. I can see, why that didn't come across in my original post, as it was poorly written and I was in a hurry. And obviously, I'd like to make a little money as I'm selling the collection I spent 40 years obtaining. If a record is worth $1000 I wont sell it for $200 unless it's in auction and I got unlucky. I don't know if that makes me a bad person. Nej, det var en rigtig ringe formulering... Jeg mener de mennesker der opkøber og videresælger samlinger. Jeg kan ikke rigtig se, at sådan en person nødvendigvis kan bruges som en troværdig kilde til at fastsætte en plades værdi - det vil altid være i hans interesse, at sige pladen er billigere, end den er. Men det er et sjovt cover. Det er fra Ekstra Bladet i 60'erne. The vinyl is flawless. It hasn't been played more than five-ten times, so it is close to perfect. The cover is great, in my estimation. I don't know what it's worth, so I'll probably investigate it further for a while before selling. I would gladly sell it to you, once I get a better idea of what it's worth. How much is a bundle? -
Hey guys, I own this record with "The Contemporary Jazz Quintet", no title except the groups name and "SDEB 151", released in 1968. The thing is, that I know this record is super-rare, and very desirable for many collectors, but I've no clue whatsoever what it's worth. It is so rare, that it has never been sold on ebay which also means that it cant be found for reference on sites like popsike. I might try and sell it on ebay, but I'd be interested to know what it's really worth and don't really trust the collectors of jazz I can find here in Denmark - they're like vultures those people. I hope somebody here can help me out... Best wishes, Ibuchreitz.
That's a brilliant idea. It would really narrow the field down! This is not the first time I've done this, I just thought (&^*¤%"@!!) I'd finally learned not to do it. I was amazed to see four pages of people posting to that topic I completely forgot about writing, when I finally found it... This is embarrassing. If any of you ever visits Denmark, I'll buy you a beer. Who knows, if your play your cards right we might end up back at my place and post drunken ramblings online and COMPLETELY forget about it afterwards.
Erh...hmm,... There are two possibilities here. I either posted this thread once when I was very drunk and first thought the idea for this poll and later forgot about it! (I usually try not to post on forums while drunk for!!) - OR - somebody posted a poll in the past and I was simply too lazy to search for it enough to find it. This is fun! What is it? Hehe, I found my own topic which is on the exact same issue from a few weeks back. That's just swell, seems I've been PUI (posting under the influence) again! God damn it! Do these boards award stupidity, if so what did I win...
Just wondering, who's your favorite alto-saxophone player in jazz? This topic is rather pointless, I know, but it'll be interesting to see who has the most followers on Organissimo. I'd have to go with Charlie Parker, but I must confess that Dolphy is rapidly growing on me. Cannonball is swell but a bit too bluesy for my taste. With all due respect, I realize that there are many magnificent alto-sax players out there who's not among the three choices given in the poll-options. I don't know them all and writing 40 names would be slightly redundant if my prediction is correct, that a vast majority of pollers would go for the top-three anyway. Hope you'll participate. Ibuchreitz
@Big Beat Steve: Thanks for sharing your insights. I like the auction-concept. If I sell a record for 9.99 that should have sold for 100, I'll send it along without tears or regrets. That's just part of the game! I just dont want to put myself in a situation where that is the most likely scenario, if you catch my drift. I dont mind the idea of losing some, winning others. I've no realistic desire to make the outrages amount as some records go by, reported on sites like popsike and others. I just want about what they're worth without losing too much on listing-fees, selling-fees, postage, pay-pal tranfer-fees and few bids. Not counting Eric Dolphy: In Europe which I sold for $699 - I've made $231 on selling first press versions of Mingus, Mingus, Mingus - Dollar Brand: African Piano - Albert Ayler: New Gras - Albert Ayler: Love Cry - Albert Ayler: In Greenwich Village - Archie Shepp: Life at the Donaueschingen Music Festival. The problem is that after paying all those damn fees and covering the deficit which arose because I wrote inacurate shipping-costs, in pursuit of more bids, I probably only have around $100 to show for those transactions. I want to try a different approach and I hope the above recipe is the right one. @Dan Gould: It's "Miles Davis - On the Corner" (first press, gatefold cover), "Miles Davis - ESP" (UK first press), "Pharaoh Sanders - Tauhid" (US 2. press, gatefold, Rudy Van Gelder written on dead wax). They're not super-rare, but they're fairly nice records in great shape. The reason you cant see them, is because the auctions start at 3:00 PDT today. I've arranged for the auctions to end on Saturday (midnight in Europe, between 3.00-6.00 PM in the US), in an attempt to make the auctions available for everybody. @clifford_thornton You're probably right about popsike. When I used it, I found the prices relevant for my specific copy of the record (for instance "first press"), then looked at the prices tried to make an average, and then took that amount and lowered it by about 20-25 percent and used that as my starting price. Not very effective so far, but I dont think popsike is a useless tool for stuff like this. It's just not perfect.
