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Everything posted by Aggie87

  1. I get no credit - I picked the Niners! I did ALMOST pick NYG though, should have trusted my gut. My lucky late pick was the Skins over the Vikes...
  2. ...couple of pictures I took at the John Scofield show at the Blue Note, this past Saturday. These guys play like one musician inhabiting three bodies.
  3. For those that like Prine's debut album, the recent release "Singing Mailman Delivers" would be worth checking out. The first disc is a set of recordings he made at WFMT Studios in Chicago for copyright purposes, about a year before the first album, with alot of the same songs. The second disc is a great live set from November 1970.
  4. Long interesting article/interview with SW at All About Jazz posted today, here.
  5. TMI dude! So, as long as you're sharing, what's it like? It's actually half-decent. Got a slight hint of pineapple in it, of all things. I'm not sure I'd buy it regularly, but it's worth checking out if you see it on the shelf.
  6. The NFL issued a statement today agreeing with the referees on the catch/interception. However, their statement also included that there should have been an offensive pass interference call on Seattle WR Golden Tate for pushing a Green Bay player prior to his jumping up to attempt the catch. If that had been correctly called, then the play is over at that point, and Green Bay correctly wins. So in essence the NFL is acknowledging their replacement referees botched the entire play and cost GB the win, despite them agreeing that the refs somehow made the correct call that it was a catch and not an interception.
  7. Seahawks have sacked Aaron Rogers 8 times in the first half alone tonight!
  8. And of course, all the OT games were won by the teams I didn't pick.... For the Det/Ten game and the KC/NO games, we all picked the same team to win each of those games (Det and NO). So it really didn't matter who won or who lost - nobody in the pool gained or lost pool points relative to anybody else. The NYJ/Miami game mattered though, since some of us picked NYJ and others picked Miami.
  9. Wow, would love to see that Escovedo/Hidalgo show! Are they playing together on stage, or separately, but only playing the other's songs?
  10. Ended up going to the show last night, and it was fantastic! Alejandro Escovedo opened, and played for about 45 minutes - too short for my tastes. The band was two acoustic guitars, bass & drums. It was a great set, touching on some new tracks from his latest album (Big Station) back through some of his early tracks. I wish he'd pass through here as a headliner, like to hear a much longer set. Prine came out after a 30 minute intermission, with a bassist and another guy who was mainly a guitarist but played a few other instruments as well. His set lasted 2 1/2 hours, which surprised me, given the cancer he battled. He was definitely "on", talking about how he wrote some of his songs, which were favorites of his mother and a recently passed brother, and about his experience playing brothers in a movie with Billy Bob Thornton. Thoughout all of his stories there was a sense of humor, and you could tell he really enjoyed what he was doing, and appreciated being there. He played some of the songs mentioned above, as well as some that were clearly some of his biggest hits - Sam Stone, Jesus the Missing Years, Bear Creek Blues, Angel from Montgomery, Dear Abby, Hello in There, John Garfield Blues, Clay Pigeons, and many more. Glad I went!
  11. Yep, vs. the Nats. I can't stop watching that video!
  12. Maybe the highlight of my Astros' season:
  13. Disagree. Endeavor flew over Houston on Wednesday, my brother in law took this photo from his office downtown: ...and it flew over the Capitol Bldg in Austin yesterday as well:
  14. I wonder if a SpamBot has stolen Chuck's login and posted as him..
  15. Any Prine fans on the board? Tell me about him - I really don't know any of his music, I don't think. He's one of those names I've heard mentioned over the years, but never listened to. What albums are worth checking out? What are some of his signature songs? He's playing here in town on Saturday night. Is he worth seeing live? Alejandro Escovedo is opening, and is the main reason I was interested, but I'd like to learn a bit about Prine too.
  16. That looks like a fake audience in that youtube clip.
  17. Well, they're not coming my way, but you convinced me anyway - I'm gonna check 'em out at the Blue Note in NYC on 6 Oct!
  18. The duplicates that bug me are ones like "Point me toward the top 10 jazz albums". THose are the ones I usually feel a need to point a newbie to the old threads, since the suggestions in those will invariable answer the newbie's questions, and the rest of us don't have to merely repeat ourselves again.
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