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Everything posted by Gary

  1. Gary

    Ken Vandermark

    Hey - dont blame me - I only post info here to keep whoever started this thread happy . I've known all along that KV's shit!
  2. Gary

    Funny Rat

    sorry about that , I had second thoughts & thought all the recommendations I received from this thread deserved a more sober assesment.(Which is forthcoming)Sorry.
  3. Gary

    Ken Vandermark

    Be sure to let us know how the show is .
  4. Gary

    Ken Vandermark

    Heres the latest update NOTES FROM THE FIELD: MAY 2004. April’s nearly over, time for the work in May. This past month was intense with work and change, mostly centered around the ACME Festival in Athens. On the hard side of things were the shifts in the Peter Brötzmann Chicago Tentet: Hamid Drake was gone and Mars Williams walked out. Thankfully Paal Nilssen-Love stepped into the difficult position of both “ replacing” Hamid and being new to the ensemble by playing his ass off. The two concerts at ACME were great despite the personnel changes, thanks partially to the chance to rehearse during the days before the concerts in Athens. By the time we got to Austin after playing an additional gig in New Orleans the band was truly BURNING. Discussions about where to go next (would the changes in the lineup indicate what would be the last chapter in the history of the band, or would they be further steps in its development?) confirmed the passionate commitment of the rest of the ensemble to follow course and keep moving forward. One offshoot of the trip to New Orleans and Austin after Athens was the realization that it was possible to move the Tentet and most of it’s equipment in 3 mini vans, a much more financially feasible way for the group to travel in North America. With this information and a newly defined sense of purpose the group is already in the preliminary phase of organizing an extended U.S. tour in the spring of 2005. More news as it develops. The ACME Festival was extraordinary, EVERY musician who performed played at their highest level, EACH group was astonishing. It would be easy and understandable to write this off as hyperbole on my part since I was the creative director, but if you can ask around you’ll get this praise confirmed: all the musicians came to PLAY. I thank each of them for making the music a complete success, I couldn’t have asked for better work. The festival was a beautiful 4 days exhibiting the state of the art in improvised music. I have to express my sincere thanks to Julie Powell and all the people (especially Erik Hinds) who assisted her in the logistics of trying to make the festival run- it was an extreme amount of work. There is talk of setting up ACME-2 for next April, my hopes are high to do a follow up. Looking at what comes next, it’s clear that the weeks until the end of July are going to be dynamite. May starts with the festival in Le Mans, France where the Brötzmann Chicago Tentet and the Vandermark 5 perform. Then the Tentet heads to Hasselt, Belgium for another concert. Both of these bands have already started work on the compositions for their next albums during performances this spring... Directly following these engagements, I fly with Paal Nilssen-Love to London to meet Nate McBride for a filming of FME at the BBC and a concert at Vortex. Then the band continues on a European tour that lasts to the 22nd: 11 concerts in 14 days. We’ll be performing material from the album, “Underground” (out on Okka Disk at the start of May), as well as completely new material written for this tour. Hope to see you out there while we’re on the road! April brought a number of new releases: “Signs” and “Images” by the Peter Brötzmann Chicago Tentet (on Okka Disk); the double cd “Nuclear Assembly Hall” by Atomic/School Days (also on Okka Disk); and “Radiale” by Zu/Spaceways Inc. (on Atavistic). In May, as mentioned above, FME releases “ Underground” on Okka Disk. New music by new bands for a new year, keep your ears peeled... MAY TOURING SCHEDULE -Vandermark 5 5/06/04 Le Mans, France: Le Mans Jazz Festival -Peter Brötzmann Chicago Tentet 5/07/04 Le Mans, France: Le Mans Jazz Festival 5/08/04 Hasselt, Belgium: Kunstencentrum Belgie -FME 5/09/04 London, England: Vortex 5/11/04 Barcelona, Spain: Mercat De Las Flors 5/12/04 Barcelona, Spain: Mercat De Las Flors 5/14/04 Greiz, Germany: Griez Jazz Festival 5/15/04 Weikersheim, Germany: Club W 71 5/16/04 St. Johann, Austria: Alte Gerberei 5/17/04 Salzburg, Austria: Jazzit Music Club 5/19/04 Dachau, Germany: Cafe Teufelhart 5/20/04 Krems, Austria: Jazz in Krems 5/21/04 Wels, Austria: Alter Schlachthof 5/22/04 Cerkno, Slovenia: Gabrijel Jazz Festival Let the Vandermark bashing commence This posting is for Clementine
  5. More news from the fantastic Ayler site http://www.ayler.supanet.com/ May 1 2004 News Revenant Records - Albert Ayler Box Set When Dean Blackwood of Revenant Records first sent me a list of some of the items to be included in the forthcoming box set there was one particular session which held no interest for me whatsoever - a rehearsal session for the New Grass LP. New Grass is one of two 'official' Ayler albums which I don't possess in some form or other, but I did once own a copy for as long as it takes to listen to it. I think I've mentioned the story somewhere else on this site about a friend of mine buying New Grass, hating it, giving it to me, and my chucking it away in disgust. New Grass I've always accepted as Ayler's aberration, selling his soul to Bob Thiele for a mess of pottage, selling out his hardcore avant-garde fans, betraying his brother Don, and beginning the inevitable slide into the East River. So, more of New Grass I don't need to hear. Then Mr. Blackwood kindly sends me a CD sampler of some of the tracks from the big box and there's this one 6 minute 'untitled blues' with a rock steady backing of piano, bass and drums with Albert blistering away over the top and, of course, it's from the New Grass rehearsal session. It is quite amazing. I'm not saying it changes my opinion of New Grass, but it does mean that there's more to the story of that record than we have so far been told. Albert Ayler (tenor saxophone, vocal, recitation); Call Cobbs (piano, Rocksichord); Bill Folwell (electric bass guitar); Bernard Purdie (drums); Mary Parks (vocal, tambourine); one Unknown (vocal). Recorded ca. late August, 1968 in New York City 1. untitled blues [demo] (6:17) 2. untitled sermon [demo] (1:45) 3. Thank God for Women [demo] (10:22) 4. New Ghosts [demo] (6:40) *** New Slug’s A new, remastered version of Live at Slug’s Saloon is due for release on 27th April from Lonehill. It’s a single CD, entitled ‘Complete Live at Slug's Saloon Recordings’ and according to the blurb offers: ‘The complete performance for the first time on one CD. This outstanding 66-minute set was recorded May 1, 1966.’ I’m not sure yet but it would appear that this is the version of Slug’s which was released in 1990 by the German label, Jazz Door, as In Memory Of Albert Ayler - at least the running time’s the same. Although In Memory Of Albert Ayler is a single CD version of the tracks on the original two volume LP release (on the Italian Base label), it does not include the extra 16 minute track, ‘Initiation’ which first appeared on a Japanese version of Slug’s. I haven’t seen a track listing for the Lonehill release yet, but if it doesn’t contain ‘Initiation’ and you’re looking to buy the ‘complete performance’ then it’s available as two separate CDs from ESP, or you may still be able to find the double CD version on the Get Back label which will probably be the cheaper option. *** The Weird and Wacky World of Albert Ayler - Flying Saucers and H. P. Lovecraft After last month's piece about the La Cave sessions, Richard Koloda sent me a link to the Cleveland Scene about a UFO sighting which occurred on April 17th 1966 when Albert Ayler was playing in his home town. Since the article was dated April 1st I was a little sceptical at first but it turned out to be genuine, or as genuine as all these things are. According to Richard: "It made the headlines of the next day's Plain Dealer and was the inspiration for the chase scene in Close Encounters (apparently the cops chased it into Pennsylvania from Mantua Ohio which is ca. 10 miles from AA's house)." Maybe Sun Ra was checking out the competition. And thanks to Guy Kopelowicz who put my mind at ease regarding which bits of H.P. Lovecraft some desperate French sleevenote writer chose to describe the decidedly uncthulhu-like First Recordings. "The whining of those impious flutes was shocking, and he would have given worlds for some even half-normal sound; but these toad-things had no voices, and the slaves did not talk." This is probably only of interest to me, but Guy sent me a photocopy of the back cover of the Stateside LP and I tracked down the quotes to 'The Dream-Quest of Unknown Kadath', so if you’re interested in the French Lovecraft/Ayler connection, you’ll find them here. At least it’s solved one mystery for me, that weird cover of the single taken from New Grass - that was also issued by Stateside in France.
  6. Gary