Thanks again - good points, Colinmce. Yeah, I do have some excellent mailers for records. Unfortunately they cost the equivalent of $3.00. I've tried putting up three records using the plethora of advice the good people of Organissimo has shared with me. The three titles can be found here: http://shop.ebay.com/ibuchreitz/m.html?_nkw=&_armrs=1&_from=&_ipg=&_trksid=p4340 My question is this; do you reckon the three titles are desirable enough for people to place bids, now that the shipping prices are $25.00 for USA and $13.00 for Europe? The records are still cheap, considering what I asked for them before, but I fear that quite a few potential bidders might feel, that paying for postage is like paying for nothing - like not getting value for a huge percentage of the purchase cost... The records are scheduled to start a 5 day auction (ending on Saturday) from 3:00 PM PDT. Thoughts?
Thank you all for your excellent advice. You've been most helpful. I'll do this from now on: 1: Run 7 day auctions ending in the weekends - when people are awake in the states, but not so late that people in Europe have gone to bed. Preferably end auctions a short amount of days after the 1st. of a given month, so that potential bidders has just recieved their paychecks (in EU the most common is to get salary on the first of every month). 2: Take $12 for shipping and handling in the EU and $24 for shipping and handling elsewhere in the world. 3: Start records at $9.99. Here's my only worry. I have some pretty valuable records, that I'd hate to see go for a lot less than what they're worth. A good example of this could be Albert Ayler Bells (first press, white wax, one-sided record) which is both very rare and pretty expensive. I relisted that auction starting up at $350, which is just a bit more than half of what other people try to get for their equivalents. If I started a record like that at $9.99, do you really think it would have a chance at reaching that amount? My worry would be, that it would end up getting sold at $80 or even lower. I have quite a few records that are in the $100+ price-range (JC: A love supreme, AA: Ghosts, CH: Tijuana Moods, MD: Blue Moods etc, etc). Would you start a record like that at $9.99? I might sell more of them, but at what price? I'll try the above out with not-so-valuable records, but I'd rather not put up, say Tijuana Moods which is probably worth $180, for a mere 10 bucks and see it go for $50. Do you believe that the prices listed at for instance Popsike.com or somewhere close to those prices, are realistically achievable from an auction starting at $10?? Would you suggest starting up records like that at $50 or will that be so much, that I might not get more than one bid?? I'm confused :-)
Hi Dan, Thanks for sharing your insights. Hmm, well the thing is, that we're worried about not earning a profit on each record. I'll grant you that we're not doing well as it is - our records arent selling. The real problem is shipping. We take $9 for shipping outside of the EU. In reality our shipping expenses are much higher. For a gatefold record we might pay as much as $27 (sometimes more) for the actual shipping. After we have been paid the 9 bucks in shipping, there's still $18 to be paid for shipping out the record. Ebay takes 9% of the salesprice and usually about $1.5 for various listing fees. Our fear is, that if we try selling a rare and valuable record, like you suggest, there's a risk that we'd end up with a deficit. If we sold a record for $30, ebay would take 1.5 for listing and 2,7 as their 9 percent cut, paypal would then take 2 for the transfer and we'd pay 18 dollars for shipping, leaving a slim profit of $5.8 - which is near to nothing and clearly not worth the time it took looking into the records value, listening through it to estimate it's grade, listing, packaging and shipping. Our fear is, that if we listed without a starting price we feel gives us a garantee that we wont lose money, we might end up with a significant deficit if we tried listing a batch of records that didnt make good bids. We have many records - not just the ultra-rare - that we want to sell. We need to make at least 30 bucks on each for it to be worth it. Raising our shipping fee's will probably scare potential bidders more than high starting prices, dont you think? I've been thinking about auction time? We've tried 10 day auctions in the past with bad results. Do you think that 5 day auctions are more successfull. I fear that people who decide to watch an auction lose interest and stop paying attention , when the auction ends such a long time later. Perhaps if we put up records for 5-day spans, we might get more bids? Do you agree we this analysis? We've had several records on auction that quickly gathered 6-7 watchers, but when the last 8-9 days passed, we ended up with zero bids. I've been thinking about opening an ebay-store, but I dont think it's worth it. As far as I can see, ebay listing wont be much cheaper and if we make "Buy it Now" listing, Ebay will take 15 instead of 9 percent if we sell. Am I right?
Thank for this most helpful information. I'd love any tips and advice you might have. We, my father and I, have a massive amount of records we want to sell, but so far ebay has been a difficult and expensive medium. I use popsike.com for a price-reference and try to make starting prices well below that amount. Still, we dont seem to get a lot of bids. Any tips? When does the summer end in terms of ebay-activity? Thanks in advance! (Hope I'm not breaking forum rules - if so, you're very welcome to write me privately!!!) Ibuchreitz.
Charlie Parker, Eric Dolphy, Julian Cannonball Adderley, Maceo Parker - and all the ones I forgot to mention. Who's your favorite and why? I'd have to go with Charlie Parker or Dolphy. They're pretty different from each other, but both outstanding.