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Everything posted by Aggie87

  1. I don't think we're supposed to feel better or safer. He died where he was supposed to die, behind bars. Time moves on. My 19 year old and my 16 year old didn't know who he was. Explained it to my 16 year old, but to him something that happened in the late 60's/early 70's is ancient history. As it probably should be. To many people this happened a LONG time ago. And I say that as someone who was about 4-5 and lived in Los Angeles at that time. I remember my parents being nervous about Manson.
  2. I think it is a complicated issue. Had Gurriel been born and grew up in the U.S., he would've been no doubt aware of how inappropriate his gesture/words were. And if he still chose to do them, then any fine/suspension would be appropriate and deserved. But he was born into and grew up in a culture where that type of communication is still acceptable. As I mentioned earlier in the thread, he only defected to the USA in 2016. Is it wrong that he acted in the way he considered to be common where he's from? I believe Carlos Beltran brokered some communication with Darvish, and has been talking with Gurriel about what is and isn't appropriate in the culture here. I believe he's also remoreseful and has apologized for his actions, and it seems clear it's already been a learning point for him. I doubt he does something like that again. He's also stated he's not going to appeal his suspension, and has agreed to take sensitivity training. He appears to have learned from this already. So is it worth condemning him for the culture he grew up in (and fled)? As an aside, I've lived in both Asia and Europe multiple times, and have noticed in both cases, with populations that aren't as diverse racially, there seems to be a more open willingness to make racial comments/gestures openly. It's seems not to be considered offensive. So I would suspect that people that grow up in other places and move to the U.S. take a while to figure out that what was acceptable "back home" may not be in the new country. It's a learning curve like anything else.
  3. Nuevo Progreso, Mexico on Saturday, 28 October 2017
  4. I'm not defending Gurriel's actions and comments, but there appears to be something of a cultural difference where he grew up, versus the U.S. Things that are unacceptable here in 2017 may be different than what's acceptable in Latin American countries. And despite Gurriel's age (33), he's a rookie here in the U.S., having defected from Cuba just last year. Ozzie Guillen's comments: http://www.espn.com/video/clip?id=21216279
  5. In the NBA they go 2-2-1-1-1 in the Finals (and probably the earlier rounds as well). It's accepted that there are days in between games in the NBA though.
  6. I found a Tom Verlander that lives in England and used to tweet. Maybe that's who you're thinking of. He seems like a pretty regular guy though, so I doubt he's Tom Fucking Verlander. https://twitter.com/tomv23
  7. Those guys (possibly your roommates) used to accost me on Guadalupe all the time, starting in the fall of '83. They were as desperate as the junkies a block down the street in front of the baptist church (at least I think it was a baptist church).
  8. Tom Fucking Verlander only wishes he made Justin Verlander money, and slept with Justin Verlander fiances.
  9. My wife and I honeymooned in St. Maarten (actually on the French side, St. Martin) in 2011. It breaks my heart to see the damage there. The airport (well known because you can stand on the beach and have planes fly over you while landing and it seems like they're just 20 ft above you) had pretty significant damage apparently. The island of Barbuda is even worse - reports say 90% of the island is destroyed. Hopefully Puerto Rico comes through without major destruction and deaths. And my thoughts go out to friends and board members in Florida. I've got friends in the Keys who are riding it out (but have moved in to a "solid" hotel instead of the place they rent). Hunker down and stay safe if you're staying.
  10. A death toll of over 1000 is a tragedy, and my Texan heart goes out to them.
  11. The dickhead President was in Corpus Christi this morning, for two hours, tops. Air Force One landed here in Corpus, and he and Melania came out in their baseball caps (his: "USA" and hers: "Flotus" - get 'em while they're hot on Trump's website, just $40 each!). They drove to the nearest fire station to the airport, spent 30 minutes getting briefed by a coast guard representative and a FEMA rep, and then hopped back in the motorcade, went back to the airport, and flew off. They didn't drive around and thank any first responders, nor did they do what I think would've been the most helpful and impactful thing to do, take a helicopter flight over the Rockport area, to see the actual devastation first hand. I see no reason he actually came here to Corpus Christi. PS - just got back yesterday, my family and house are all ok. My kids' grandmother lives in Rockport, and I still haven't heard whether her house is intact. I hope so. Keeping my sister in Houston in my thoughts, and mjzee and other boardmembers as well. And anyone else in the path of this awful storm.
  12. Glad you enjoyed it! I enjoyed the second half of the show more than the first. That band is great - would be interesting to see if they ever recorded again (I don't think Beard ever played on a Scofield album, actually, despite touring with him), now that they've done this. Dennis Chambers has toured with Scofield recently, on the uberjam dates they just completed in Europe. So who knows, it could happen. Happy to see an Owl on the board as well. I always loved when Rice played A&M in football - any chance to see the MOB was a good day! PS - BFrank - I still like ya, buddy.
