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Everything posted by Aggie87

  1. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, Gross Al! (i wrote that in German just so I could call you gross!)
  2. Yeah, that cut may not be representative in that sense, the whole album/band was intended as a tribute, I think. I picked that one from youtube because there wasn't a whole lot to pick from.
  3. Scofield plays well on the Trio Beyond release, which is a tribute to Tony Williams' Lifetime, alongside Jack DeJohnette and Larry Goldings. I'd be curious about your impressions of his playing here, Larry.
  4. A few photos from Goliad, Texas this past weekend: One of the original cannons at the Presidio La Bahia (where the defenders of the Alamo unsuccessfully tried to call for reinforcements, and the site of the Goliad Massacre, and the birthplace of Mexican General Zaragoza, who defeated the French Army in the Battle of Puebla, allowing us to all drink margaritas on Cinco De Mayo): Our Lady of Loreto Chapel at the Presidio; the first Texas Declaration of Independence was written inside this chapel: The Goliad County Courthouse. There is a "Hanging Tree" right in front of the building, where court sessions were held from 1846-1870, and death sentences were immediately carried out. I love old small town courthouses like this one - I think it's haunted. Some young folks two-stepping on Saturday night, inside the Schroeder Dance Hall, the second oldest in Texas. Schroeder's population is 347. Still a cool hall though - there's a George Jones flyer up on the post in the middle of the floor, and Merle Haggard is playing there in a couple of weeks, so they must be doing something right.
  5. Are there any extra tracks or material on this set, compared to the individual releases?
  6. I was glad to see Garrett on stage, but it would have been nice to get their whole performance.
  7. Well, if we're not gonna have any new PT for a while, at least SW is doing some vault things - first up is a reissue of Yellow Hedgerow Dreamscape, which is the companion album to On the Sunday of Life (both of these two albums were compilations of SW's early PT cassettes). I've got YHD on vinyl (and a cd that i'm not sure if it's truly legit or a bootleg from Russia or somewhere - probably the latter), so I'll be getting this. Also of more interest probably, will be a 10th anniversary reissue of In Absentia! From a new interview with SW in Innerviews: "Porcupine Tree’s In Absentia turned 10 years old last year. It’s 11 years old this year. We’ll reissue that as a special edition with a Blu-ray disc featuring the video material we have. There were a lot of other tracks recorded during those sessions that didn’t make the album, like “Meantime,” “Drown with Me,” “Chloroform,” “Futile,” and “Orchidia.” We’re going to bring all of those together, perhaps along with some instrumental versions and demo versions. It’ll be an all-singing, all-dancing experience."
  8. I am a fan of football, and didn't care who won the game. I think the call/non-call was fine, and the outcome was right. Biased Niners fans don't, biased Ravens fans probably do. I don't see boatloads of people who are football fans (but not fans of either of these two teams) whining about the outcome of this game. Do you?
  9. Stop it, Aggie. You don't know anything of the sort. And who are these "masses of people" you're talking about? On this forum? Geez. Just how many Californians inhabit this place anyway...2 or 3? Out West and especially in NorCal, "masses of people" are saying it was a bad call. Of course they are, they are biased Niners fans. People in Texas sure aren't screaming about it. Again, that tells me unbiased people aren't upset about it. Biased people are.
  10. I think the litmus test is when the great masses of people who aren't fans of either particular team are screaming that it was a bad call, then it's a bad call. In this case, the only person screaming is an obviously partial Niners fan. Nobody else is, or coming to his defense. That essentially ends the discussion as far as I'm concerned. Luckily, that partial fan has explicitly sworn off all future NFL games, so we won't have to worry about this next time around, if the Niners are in the big game.
  11. Don't forget - "fuck the French". I think the world already knows the truth: Lance Armstrong is the best ever. The French, however, will never back off on that hate Armstrong crap. And to quote Lance himself: "Fuck the French." It gives me absolutely no pleasure to say this, but I wholeheartedly agree. Funny how wrong you were then.
  12. That's quite a lineup! Let us know how it goes, Buzzzdzzzzizzzzzczzzzzzkzzzzz!
  13. ....apparently Lance can't even come clean without lying... http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-18560_162-57565950/usada-ceo-armstrong-lied-to-oprah
  14. Video clip from the Producers, a group comprised of Trevor Horn & Lol Creme and others. Medley of Yes' Fly From Here Part II, Soon, and Owner of a Lonely Heart. Horn obviously had a hand in both Fly from Here (originally Buggles work that is on their 2nd album) and Owner (as producer), but Soon was before his time with the band.
  15. Manziel's different from past Heisman winners, in the sense that he just turned 20, and just finished his first year of college ball (other than his redshirt year). So he's young (2nd youngest to win the Heisman after Mark Ingram), and will do alot of his growing up with more cameras on him than a normal college player would. Especially if he ends up playing college ball for 3 more years. But I agree, Manziel has being doing plenty in the public eye that seems questionable - the gambling, possible drinking etc. He just did a video with the "Dude Perfect" guys that is actually kind of amazing and worth a watch if you haven't seen it: On your other comment - Teo not only isn't gay, he's "double plus un-gay", whatever that means!!
  16. Well, it got him closer than any defensive player ever has gone before. And part of the justification was how good his character and leadership was. Hell, he wasn't even the best defensive player in college football this past season - not by a long shot. That suggests to me the voters looked further than just what his play on the field was, when they cast their votes for him. 1. Long before my time Larry Kelly & Leon Hart and though he didn't deserve it.....Charles Woodson. 2. The Heisman really is a joke. Like Woodson, Kelley and Hart were both 2-way players. I suspect they all won due to that moreso than pure defensive skills. But yes, you're correct. Teo is the highest vote getter who was purely a defensive player, I believe.
  17. Well, it got him closer than any defensive player ever has gone before. And part of the justification was how good his character and leadership was. Hell, he wasn't even the best defensive player in college football this past season - not by a long shot. That suggests to me the voters looked further than just what his play on the field was, when they cast their votes for him.
  18. "Te'o committed sins of omission and those seem to be the hardest for the public to forgive." That comment also presumes that Teo isn't complicit in the whole hoax. If he was complicit, and his "heartwarming story" almost won him the Heisman and undoubtedly would have raised his draft status (if the whole fiasco hadn't come out), then his sin - to me anyway - is far worse than a simple omission. What will the next player try to do to win the Heisman and up their $$ bankability with the NFL?
  19. Your argument about every one juicing centers on the athletes all having equal access to equal drugs that produce equal effects in each person, no? I don't think that's the case in real life. And then there were still athletes that weren't juicing at all, so those were at an unfair disadvantage, though ethically and morally correct.
  20. I read somewhere that in the neighborhood where Tuiasasopo lived/lives, a few doors down is a family with the name Kekua. I bet he just "borrowed" it from them. Here's one link that mentions that: http://www.dailymail...o=feeds-newsxml
  21. How Manti and Lennay really met: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLagA-fxsAg
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