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Blue Train

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Everything posted by Blue Train

  1. Yet, another first time manager hired to go against baseball history and it's the Cubs!.....the Cubs are hiring the bench coach of the Padres to be their manager. Not a single family member, or friend from Chicago likes this choice. The Ricketts family is about to drop $500 million (of their own money) on renovating Wrigley.....after hiring Sveum as a first time manager from KC of all teams....it's now the Padres....if this doesn't work Epstein and/or Hoyer are gone. The Curse of the Goat looks like it's not ending anytime soon. P.S. A 2nd cousin of Pops had a brother who played Little League with Torey Lovullo and won their league championship with him....his father was a producer on Hee Haw. I think everyone but the Evil Empire contingent were hoping he would get hired. Apparently, the Cubs didn't even call Lovullo....the bench coach that just helped a team go from last to winning the WS in one season....and is also used to dealing high profile players with huge salaries....and all that comes with being in a major market. Instead the bench coach from the Padres after the 3rd base coach from KC. You can't make that up!
  2. Ben Webster Jimmy Blanton R. M. Ballantyne
  3. Anyone in the Brooklyn area that likes ice cream and beer. A friend sent me this. Odd Fellows Ice Cream and Brooklyn Brewery combined to create a limited edition beer sundae. http://www.realfood-dudes.com/2013/10/oddly-obsessed-with-oddfellows-beer.html
  4. I will add to my previous comments that forget Jazz.....his worthless recordings are not even good R&B.
  5. You forgot Posey's idiotic contract....and no other team even wanted Lincecum....and 2 for $35 million for the later. And even without Zito.....they have only one pitcher that didn't suck last year. I am all for Ellsbury to the Giants. Weakens the Evil Empire and continues to prove a point with the Giants.
  6. The Evil Emire made a qualifying offer of $14.1 to him, Drew and Napoli. For those math confused....$42.3 million for just one year. Meaning the Giants are not only going to have to give up a draft pick for Ellsbury....they're going to have to give him a whole lot more and a lot of years to go from a team that might have a chance to get into the WS to the Giants who have no chance @ all. P.S. Of course, no buying of WS in all of that.
  7. Maybe he's just that good. Or is PEDs the only answer? Yankees jealous hate knows no bounds, apparently. Sad. Last I heard he's a Giants' fan, but not a homer that defends juicers. FWIW, which isn't much, I'm a Yankees fan above all and do root for both the Giants & A's too because baseball is much more enjoyable & interesting to me when the local teams are playing well. I also follow the NY area football, basketball, & hockey teams some, and have become an avid Sharks (going to the game tonight) & Warrior fan. According to another poster who recently chipped in and is on ignore, I'll wager that my level of fandom breaks several unwritten rules I stand corrected on your fandom... But you, like me, are not homers....or forget the B.S. by the person that pretends to have us on ignore. He stalks my posts like you won't believe (doesn't respond to all of them, bu still checks them)....and now is doing the passive-aggressive thing like no one notices it P.S. You have to appreciate the checkmate!
  8. 1. Thank you, and damn. Even I have those!...and if I have them....he/she sure as hell does. I blame French Canadians! 2. That's a lot of Benjamins and a Grant....and I am not even sure she/he is into that much NKC. Once again, thank you. Now have to start searching again.
  9. I came across this and I am trying to figure if any of it was released before in something else. Have a family member's birthday coming up. Asked on the downlow and he/she doesn't have it, which makes me worried it's on something(s) he/she already has. All help is very much appreciated! P.S. Follow-up question.....just what is the Nat King Cole mosaic price range?
  10. Texans announced Kubiak had a transient ischemic attack. As in, stroke-like....and there is a 50% chance he will have a full on stroke in a year. Considering Houston isn't going anywhere....you would think he would just sit out the season, or several weeks. It's only a game and there is no chance right now he gets fired.
  11. With name vote on tap, Redskins urge fans to contact D.C. Council members http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/mike-debonis/wp/2013/11/04/with-name-vote-on-tap-redskins-urge-fans-to-contact-d-c-council-members/ Amazing things is this Council has no authority over this, but they don't want that vote.
  12. Crabtree has also been cleared to practic for the team with the lowest ranked passing game. They win in-spite of their half-year wonder QB.....the D, and a amazingly soft schedule is they only reason.
  13. If you believe the reports....he can still play....but he know's the time has passed....and considering him and the Packers haven't officially made up, yet. He's also now only 2-years from qualifying for the HOF vote/induction.