  13. Copycat (see two posts up)... It is a good show though!
  14. ....amazing to realize how long this website has been a part of my life. My daughter is now about to start her sophomore year of college. She and I just watched a wonderful film together this evening ("Lion", with Dev Patel). Anyway, thought I'd share a concert recording of Scofield's "Quiet and Loud Jazz" show from the JALC. First half is material from his Quiet album, with Joe Lovano, Bill Stewart, Larry Grenadier, and horns. The second half is the Loud Jazz band, with Dennis Chambers, Gary Grainger, and Jim Beard. Good show! http://www.npr.org/event/music/539549653/john-scofield-performs-quiet-and-loud-jazz?utm_campaign=storyshare&utm_source=twitter.com&utm_medium=social
  15. Interesting, I've never heard of that before. According to your link, it's only legal in 11 states, so if you pass away in the U.S., I hope it's in one of those 11.
  16. I don't know anything about the Neptune Society, so I can't address your questions about them. Pre-paying things like that sometimes are risky though. We cremated my mother after she passed away at the end of January. My folks had pre-paid for some things associated with their passing - cemetery plots and headstones, many years ago. So when we contacted the headstone company to finish the engraving on her headstone (in Elgin, TX), we discovered that the company had been bought out probably 8-10 years ago (though retaining the same name). The new owners would not honor the pre-paid engraving, and wanted to charge us again for doing that work. Annoyed, we found another company to do it for us (and at a cheaper price than the original company wanted us to pay). The cemetery folks were different though, and couldn't have been nicer. We ended up deciding to have a small, private gathering and burial, and they told us we could literally dig the hole in the ground for her ashes ourselves if we wanted to, or they would do it for us. The other thing I elected to do was to take some of her ashes to Hawaii back in May, and scatter them in the ocean. There were personal reasons for doing so, and I like to think it made her happy. I want to be cremated too. Scattering her ashes in the ocean was a profound experience for me. It made me realize I'd like mine to be scattered in some places that are significant for me, and that I don't care to be buried in a cemetery anywhere. I also don't have one "home town" that is significant enough to me to be buried there.
  17. Dallas Keuchel pitching a rehab game tonight here in Corpus Christi for the Hooks (Astros' 2A team). I'm tempted to go, but it's still hotter than hell at this hour of the day, and I think the tickets are sold out and going for a premium. That said, it's *NOT* hotter than the time I went to a 51's game in August 2011 in Las Vegas. They were the 3A team for the Blue Jays then, I think they're the 3A team for the Mets now. That was ridiculously hot.
  18. I believe this is a complete list of new music that they've released/performed since the 7/8 man lineup began. More than I initially thought: Radical Action I - 3:41 Radical Action II - 2:27 Radical Action III - ? (not on a release yet, but played live) Suitable Grounds for the Blues - 4:49 Meltdown - 4:23 ...and the tracks that are drum based: Hell Hounds of Krim - 3:37 Banshee Legs Bell Hassle - 1:38 Devil Dogs of Tessellation Row - 2:58 I don't think all tracks are played at every performance though. Haven't really researched that.
  19. I looked at the past couple of setlists, I see two of the newer drums-only tunes (Banshee Legs Bell Hassle and Hell Hounds of Krim), and Radical Action II and III. Radical Action II is a band number, all two and a half minutes of it (based on its length on the Radical Action release). I assume Radical III is as well, haven't heard it as it's not on a released cd yet I don't think). So technically there are at least a few minutes of minutes of new music performed by the band. What they are playing sounds great though, regardless of how old it is. Still would like an actual studio release of entirely new music from this lineup. Maybe the closest we've had is the Scarcity of Miracles album, which is essentially this lineup but with just one drummer (Harrison).
  20. I tend to agree, Greg. I've really, really enjoyed the live albums this lineup has produced. That said, I have mixed feelings about this lineup, despite the interesting 3 drummer setup. It seems like a "King Crimson Revue" to me, a summation of everything that's come before. Not a new evolution from the last lineup (which I consider to be the 4 man lineup that did Power to Believe most recently). Would love to hear a studio release. That would help me to evaluate this lineup more on its own merits, rather than how they play prior KC music.
  21. I'm a luddite when it comes to downloads in general, still. I just pre-ordered a signed version of Luna's upcoming cd on Pledge Music. I'd buy a signed cd from Jason in the same manner if it were offered. I've also purchased music from Organissimo this way, and board member Soulstream (Mike Flanigin) as well. Seems like a good business model for artists that aren't Adele or Beyonce.
  22. Last week: Waimea Canyon Kalalau Lookout Napali Coast
  23. Thank you kindly, gents! Only two more birthdays in Texas, then off to a new life in the Philly burbs for me! Been a long time coming!
  24. Thanks, Ghost & Mike - I've got a Cubs/Cards game on line right now just to see how it works, cool! 'Stros game is over, so I'll try that next time they're playing.
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