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    Katy TX

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  1. I dont suppose anyone could recommend one in the Houston/Dallas/Austin area?
  2. Good idea. I have been researching, and after just looking at the benny goodman alone, I believe there is a decent amount that could be made via individual sales. There is a great deal of originals, wax, limiteds, etc in the 4 of 20 boxes i have opened. My next decision is do I want to ebay the items or create a database and website to sell them all thereby reducing the expense of the endevor? There are advantages and disadvantages to both routes.
  3. My idea for donation was a music program of a university such as university of texas, houston, txstate, etc.
  4. Hello all, Im a decent fan of jazz, not to the extent that many of you are but I do listen from time to time. I thought this may be the place to obtain some advice. I have inherited a massive lifetime collection of jazz vinyl and cds that are in immaculate shape (both the boxes and vinyl). It ranges from pre wwII to modern. There are 1000+ albums as well as corresponding cds for most all albums. I have a strong suspicion after an afternoon of research that much of the material is rare or at least hard to find. All sets are complete (ex Time Life: Giants of Jazz) My plan is this: sell or possibly donate the vinyl, and keep the cds for myself. My question is this: What would be the best way to go about this? Should I attempt to keep the collection together or sell on ebay? I look on ebay and see that most of the time vinyl does not sell, so I feel as though that may be a long and drawn out process. What would you do with this collection?
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