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Everything posted by Aggie87

  1. Fortunately for me there is no photographic evidence of my attempts to conquer the coast!
  2. Boogie-boarding with my son today, at Padre Island National Seashore...
  3. Yes, that was a forced requirement as a condition to the sale of the team to Crane. None of my relatives in Houston (or any Stros fans in the rest of Texas that I know of) were a fan of the move in the first place. BT - the Astros' AA team is located here in Corpus Christi, and they've got some decent talent, fun to go to their games, too (they've got a great stadium with a swimming pool behind right field that you can rent and watch the game from, even). Hopefully that talent transitions up the chain to AAA and the bigs some day. Part of the problem for the Astros is that they gutted any talent they had over the past couple of years, and traded it all away for prospects, and then moved too many of them up to the majors before they were ready.
  4. ...and in other news, the Houston Astros are bringing up the rear for all of MLB. Go 'Stros!
  5. Who cares what a jazz musician is wearing offstage? I know I don't care about it at all. I don't have anywhere near all of Zorn's recorded output, but from what I have, his compositions do not sound the same at all. In fact, I am not aware of many jazz composers who have written music as varied as Zorn. He is however a poseur. 100 more compositions. Why he is a poseur? Please explain. That is a strong charge against an artist, and I am genuinely unaware of what Zorn may have done to deserve it. Translation: He just dropped 200 more versions of the same thing. Blue Train, you seem to intensely dislike John Zorn. Could you explain why? I truly don't understand what there is about him that would inspire such dislike. I agree with Hot Ptah's entire post. Ditto.
  6. Shout-out at 3:45: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=OFabhEPCpnw
  7. Mike's a monster! He's also currently in Europe, performing on keys with ZZ Top, believe it or not. Played at the Montreux Jazz Festival tonight.
  8. Whataburger is crap. And I say that in their hometown, where there's one on practically every street corner. It's too expensive and slow, and not particularly tasty at all. Give me 5 Guys any day of the week over Whataburger.
  9. I wish they'd release the "Best of the B Sides" compilation separately. Currently only available (legally) in the Eddie's Archive box set, which is ridiculously expensive.
  10. Can you provide a link to a game writeup? I don't see evidence of this game on ESPN.com.
  11. Interesting - SW is doing a 5.1 remix of Close to the Edge! from Neil Wilkes (Opus Productions): I have just been told it is okay to tell you all about this at long last - so here goes. Featuring brand-new stereo & 5.1 mixes by Steven Wilson as well as some additional bonus material and the original stereo mix in glorious high resolution, "Close to the Edge" will be released in October this year. I cannot say too much more at this point in time, but will update this thread as & when I am able to do so. This has been a very long time in the making, but well worth the wait - the new mixes sound absolutely glorious!
  12. Duncan and Kawhi Leonard played consistently for the entire series. The rest of the Spurs players didn't - they seemed to take turns getting hot. Problem is that nobody else was hot in Games 6 or 7, and Ginobili and Green were both VERY bad. Spurs should have won Game 6. For the Heat to only squeak out both wins on their home court with LeBron playing as well as he finally did, says alot for the Spurs.
  13. I definitely agree on the first part. The Spurs lost that game more than the Heat won it, for a variety of reasons. Hopefully the second part is false. I see this as final game as a battle between the Spurs' intelligence and the Heat's (really LeBron's) energy.
  14. How was the show? I'd love to see them again, after having seen Ely a few times solo since the last Flatlanders show here.
  15. Lebron sits there and whines and flails his arms when he doesn't get a foul call. The other players have all run back down to the other end of the court and LBJ is still there jumping up and down and crying foul. Nobody does this as often as Lebron, in this year's playoffs anyway. I think part of why Ginobili traveled was because there was so much congestion and arms on him. Yes he traveled, but I think it was because he was being fouled at the time, so to me that's the correct call. Need to see more replay. Bosh also fouled on the last 3 point attempt by hitting Green's body before the shot, but the block itself appeared to be clean. However, Pop is still at least partly to blame for having Duncan on the sideline, when he could have been fighting for the rebound that Bosh got and kicked out to Ray Allen. Otherwise, despite poor play from Parker & Manu, poor foul shooting, poor officiating at the end, and a poor decision by Pop re:Duncan, the Spurs outplayed the Heat and shoulda won. On to Game 7!
  16. I agree that Pop screwed up by not keeping Duncan in for rebounding, and that affected the outcome of the game. I also think the non-call on Ginobili on the Spurs' final drive was unforgivable. He should have been on the line shooting two (which he likely makes) and giving the Spurs the lead back, and possible clinching the game - who knows? Instead the non-call resulted in a foul the other way and the game for the Heat. Shame when the refs affect the outcome of the game as much as the players. What's worse is that is something that you can recover from in Game 1 or 2, but not Game 6 on the opponent's court, with a game in which you clearly played well enough to win.
  17. Luckenbach, Texas - Population 3. 15 June. Pedernales Falls State Park, 15 June. Yours truly, exploring.
  18. I've got their other disc, "Talking Only Makes it Worse" (signed no less!), and it's pretty cool. Have to seek this one out sometime. I think I may have had it before when I was in a Charlie Hunter phase, but can't find it now.
  19. I liked this poster during the Pacers/Heat series:
  20. Don't look now, but the Houston Astros are the hottest team in MLB at the moment, riding a 5 game winning streak! I'm shocked (SHOCKED, I tell you!) they've done that, but they've still got the 2nd worst overall record in baseball too, so it's hard to get too excited. Plus, outside of the season opening game against the Rangers, they haven't been on tv here in Corpus, so I haven't seen them play since.
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