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Everything posted by neveronfriday

  1. Pick the card that you wish to be the color of the last sky you will breathe to see. And then have your survivors post their review on Amazon. Don't you have any with Ronald Reagan on 'em? Would fit better ..
  2. I was actually going to stay silent on this issue, hence the little pun. Not so sure anymore now that JSngry has saddled his horse, put his cowboy boots on, polished off his water pistols and has started yippie-ki-yeahing all over this issue.
  3. Hm. Let's see what happened. None of the people who wrote a review (besides the one rather negative one) had previously thought of writing one. They only did write a comment to help someone out (no matter if their review is accurate or not). That way they pushed a buddy's reissue CD up the voting ladder. If you don't call that unethical, what is? Would you like your politicians to work that way (besides the fact that they do)? Besides, since when is ethical behavior only called for when a site like Amazon asks for it? Do the rules always have to be spelled out before people abide by them? But, we've had these discussions here a million times and the trenches have been well-dug. So, what's the point? It's a really only a mute one.
  4. Thanks. Besides the fact that your opinion doesn't really sound all that humble, it's always nice to get one's opinion evaluated by the fine members of this board.
  5. You can whitewash it all you want, but it's unethical. I was very surprised to see something like this on this board. I guess the only thing that makes the people who posted those reviews different from a horde of Justin Bieber fans is, what, taste? Yeah, right. And all of that from the people who love to yell, scream and throw a general fit when some European release doesn't adhere to American copyright law? Personally, I think you just helped turn Amazon reviews into an even more unreliable system. Note: I have the CD and like it.
  6. Yep, actually I do. I put my site on hiatus when things got bad and have, on and off, worked on the new site whenever I got bored at hospitals and in waiting rooms. The problem is that I've gotten a new theme (Wordpress) with lots of nifty details, but all the stuff I posted in the past needs to be adapted, bit by bit, to fit in and be forward compatible, the latter being my biggest concern. That encompasses about two weeks of solid work once I get around to it. @ all: If you are in dire need (only, please), send me a mail and I'll forward the discography to you if I have it: I'd like to hold on to them (means: not collect them on other sites for download) because they were, towards the end, the heart of my site which also drew quite a bit of traffic (and that's after I weeded out those a**holes who linked to them because they offered Mosaic sets for download (Russia, Asia, US, mostly ... too many to name, but I think I blocked them all rather efficiently). Besides, I invested quite a bit of time into laying them out, etc. Cheers!
  7. Addendum: Cancer sucks. Almost got it beat. Give me one or two more months. I have been working on the new site where the Mosaic Discographies and a few other things will be center stage. Just be patient.
  8. My site will be (!) online again when I'm back to my old strength. Until then, everyone just has to be patient. Sorry.
  9. Got mine today (had it on my watch-list ever since the high-priced one was published). Wow! For this kind of budget price (later reductions by Taschen, as is often the case, not withstanding) a fabulous book with quality production value. Anyone interested in LP covers (etc.) by Steinweiss would be an idiot (!!!) not to buy this one while it is available exactly in this format (one never knows how Taschen might recycle this again). P.S.: Too heavy to take along to the loo.
  10. I've got the whole shebang in FLAC format. We're talking 22 GB. Keeping Miles Davis' output in anything less than FLAC is sacrilegious.
  11. That's where mine is underway from... guess I'll get the very same version then. Btw, with these Hip-O-Selects, I put them into the "wrapper" at at 90° angle, so that on top there's the back of the hardbound book, not the top of it - like this, no dust will get into the pages where CDs are stuck in. But I guess it would still be smartest to store the discs elsewhere - but I hate separating discs from their package as in my mess they might never find together again... Amazon.de sent me two Getz sets and charged me for one. I guess they got confused in that long pre-order phase. Idiots. I store each and every CD from each and every boxed set I have in separate jewel cases. The boxes themselves, minus the booklets, go into a moving box (now four moving boxes) into the basement. I started doing that when I had to decide to either move out of my place ... or get rid of the (usually totally oversized and whacky) boxes. An easy decision.
