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Everything posted by Aggie87

  1. tonym, your mother dresses you funny. And you have BIG EARS! Seriously, I'd agree with Joe's recommendations. Stylistically Frisell is difficult to pin down to any one thing. I guess lately he's been in his Americana bag more than the others, but if you want to try something relatively recent not so much in that vein, I'd also second ghost's choice - the one he did with Holland & Elvin.
  2. Anybody have "Up All Night" yet? I'd love to hear some reviews/opinions...
  3. I think this has been asked before, but are these official, legitimate BNs? And other than the color differences, do the booklets include all of the normal liner notes etc. of their counterparts?
  4. Count me in on the Frisell bandwagon! I was just listening to "Before We Were Born" this morning on the way to work. Has a really nice, varied mix of styles, as do many of his recordings. Alot of folks will be quick to say he's "not jazz", but I'm not too concerned about that. I think he's a great player and creative talent, and I haven't found a bad recording of his yet. I like alot of the "Americana" style music that he's been releasing, and have most of his later stuff (except for "The Intercontinentals - haven't grabbed that one yet). I also like what I've heard of his work with Paul Motian, and want to start exploring the John Zorn stuff pretty soon. I'll strongly second Joe's recommendation of the Bass Desires albums as well! Great matchup with Scofield on those.
  5. Too many great ones on the list. Since we're picking favorites, I'll go with Scofield. But there are too many different eras of guitar players on this list to really make a valid "pick" from the list. edit: Strange - I picked Sco from the list, but my vote isn't showing up on the poll. Nor am I able to go back and pick again, since I'm being told I already voted in this poll.
  6. Kenny Burrell - Blue Lights, Vol I & II Donald Byrd - Byrd in Paris Eric Dolphy - Out to Lunch Bill Evans/Jim Hall - Undercurrent Charles Mingus - Mingus at Antibes Wayne Shorter - High Life Eberhard Weber - Chorus Peter Gabriel - Passion
  7. Just one shared-jazz b-day, but two other musical ones: 1905 Tommy Benford jazz drummer 1935 Dudley Moore London England, actor (10, Arthur, Bedazzled, 6 Weeks) 1944 Bernard Worrell US keyboardist (Funkadelic-Cosmic Slop) More shared b-days: 1903 Eliot Ness - (just try to forget Kevin Costner in that role though) 1922 Erich Hartmann German WWII pilot (downed 352 Russian aircrafts) - 352! 1933 Jayne Mansfield - oh yeah! 1968 Ashley Taylor Judd - oh YEAH! Historical Events: 1775 Battle of Lexington & Concord-American Revolution (the "Shot Heard Round the World") 1909 Joan of Arc, declared a saint 1967 Beatles sign a contract to stay together for 10 years (they don't) 1971 Charles Manson sentenced to life (Sharon Tate murder) 1991 - Michael Bolton released "Time, Love and Tenderness." 1993 Branch Dividians/FBI 51 day standoff in Waco TX ends with the deaths of 4 FBI Agents and numerous deaths from suicide of the cult members 1995 Truck bomb outside Alfred P Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, kills 168 & injures 500
  8. Picked up a couple of interesting twofers the other day, with Jaco Pastorius and Bireli Lagrene. These are on the Jazzpoint Records label, a local Stuttgart label. The first one pairs "Heavy'N Jazz", which is a live recording from Dec '86, with "Stuttgart Aria", a studio date from March of the same year. The other set pairs "Live in Italy" which is a March '86 live date, with "Honestly", which appears to be a complete disc of Jaco solo improvisations. Probably more late-period Jaco that I need, but I somehow doubt I'd find this stuff too easily later on, so didn't want to risk it. Haven't listened to either yet, but at €12 per set, too good to pass up. Oh, I also came home that day with the TOCJ of Booker Ervin's "The In-Between" from the same used cd store.
  9. Just a hunch, but I'll bet that they'll release a few of the "better" concerts from this box as individual releases, sometime soon. Similar to how they release the other Miles boxes, and then re-release the individual albums from the box shortly thereafter. So I wouldn't go and cave in to get the box just yet, unless you gotta have it all!
  10. Is a 24-bit remaster of this album available? I've only seen the older cd version, which I've been told doesn't have the greatest sound.
  11. Jim Hall - Live! Bireli Lagrene - Gypsy Project Jackie McLean - Jackie's Bag Joe Pass - Joy Spring Chris Potter - Traveling Mercies Bud Powell - The Amazing Bud Powell, Vol II John Hiatt - Slow Turning Tom Petty - Wildflowers
  12. Donald Byrd - Blackjack Kenny Drew - Undercurrent Keith Jarrett - Ft. Yawuh Lee Konitz - 3 Guys Joe Lovano - Landmarks Steve Swallow - Swallow Larry Young - Groove Street Yes - Relayer
  13. How about dispensing with the blindfold test altogether, Dan? That would certainly alleviate Higgin's concerns about appearing foolish for not recognizing something. In it's place you could simply play him some tunes from musicians that he has played with/recorded with, tell him who it is in advance, and just let him discuss the music/his experiences with those musicians. This will allow him to share his wealth of knowledge in a relaxed atmosphere, and not be so concerned with identifying who you're spinning.
