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Everything posted by Aggie87

  1. I used to go to Sound Exchange, but haven't been there in years. Glad to know it still exists. Anybody recommend music shops in Philly? I know Princeton Record Exchange (and a place in Voorhees), but don't really know Philly stores in the city itself. I need to get spun up on them moving forward. I went to a small but halfway decent one near 3rd & Church many years ago, but I doubt it's still there, and don't recall the name.
  2. My mother passed away two years ago from pulmonary fibrosis, at age 82. She was on an oxygen machine 24/7 for the last couple years of her life (she never smoked but my dad was a lifelong smoker, and I suspect that contributed at the very least to her lung issues, as well as killing him). Anyway, she lived in Austin, and I live in Corpus Christi, about 3.5 hours away. She wasn't willing to consider independent or assisted care living, she wanted to spend her remaining time in her own home and space. So as she got older and the oxygen became more of an issue, she needed help running basic errands - going to doctor appointments, grocery store, etc. So my sister and I hired someone to come and spend a few hours with her, a couple times a week, to do those things, and just general companionship. As her health worsened and she grew weaker, the hours increased, and eventually turned into daily care, to make her meals etc. Eventually we got to the point that her doctor said she only had a few months left, and that she needed hospice, so she ended up with 24 hr/day in home care, with nurse visits. The few months estimate turned into less than a month when she passed away. It wasn't cheap but it was what was needed at the time. If your father isn't willing to consider assisted living, maybe in home care may be an option you might consider. Or consider moving him closer to you (or you closer to him), while there's still time to spend with him.
  3. I haven't seen this video before, didn't know they even did any promo for Spirit of Eden.
  4. ...and Leroy Williams played with them during the 1986 tour. He's on the Montreux video.
  5. I've listened to Spirit of Eden twice today myself. Rest in Peace, Mark Hollis.
  6. I know he's not a jazz artist, but Mark Hollis of Talk Talk passed away today. One of my very favorite pop artists to emerge from the 80's new wave scene. It's difficult for me to process this one, as he had a very short recording career and then disappeared completely after his one solo album in 1998, and I've always wondered why and where he might have gone musically had he continued recording. I think some of the folks here may be aware of Talk Talk, but they started out as a relatively straight-forward new wave pop band on their first album, then produced an almost perfect pop album with "It's My Life", and then evolved over the next three albums into something entirely different. Their later music was perhaps an early blueprint for some of the post rock that came later down the road, and some of Radiohead's music, among other things. Hollis disappeared after the five Talk Talk albums and one solo album that continued in the same vein as the later band albums. Here's the first half of Spirit of Eden, to be enjoyed (as the first youtube commenter states) late at night with a bottle of red. Rest in Peace, Mark Hollis.
  7. Fallingwater, Mill Run, PA 12/29/18
  8. Again, Cure/Def Leppard/Janet Jackson/Stevie Nicks/Radiohead were all huge. Maybe not to you, but to many people. I suspect you aged out of that type of music by the time those artists were huge.
  9. Maybe it's an age thing (and I have no idea how old you are). The Cure were huge in the 80's/90's. Def Leppard was *huge* in the 80's in commercial pop rock. Neither seem "small bore" to me at all. Stevie Nicks was huge in the 70's and 80's both with FM and solo (and with Tom Petty on a number of tracks). Radiohead's been pretty damn popular as well - very interesting but accessible rock. A little newer than the others. Janet Jackson isn't rock, but that's not a criteria for the "Rock and Roll" Hall of Fame. She was also big in the 80's on the pop charts, less so and more R&B since then. Older folks should know Roxy and the Zombies. PS - My wife goes to some shows she wouldn't normally go to (John Scofield, David Weiss, Opeth, Beach House, and others). 've gone to a number of more commercial rock/country shows with her over the past few years as well. They've been alot of fun - Def Leppard, Bon Jovi, Tim McGraw, and Lady Antebellum, etc. But they're not likely shows I'd have gone to otherwise. But even seeing Def Leppard earlier this year showed me how huge they were (and still are) for many, so I get why a band like that goes into the RnR HoF.