  14. Jeff Bridges aka The Dude who abides. John Wayne Kim Darby
  15. For those that have read Beowulf.....it apparently doesn't start like we think it does. http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/books/news/listen-beowulf-opening-line-misinterpreted-for-200-years-8921027.html
  16. Thanks, Aloc. I thought you halved the ABV % to get the proof number. Apparently you double it. No doubt. Must taste like battery acid and burn all the way down. Yep. 200 proof is 100 percent alcohol. I think Everclear was something like 190 proof. (Obviously not beer.) Holy crap! Back when I was in my 20s, I tried Everclear on a dare. I was told it was 100% alcohol. So that is 200 proof? Wow. Burned like a M----- F-----, but it put me on my ass. As he pointed out.....Everclear is 190, or 95%.
  17. More malt (dry/liquid) is the most common way. You can also add in more sugar but that makes it really sweet. With good quality yeast it shouldn't be a problem....there are also turbo yeasts. No, this will get you something that's strong for a beer (~8-18%), but definitely does not work beyond 20% abv or so. "High alcohol tolerant" yeast strains like champagne yeast can survive to about this level, but die once you get above it. It appears extreme-beer makers generally distill "through the back door" via freezing the product of fermentation and skimming off the water. That's not beer in my book. Not a brewer myself, but I know those who do....I will have to ask but I do know enough chemistry that the temperature would have to be obscenely low/dangerous for fractional freezing to be used to get it to a 65 abv. Have heard from friends who know their thing about brewing and chemistry to drop the knowledge. There are yeasts that have been developed that will get you to the 30 range; however, to get to 67.5 abv they would need to use a combination of beer and wine yeast....and freeze it down to around -78 to - 79 Celsius, or around -108 -110 Fahrenheit....their consensus is dry ice and Isopropanol is used to do it.
  18. The Martin thing has gotten to a level of WTF? that I not sure can be topped. His father has entered the act. Fair Warning some seriously disturbing things posted by his father. Even before his father's posts....once he's on waivers and after any suspension the NFL drops....not a single team will sign his son. http://deadspin.com/is-richie-incognitos-dad-blasting-jonathan-martin-on-m-1457997230 10 Shocking Richie Incognito Sr. Quotes http://www.everyjoe.com/2013/11/04/sports/richie-incognito-sr-father-quotes-idrd1994-finheaven/
  19. Nnamdi Asomugha went from being the shutdown corner of his era (for a few years a ball was passed to his side only under 30 times...Darrelle "everyone was calling him Island" Revis had the ball thrown his way 106 times to 28 for Asomugha in 2009.....and the Raiders didn't blitz like the Jets did....he had to cover people a lot longer.) to the Niners waived him today....only 2-years after Philly gave him a 5-year for $60 million. It's time to move to safety. P.S. Unlike many athletes....he gave back to the community. P.P.S. This Martin thing is getting uglier. There is a voice mail and texts left by Incognito that are so bad the team now doesn't even want him back. Talk that Mike Pouncey is also involved. He already brought the wrong type of attention with being subpoenaed earlier this week because of the Aaron Hernandez case. That's potentially 3 starters on Miami's line that are gone for good, or a while. http://miamiherald.typepad.com/dolphins_in_depth/2013/11/source-incognito-is-done-on-the-dolphins.html
  20. Thanks, Aloc. I thought you halved the ABV % to get the proof number. Apparently you double it. No doubt. Must taste like battery acid and burn all the way down. Yep. 200 proof is 100 percent alcohol. I think Everclear was something like 190 proof. (Obviously not beer.) There is a Polish vodka that's 192, which was approved for sale in a few states in the U.S. There is also now a Single Malt by Bruichladdich quadrupled distilled to 185. First time in like 400 years there as been quadrupled distilled.
  21. More malt (dry/liquid) is the most common way. You can also add in more sugar but that makes it really sweet. With good quality yeast it shouldn't be a problem....there are also turbo yeasts. No, this will get you something that's strong for a beer (~8-18%), but definitely does not work beyond 20% abv or so. "High alcohol tolerant" yeast strains like champagne yeast can survive to about this level, but die once you get above it. It appears extreme-beer makers generally distill "through the back door" via freezing the product of fermentation and skimming off the water. That's not beer in my book. Not a brewer myself, but I know those who do....I will have to ask but I do know enough chemistry that the temperature would have to be obscenely low/dangerous for fractional freezing to be used to get it to a 67.5 abv.
  22. Trent Richardson 8 - 20. They gave up a first round pick and are paying most of his $1.2 million this year for that. Next year if they don't trade, or waive him it's $2.25 and than $3.2 in 2015.
  23. Just heard that the Dolphins suspended Incognito last night as part of the Martin situation. So, that's two of their starting lineman not in the game and they won. Bad enough the racial stuff....but making a 2nd round pick pay $15,000 so you can go to Vegas. http://espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/9924206/miami-dolphins-suspend-richie-incognito-indefinitely-connection-jonathan-martin-incident
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