  14. That wouldn't surprise me about Haden's hearing problems, based on the other night. Not sure about a sequel to Missouri Sky, but I asked the "sound guy" after the show if they were going to put a live album out from this tour, and he said they'd been recording all of the shows so far, so it was possible. I also asked Pat this question later, and he said maybe. So I'll keep my fingers crossed. I like the Trio albums (studio & live) that recently came out, so if there's a studio album with McBride/Sanchez coming out, I'd be looking forward to that alot as well! -Erik
  15. Caught this show on Friday night, here in Stuttgart. It was FANTASTIC. If you like the Missouri Sky album, you'll love this show! Although I thought it was a little expensive (€45 for just average seating), I really enjoyed their performance, which lasted a little over two hours. The audience appeared to be something of a mix of traditional jazz fans, as well as younger guitar fans. Pat Metheny came out first, and played three solo numbers, which were quite nice. One was a cover of Norah Jones' "Don't Know Why", which was very well done - not straightahead, but very subdued. Then he broke out his 42-string "Picasso" guitar (weird looking contraption!), and played a nice oriental-textured tune. I wish I had a setlist so I could tell you which tunes were played. After this, Pat left the stage and Charlie Haden came on and did a solo tune, which was also mellow but elegant. I wish his bass had been mixed just a tiny bit higher for the evening, but it still sounded great. Then Pat came back out, and the rest of the show was pretty much devoted to music from the Missouri Sky album, as far as I could tell. The one song they annouced was "Blues for Pat", which Haden wrote for Pat, and which originally came out on Metheny's '83 ECM album Rejoicing. At any rate, it was a SOLID performance, with both playing beautifully and very "together". Pat & Charlie came out for two encores, both due to standing ovations from the audience (probably about 2000-2500 people). After the show I waited around and was able to meet Metheny, who signed a couple of my cds for me. He was very friendly, and answered questions from some of the fans. He's going to be doing a trio thing with Christian McBride (didn't catch the drummer's name) shortly. Charlie Haden didn't come out afterward, so I was a bit disappointed in that. I wanted to get him to sign my copy of the Trane/Cherry Avant Garde album. Maybe next time. I have his autograph from a couple years back anyway, but would've like it on the 'Trane album. All in all a fine show, and well worth it if they come to your neck of the woods.
  16. Sonny Clark - My Conception John Coltrane/Don Cherry - The Avant-Garde Jim Hall - Panorama Live at the V. V. Andrew Hill - Eternal Spirit Medeski Martin & Wood - The Dropper Pat Metheny - Trio 99->00 Wayne Shorter - Adam's Apple
  17. I'll have to let you know later (probably Monday) - concert doesn't start for another 4 hours... B) I'm hoping to meet Pat & Charlie after the show - are they pretty accommodating with fans?
  18. Copied this off of RMB, courtesy of a couple of different posters from back in 1997. It was a collaborative, add-on lyric, and I thought it was kinda clever. Courtesy of some guys named Alan Young, Dave Harrison, and Ron Dudgeon. "My Favorite Things" Tom-tom and hi-hat and claves and conga, Shuffle or swing waltz or bossa or rhumba, Bass in a groove and piano that swings, These are a few of my favorite things. Tenors like Lester's and Flugels like Miles, Klezmer and Tango and barrelhouse styles, Old blues guitarists who wail on their strings, These are a few of my favorite things. When the key sticks, when the string breaks, got some nerves to soothe: I get up and wail with my favorite things and then I'm back in groove. Little swing combos and Hot Fives and Sevens The thought and the logic in work by Bill Evans The thrill that goes through me when Lady Day sings These are a few of my favourite things. Miles on vinyl and coltrane on CD Hard driving blues played in the "C" key Aging old hippies who dig music that swings These are a few of my favourite things. Verve and Mosaic and Prestige and Blue Note Monk in his fur hat and bop lines that Bird wrote Basie and Ellington, Coleman Hawkins These are a few of my favourite things.
  19. Tina Brooks - Back to the Tracks Donald Byrd - A New Perspective Charlie Haden - Nocturne (gonna see him tomorrow nite w/Metheny) Dave Holland BB - What Goes Around Bud Powell - Amazing Bud Powell Vol I Sonny Red - Out of the Blue Cecil Taylor - Conquistador Genesis - Trick of the Tail Porcupine Tree - Lightbulb Sun
  20. Click on the "creatures", and it'll take you to another screen. There, click on the globes, and you'll get some groovy (?) music...
  21. That wasn't actually a value judgement on my part, couw - I'd give you Marsalis as a jazz musician. However, soulstation used "Wynton Marsupial" up above, which I can only assume is a veiled reference to our favorite Jazz Spokesman/Savior. Hence your repeat would've cost you a drink. (what does this eye "mean" anyway?) Although I would concur that Dulfer or "He Who Must Not Be Mentioned" should cost someone a drink of grain alcohol just because. Oh, and to continue the thread... Roscoe Mitchell
  22. If you have time, a ferry ride out to Whidbey Island is nice, and then the drive across the island (& Deception Pass) is pretty. I think you go up to Mukelteo (sp?) to take the ferry. Of course, it's been about 25 years since I've done this, so Whidbey may be over developed now, for all I know. Beautiful country.
  23. Thanks JAW! I missed the daylight savings time thing.
  24. I really like the feature on this board that allows you to customize the time setting to your local area, and not pre-set to the U.S. west coast (or wherever the BNBB was set to). However, I've recently noticed that even with the correct setting for my area (GMT +1), the times listed on the posts are one hour off - meaning I'm posting this at 1323, but it "shows" as being posted at 1223 by the software. I can get around this by saying I'm in GMT+2, but that's not really correcting the problem, just masking it. Anyone else having this problem lately? And if so, have you figured out how to solve it? Or can a board person figure this out? Thanks Erik
  25. Babs Gonzales P.S. - Wynton Marsalis would've cost you a drink
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