  10. Maneki Neko(s), Houston, 26 November
  11. If that wasn't photoshopped somewhere along the line, that's amazing!
  12. Boston sports radio agrees it was a HR even. https://weei.radio.com/articles/column/reimer-jose-altuve-fan-interference-replay-review-embarrassing-low-point-mlb
  13. Just read Betts' description of the play. He said he jumped and "went over". That means the contact was not over the field to me but in the stands, and it should have been ruled a 2 run HR. In a game the Astros lost by 2 runs. I get that the Astros pitching isn't producing like it has been. I get that perhaps their best player is hobbled with a knee injury and has to play DH. It's tough enough to overcome that against a quality team like Boston, but to have to fight against questionable calls too is difficult. Regardless, Betts and Bradley have impressed me. They are carrying the Sox in this series.
  14. The replay officials "upheld" the call, meaning there wasn't enough evidence from the cameras to overturn Joe West's call. It didn't confirm the call. There's a distinction there. It is what it is. But I'll still argue if the Sox win by 1-2 runs, then the loss of that HR mattered.
  15. How? Because Betts' arm and glove were over the wall and into the fan area. By baseball rules (and confirmed by the announcers), that's not interference, but a home run. From MLB's rules: "No interference shall be allowed when a fielder reaches over a fence, railing, rope or into a stand to catch a ball. He does so at his own risk. However, should a spectator reach out on the playing field side of such fence, railing or rope, and plainly prevent the fielder from catching the ball, then the batsman should be called out for the spectator’s interference." Therefore the argument becomes whether Betts' arm and glove were over the wall/fence or not. I believe they were. I can understand if you're a Red Sox fan you might be relieved to be the recipient of an incorrect call that saved 2 runs.
  16. I hope that terrible call on Altuve's 2 run HR isn't the difference in this game.
  17. Maybe during the playoffs, but not during the regular season. It's 90-100 degrees out there for most of the summer, so the point of the roof in Houston is more to keep things air conditioned inside, instead of sweltering. Actually, maybe the Texas heat could be considered inclement.
  18. We used to get annual "refresher training" on the topic of sexual harassment, and what constitutes said harassment. One of the instructors one year said that it often doesn't matter what the intent of a comment or action was, if it is received by someone as sexual harassment, then it usually is sexual harassment. Even if you as the harasser don't perceive it to be, you can suffer consequences because someone else saw it that way and was offended or victimized. Perhaps that is a corollary to this political issue - if it's being received as being political, then it is, regardless of what the person who posted it believed. It doesn't really matter how it's defended or justified.
  19. In today's game, that really that only happened after Clevinger came out of the game. I thought he pitched really well, only giving up one run on Springer's HR in the 5th. The Cleveland bullpen kind of fell apart though.
  20. I was in Austin, in a small club called C-Boys, a couple of years ago. Mike Flanigin and Jimmie Vaughan were playing on the small stage, with Frosty Smith on drums. In the middle of their set, this guy walks in the front door, past the small crowd, and hops on stage and just begins wailing along on harmonica. Mike and Jimmie's faces couldn't have been happier, and after the song was over, they all hugged and started another number. It was Lester. He stayed for a couple more songs, then just as he'd entered, he hopped off the stage, walked back through the crowd and out the door into the night. Here's a picture I took.
  21. I watched that last night, and completely agree with you. BS call. I hope the Astros bats wake up today (and in general). It's been tough watching them over the past couple of weeks without Altuve, Correa, and Springer. Not sure any team could've done any better without their three best players. Hope Altuve's back soon.
  22. This caught me by surprise - I"m happy that Ken Giles is no longer on this team. That's addition by subtraction, I think. Hopefully a change of scenery helps Giles regain his stuff. He's been lost in his own head for a year now. Osuna still has the remainder of his 75 game suspension I think though - or is that effectively over now? As an Astros fan I like his talent on paper, but I'm apprehensive about adding him to this roster, based on the domestic violence charge. Admittedly I haven't read enough about him to have a strong opinion there right now.
  23. As sidewinder/Bob mentioned earlier, we got to meet in Stuttgart many years ago. Wish I still lived there, for many reasons. Due to move to Philly area next year though, so I'll take that. If you make it to this side of the pond we're due for a reconnect, Bob! Hopefully longer this time as well. In addition, I've since met Lon, Shawn, Ray, Big Al, David Weiss, and Mike Flanigin. Good people, all of 'em! Other than Al's questionable fondness for Styx, of course.
  24. Here's a rundown of Prime benefits: https://www.consumerreports.org/online-shopping/pros-cons-amazon-prime/ (note - in some cases, the free 2 day delivery is actually free same-day, or in even free 2 hr delivery)
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