    Funny Rat

    Amazon Market place - £12.72 was the best I could find.
  7. Gary

    Funny Rat

    I really enjoyed these broadcasts & they were the inspiration for me to hunt around this thread looking for recommendations. (The Cecil Taylor - Willssau Concerts CD arrived today).
  8. Gary

    Funny Rat

    Will do , the 2 Brotzmanns & Arcana Mayor are on the way via suface mail so it may be in a couple of weeks . In anticipation of these arrivimg I had a quick peek at the AMG reviews of these . For the Live at Neferteti's I was struck by the following line A logical extension of the music of Albert Ayler, Now I wish I paid for airmail!
  9. Gary

    Funny Rat

    Will do , the 2 Brotzmanns & Arcana Mayor are on the way via suface mail so it may be in a couple of weeks .
  10. Gary

    Funny Rat

    Is funny how things like budgets are easily forgotten after consuming a bottle of red.
  11. Gary

    Ken Vandermark

    Why not? Is there some kind of rule against it? Absolutely not - maybe I shouldnt have posted that , but I just posted some info for anybody that may be interested in Ken Vandermarks work & didnt expect such a negative/volatile response. Apologies to the board's police & Clementine . I'll shall cease any futher updates (I dont think anybody else was that bothered anyway).
  12. Gary

