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Everything posted by Aggie87

  1. Mine was too. He died from it at 56. Never got to meet any of his grandchildren. The thought of that happening to me is enough to make me never want to even try a cigarette.
  2. It's interesting to see the opinions of this board on the JC thread that is linked in this thread. In particular one poster who belongs to both boards, who seems to particularly bash the O board, and yet posts and argues here constantly, and has done so for quite some time. If that person dislikes this board as much as he seems to indicate, it amazes me that he has continued to choose to be a part of this community. True colors, I guess.
  3. I've seen Mike play in Austin at the Continental Club - his organ trios are fantastic! Need to get back up there and see them again (and pick up the cd, I'm a slacker!).
  4. I don't think we have the chip n pin thing here - at least not widespread. It's Debit or Credit card (or cash) for most, that I'm aware of.
  5. Are you really The Lil? Or just A Lil of many Lils? If you are The Lil, that's rather impressive, one should think.
  6. Ok, hasn't been much reason to check in here. I'm still doubting Goody's 3rd place finish prediction. 'Stros are 12-32, on pace for a 44-118 season. Ugh. 5 years away from being competitive, assuming everything breaks the right way. Not much incentive to make a trip to Houston for a game, which I used to like to do when I could. Gonna be a while before that happens again.
  7. Happy Birthday, Chuck - wishing you the best for the coming year!
  8. Happy Birthday, Larry! Thanks for all you bring to/share with this board!
  9. What is this? Some sort of electronic tin-foil-hat device that attaches via electrodes to our noggins? <john tesh music>"...You will veer into the bike lane no matter what, but you will remain remarkably calm about it while doing so, biker present or not..."</john tesh music>
  10. Buzzzzzz - I like that Hitchcock album, only one I have from your list. I ordered: Jukebox The Ghost - Safe Travels The Baseball Project - Vol. 1: Frozen Ropes and Dying Quails Laika & The Cosmonauts - Cosmopolis Mercury Rev - Snowflake Midnight Fujiya & Miyagi - Ventriloquizzing Bell X1 - Bloodless Coup
  11. If anybody's interested, Yep Roc is having one of their semi-infrequent $5 cd sales. There's 100 titles available this time... List here: http://yeproc.11spot.com/sale.html
  12. I'd like to see Howard in a Rockets uni. I think he could fit in well with Harden & Lin - maybe they replace Parsons or Asik with him. Didn't seem like he ever complemented Gasol very well, and had a difficult time exerting dominance on the floor while Kobe was out there, too. Just didn't fit the Lakers very well.
  13. Not excited about the Cowboys' night. Dropped from 18 to 31 and then picked up a center (Travis Frederick) who could have been had in the 2nd or 3rd round most likely. Don't think he's necessarily a bad player, just picked way too early. Blah. I think the Vikings did well, all things considered, ending up with 3 first round picks, all of whom should be solid contributors.
  14. Do you think the Jets will dump Tebow before the season starts? I'm not sure there's a trade market at all for him, nor do I think he's even a decent #2 QB - the Jets apparently agreed when they bypassed him last season for 3rd stringer McElroy. I think Tebow's best bet is to try to switch to FB or TE or something - I don't see him ever being an NFL caliber starting QB.
  15. Starting a new thread for this NFL season, since the draft is 2 days away. I think this is a good point to begin the discussion for the upcoming season! My team (Cowboys) switched to a 4-3 defense under new coordinator Monte Kiffin. Not a Kiffin Jr. fan, but hopefully the old man's got something in his tank. So the Cowboys need some d-line help for the switch, and I can see them going with someone like Sylvester Williams if he's available at #18. What they really need (more) is some upgrade on the offensive line though, so I'd like to see them nab somebody in the first round who can help there. Their O-Line flat out stinks.
  16. This will be available on CD too, right? I know 8 track and vinyl and digital, but I'm interested in a cd version.
  17. Thanks all! Looking forward to some time with my wife and family for the weekend. Maybe squeeze a bier in somewhere too!
  18. Thanks gents! Looking forward to a nice weekend with my wife and kids, and visiting my mother. Family is the best way to spend a birthday, I think.
  19. Looks like Paul Shaffer and Joe Piscopo playing with Miles, Nojjy! LOL
  20. Loved the pics on your Facebook page, Mike! Wish I could have been there. I'll have to settle for seeing you at the Continental Club again some time I guess!
  21. That worked for you. This particular channel isn't on any cable network, other than Comcast, which is part owner of the station (via NBC). The Astros and Rockets are majority owners of the station. I assume it's on Comcast anyway, in Houston. Not on Dish or DirecTV either. I don't think Comcast has that big of a chunk of Houston, either. Comcast isn't even available in my city. So it's not an option.
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