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Everything posted by Gary

  1. Ordered this today - I've promised myself not to buy any CDs for a long time & I would have got away with it if it wasn't for those pesky funny ratters...
  2. Gary

    Funny Rat

    At first I thought Malik a little too overpowering but with repeated listens I really enjoy CD 1.
  3. Gary

    Funny Rat

    Yeah, I'll get it pronto.It is one of the early Okka releases, so it's probably better not to wait for too long... Ive gone decided to go down the dried road rather than the funny one after reading the last few posts. I'm listening to at the moment & hoping that 2001 have some more going OOP hats going dirt cheap soon.
  4. Gary

    Funny Rat

    Many thanks Jon , I'll give sound323 a shout & if I dont get any luck I'll be in touch.
  5. Gary

    Funny Rat

    What kind of tunes?? It would only be right to start with Brotzmann / Hano. I've just done a quick froogle search & forcedexposure.com are the only people that seem to have it - if I were to scrape a few pennies together what do you think my chances are of getting it from them? (after all these pages I'm more than intrigued.)
  6. Gary

    Funny Rat

    since buying the recommendations from you guys I keep playing disc 1 of this a couple of times a week (cioncidence ???) I've never really got past disc 1 - I've enjoyed taking my time enjoying it - the other discs can wait (not for too long though). Track 1 is heaven.
  7. Gary

    Funny Rat

    actually I bought a few of the titles that seemed to stand out of the first few pages or so of this thread & enjoyed them all , though some have taken longer to get around my ears as others(forgive my poor discriptions) This one grabbed me straight away, coincidently listening to a broadcast of Evan Parkers 60th birthday with one of the trios on this disc that led me to look for recommendations on this thread. So i knew what to excpect - & its great.Barry Guys bass playing stands out for me on disc 2 while Evan sounds magnificent through out. It took me a couple of plays to get used to Kondo's trumpet playing but it certainly hit home when it did ,he sounds here like top quality electric Miles to me (sorry if its a lazy comparison but its the only one I know). What a beautiful CD - A constant flow of music/melodies that floats past your ears . Fantastic. This is one I'd thought I'd 'get' straight away because of the Ayler reference but it took a couple of listens , instead of Ayler it reminds me a bit of Joe McPhee playing Ornette ( I hope I'm not going to get slaughtered here). Another peach! This man certainly sounds unique & i found it to be an exciting & challenging CD. This caught me by the biggest surprise , I was expecting lots of noisy saxaphones when I bought all these ! But this has added another dimension to my collection . Another one with strong bass I need to be in the right mood for this one , but when I am its another challenging & enjoyable listen. Im listening to this know & its taking a few listens for to enjoy it but its getting better with each listen , another challenging CD to get my money's worth from. Strong bass anyone?? Thanks for opening some new doors for me with your recommendations .I would ask for more but now I'm well & truely SKINT! Edited for terrible spelling
  8. Gary

    Funny Rat

    I am currently enjoying this Cd thanks to your recommendations a little while back. Great playing all round the strong bass goes together nicely Brotzmann's playing. Does this trio still get together? Great stuff . Thanks guys.
  9. If Arsenal were good this season , what will they be like with Morientes up front with Henry??? http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...sea/3727335.stm
  10. Gary

    Ken Vandermark

    I had a pleasant surprise this morning the new KV5 cd 'Elements of style' arrived on my doorstep - the original release date was 8 June. Its a double CD with the bonus cd being Roland Kirk covers.
  11. Raneri hasn't been sacked ,but the british press seem to think that its a done deal that the Porto boss will take over at Chelsea after the Champions league final. All the paper talk this week is that Houllier will be saked by Liverpool at the end of the week to be replaced by Celtic boss Martin Oneill. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/football/t...ool/3727487.stm
  12. huh? what's the deal? Dou you get them non-cc in Britain? No Ubu they have all been CC lately as in mainland Europe , but my copy of NY-1 doesnt mention CC anywhere . The disc does say MADE IN THE EU on it so I havent picked up an import.
  13. The latest news over here seem to think that Smith is negotiating with Man U. Mutu started very well for Chelsea but just seemed to fade away half way through the season & Crespo hasnt looked anything like the world class player he is all season.
  14. Really !!!! I haven't got that one, is the euro version CC or not, ?? no its not CC. Another from me also.
  15. Gary

    Funny Rat

    I agree with Ubu - I bought this title after reading about it on this thread, I was a bit wary of buying another solo sax CD but didnt need to be - its fantastic!
  16. http://home.att.net/~dawild/livetrane_details.htm
  17. Gary, I didn't think so. Just thought I'd bring some levity
  18. Yes, but affordable. And the music's magnificent! Yes, but coupled with all that and Claude's view that the sound is ok, there would seem to be a reason why the US edition is somewhat more ($225). However, I also agree with his view that it's probably overpriced. Based on what I hear here, I'll pass on the ZYX set. BTW, when this discussion started, this seller had for set. Now, there are 2. We've got market power Well unfortunately for me the saying 'Beggars cant be choosers' rings true. Hey, I'm no beggar, impoverished, maybe, beggar no. Course I never refuse a handout OOPs sorry Brad . Does that read that I was calling you a beggar? I wasnt trying to say that at all-I was reffering to me . All I was trying to say was my choice was some cheap Art Pepper or none at all.
  19. Yes, but affordable. And the music's magnificent! Yes, but coupled with all that and Claude's view that the sound is ok, there would seem to be a reason why the US edition is somewhat more ($225). However, I also agree with his view that it's probably overpriced. Based on what I hear here, I'll pass on the ZYX set. BTW, when this discussion started, this seller had for set. Now, there are 2. We've got market power Well unfortunately for me the saying 'Beggars cant be choosers' rings true.
  20. Autumn leaves will never be the same again. Gary, is "Summertime" on the CD? I have that one broadcast where they play four tunes only, "Summertime" among them. ubu No Ubu its not.
  21. Autumn leaves will never be the same again.
  22. Another thumbs up from me. http://www.zweitausendeins.de/ have a couple of good 'uns going cheap -
  23. Gary

    Elvin Jones

    Agreed - I'm going to the disc from the Coltane Legacy box which highlights the importance of Elvin Jones input.
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