  12. Everything is in cardboard boxes nowadays. Won't be able to listen until later this week. No time right now. Edit: Oh, and the CDs are a gimmicky black, top and bottom!
  13. When I bought mine is was listed as the last one. I guess they have to re-stock.
  14. Yeah, same here. We're weird.
  15. By the way: Euro 37.- in France, Euro EUR 65.- in Germany. That's Europe for you.
  16. The set looks good and seems professionally conceived. A look at the other items from the Coda catalogue shows it is a serious operation. Thanks, Guy. Ordered it from Amazon.fr. for 30 something Euro; much cheaper than from the label itself. Hope you'll let us know what you think of it! gregmo Shall do.
  17. The set looks good and seems professionally conceived. A look at the other items from the Coda catalogue shows it is a serious operation. Thanks, Guy. Ordered it from Amazon.fr. for 30 something Euro; much cheaper than from the label itself.
  18. Yeah, but they are long-gone and, as neveronfriday says, pricey to collect today. For those of us who missed the boat on those (and I've been buying jazz CDs since the late Eighties), this is a useful collection. Crisp, I spent several months hunting down the Mercury triples. If you are patient and check each and every world-wide Amazon site, etc., you will be able to get these at a reasonable price, if you are lucky. Hell, I waited months to get certain volumes, jumping on them the day someone who didn't know what he/she had put them up for sale. I have lots of music, but Dinah Washington - even the (later) stuff other people hate - is a cornerstone of my collection. Those 7 triples are worth it all the way! I love her voice, her intonation ... everything. She could breathe life into even the shoddiest of songs. Go for'em! Volkher (NeverOF) P.S.: Although I get piss*d off regularly when things I paid a load for become much cheaper, I'd be the first one to bow East, West, North and South if the complete Mercury was available in a (much) cheaper format. Labels being what they are though, I wouldn't get my hopes up!
  19. Guy, do you have any info whatsoever if this is another one of those quick-shot labels (I don't know them) with shoddy sound, noise reduction, compression, etc.? I have several meters of OP and would add this to my collection, no matter if it doubles up on some stuff I might have already (very likely). The price is very reasonable. No matter what, Guy, thanks for the heads up! I would have missed this one otherwise.
  20. Yes, I have those and I'm sure you are right. I'm considering this set as a present for someone else, especially because those Mercury boxes cost an arm and a leg today.
  21. Thanks for the heads up. I'll probably get it. although I have to agree re the packaging (sucks) and sound (shrill). I removed all the CDs and keep the packaging elsewhere. Edit: The packing is actually quite groovy, but otherwise pretty useless for someone who likes to keep his collection nice and orderly
  22. My condolences, Rolf. Very, very sad news. All the best to you and your family. Volkher
  23. orked. I got the full track listing for all four boxes (four files, which look like the basis for the tracklistings on the box sets (see examples below)). I'm not going to post the files here, they are simply too large, but if you can wait until my website is live again end of next week, the stuff will be on there. Some observations: a) "Les Trésors du Jazz" went up until CD 75 before it kicked the bucket. b) Just quickly, I compared the last two CDs of the 1957 (last) box with the contents of the new boxes ... identical, same sequence, session, etc. c) They must have added some material from other boxed sets of theirs (Piano Jazz, Big Band, ... my guess) because at the point where Tresors and these new sets are identical, the new ones are up to CD 77. I'll give these very long files (4 documents with 300 to 800 kb of text each) a closer look next week to see where the changes are (they could have also just put a few tracks less here and there on each CD of the new set). Right now I don't have the time. Cheers! Example. These are the last two CDs (74 and 75) of the Tresors series as they appear in the new boxed sets (CD 75 and onward). The track listing is completely identical. And this is where they then (as a continuation of the above), segue into the 1958 material (which would, supposedly, have been the next Tresors box):
  24. Like many other people I know, people who used to be all over the map, I've erased the US off my map completely. I'd rather travel to Sierra Leone.
  25. P.S. In the Nov. 2009 catalog (Harmonia Mundi, UK) it states that a full track listing is available upon request. I mailed them my request. Let's see what comes of it. If I get a copy and it doesn't turn out to be a state secret, I'll post it here.
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