    Ken Vandermark

    If you dont like KV dont read KV threads !!!!!!!!!
  13. Gary

    Ken Vandermark

    This month's news Just in case anybody else is interested Right now the ACME festival starts. Tonight, presentations by myself and John Corbett concerning the idea behind the festival and an overview of Peter Brötzmann's visual and musical paths. There is no need to give a rundown of the concerts and panel discussions that are happening over the next days, all that information is posted on the site, but I'd like to mention that my hope is that this will be the first of a series of festivals here in Athens devoted to music in the broadest sense. The first version of ACME is devoted to representing some of the strongest voices in contemporary improvised music, I'd like to see this develop into a music festival that incorporates all strains of music, the best that's happening, whatever the genre. I believe that by presenting improvised music side by side with other great contemporary approaches: new composed music, rock, traditional music from around the world, etc. it will help pull improvised music into the public consciousness as a viable and vital form of music that is meant for all listeners. Imagine a day of music that included Derek Bailey, the Arditti String Quartet, The Ex, and a Noh performance? To my mind, THAT'S the direction I'd like to see the contemporary music festival move towards. All the people I know listen to several kinds of music, all the musicians I work with play several kinds of music- why should the genres be separated at a music festival? Let's present the music as it's heard and worked with! After the festival the Peter Brötzmann Chicago Tentet travels to New Orleans and Austin to play two more concerts. Paal Nilssen-Love has joined the band and the group will be working on new material during rehearsals in Athens, so this will be a new phase for the band. Paula Froehle will be ACME shooting documentary footage to add to the work started by Larisa Gray covering the first two U.S. tours by the band, in 2000 and 2002. The hope is to compile all of this material (concerts, interviews, rehearsals, etc.) for a release on an upcoming dvd. More as this project develops! When the Tentet work is completed, I head back to Chicago for the rest of the month: concerts with the Vandermark 5 and the Empty Bottle Festival of Jazz and Improvised Music (curated by John Corbett)- a lot left to do this month! In March the new Tripleplay album, Gambit (on Clean Feed), was released. The group performed in Lisbon to celebrate and thanks to the work of Pedro Costa and the Trem Azul crew, the band had an incredible time working and seeing the city. The audience was fantastic, it's been a great, great stretch performing all over Europe in the last couple of years. The listeners are so prepared and open minded it's been unbelievably inspiring. This month the new Zu/Spaceways album, Radiale (on Atavistic) is released. Also Okka Disk comes out full force with 3 albums: two by the Brötzmann Chicago Tentet, Signs and Images, and a double cd by the octet, Atomic/School Days: Nuclear Assembly Hall. All of these recordings are being released to coincide with the ACME Festival and arrive in Athens on Saturday the 3rd. That's it for now, need to run to the Tentet rehearsal. Thanks for subscribing to this newsletter, will be in touch at the end of April, but check out the site- new music and articles and photos keep coming. -Ken Vandermark.
  14. Yesit certainly looks like its Arsenal's title again . Youre right about Henry - he is truly magnificent,one of the best players to play in England. Scott are you pleased with Fulham's result today? I thought they were going to be turned over today as Leicester have a lot more to play for. My team had a day off today, we play Middlesborough on Monday - I'll be happy with a draw.
  15. The funniest post so far on organissimo.
  16. That sounds like a gay porn title - but if Mr Sangrey likes it who am I to say ???
  17. Gary

    Funny Rat

    They are on the way (hopefully). Thanks
  18. Gary

    Funny Rat

    I've just been reading the first 30 pages of this thread & correct me if I'm wrong but is it safe to assume I really need these discs (if I can find them!) Brötzmann's Live at Nefertiti Mark Dresser Trio's Aquifer on Cryptogramophone Cecil Taylor's Willisau Concert Mount Everest Trio "Waves From Albert Ayler" Thomas Chapin "Alive" Vienna Art Orchestra-The Minimalism of Erik Satie Evan Parker. 50th Birthday Concert (Leo) Little Birds Have Fast Hearts (FMP)Brötzmann Arcana Mayor / Sonic Tarot Sessions Gianni Gebbia Anthony Braxton: "8 Duets with Peter N Wilson. Hamburg 1991
  19. I can only help with British times but Monday nights on Radio 2 is the Humph & bg band shows. Friday afternoon on Radio 3 is Jazz legends - a weekly look at a different artist for an hour. Friday night on Radio 3 (11.30 GMT) is the magnificent Jazz on 3 , a contemporary jazz programme. Saturday afternoon from 4.00 (GMT) are thee jazz programmes Jazz Line Up , Jazz record requests & Jazz file. http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio3/jazz/index.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio2/r2music/jazz/
  20. SHEESH! I'm glad I'm not alone _ I thought it was only me !
  21. Lee Konitz is something of a late arrival to my collection but for what its worth heres what I have - My Sunday morning CD Just bought this one Just beginning to get my ears around My favourite is the session on here
  22. Just gone for the Lee Morgan / Wayne Shorter .
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