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Blue Train

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Everything posted by Blue Train

  1. Chuck....count to 10,000 when he gets to Lester Bowie. I can't find a full interview. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x15wx5h#user_search=1
  2. I don't know about most of it....Nathan Stiles became the first high school player to have been diagnosed with CTE after his autopsy in 2010. He was only 17 when he died. The previous youngest person was Owen Thomas who played for the University of Pennsylvania. He committed suicide. I'm making the assumption that this is a cumulative thing; am I wrong? You have to remember the human brain has the constancy of gelatin, but yes for CTE is mostly cumulative. Depending on the field and weather conditions a sack is around 120-150 g's. If the field is artificial, or colder....it will add to it. A typical hit is around 100g's. Then add in all the practices from when they first started playing the game until they stop. That's 5 times what a jet fighter withstands @ takeoff. In flight....more than 12 can lead to blackouts and death. Then add in even though the body is stopped the gelatin like brain is still moving inside the skull @ that full speed and hitting against the skull @ a high speed each time. If they hit the field....their brain can end going back and forth/sideways while hitting against the skull. I enjoy watching the game, but no way in hell I would allow any child of mine to play it.
  3. Niners's fans @ Candlestick were completely classless ....doing a wave while a player is seriously injured enough he had to be taken off on a stretcher with numbness in his arms and legs. At least the players and ownership had more class than their fans. Thankfully, Calais Cambell once again has feeling in his extremities. Of course, the Texans' fans that no only cheered but cheered a player on their own team being injured....WTF? I don't think I have ever seen, or heard about anything similar to what happened @ Candlestick, or Reliant before. How many more games before the Richardson trade is considered a bust?
  4. You're welcome.
  5. http://www.nybooks.com/blogs/gallery/2013/oct/10/sun-ra-true-birthday/
  6. 1. Chiefs are the first team to go 5-0 after winning 2 or less games the prior season. 2. Forget I don't how any team would have made Schiano a HC....just how does he still have a job? 3. Figures the first win of the season for the Steelers is against the Rex Ryan circus. 4. Take away a few games (and a miracle catch) in two seasons and Eli Manning is bottom of the barrel QB.
  7. Captain Beefheart (as in, Fast and Bulbous!) Frank Zappa Jimmy Carl Black
  8. I don't know about most of it....Nathan Stiles became the first high school player to have been diagnosed with CTE after his autopsy in 2010. He was only 17 when he died. The previous youngest person was Owen Thomas who played for the University of Pennsylvania. He committed suicide.
  9. Best thing that happened is they got rid of Holmgren, Shurmer and Richardson. McGahee is like 40+ in RB years and coming off a season ending knee injury and didn't go through any camp and basically just came off the street...and there isn't much difference in his stats than Richardson with the Colts. Of course, they're back to the other major mistake by Holmgren. As in, Weeden. Edited in: Might have reverse jinxed. When I mentioned Weeden he was 2-5 for 11 yards. Since then he's now 9-15 for 89 yards a TD. Edited in again. Add in another TD and an interception.
  10. I checked and have to admit I was wrong. I was thinking of the post WS stuff.
  11. My saying they bought both their WS wasn't even clearer....since they only won 2 in SF. All the payrolls I provided (so, it's not like I am making this up.) proving they did attempt to, or did buy WS, etc.. As in, I said what I said, and proceeded to provide actual proof to back it up. Your response is to pretend those payrolls and all the free agents not named Zito that they threw money @ for 2008-2012 didn't happen. I just provided facts to back up my earlier post that they're no different than "the hated" Dodgers, Yankees, and all the rest who have done it. Last I read....that wasn't against any rules, or considered trolling. ​I am not breaking any rules. I will engage whomever I want. It's up to you, or anyone else to not respond. Yes, I used a good deal of sarcasm in that post, but if sarcasm is against the rules, or is considered trolling....very few including the moderators, or owner would be around.
  12. Bite your tongue. If the [hated] Dodgers get to the WS it will be a sad page in the history of the MLB. Buying your way in is NOT what baseball is supposed to be about. I don't know why you like to pretend the Giants didn't buy their two....like the Red Sox, Phillies, Angels, etc....even the Diamondbacks bought theirs. The Giants only had any chance of winning once they started spending. Now, they're headed back to that land being relevant every so often unless they keep spending. They, like the Dodgers already have the advantage of being in the weakest division in the MLB....but only gets them so far. It's like the Niners didn't buy all those Super Bowls while DeBartolo, Jr. was throwing around all that DeBartolo Corporation money before the hard cap in 1994/1995 season, which was the last Super Bowl game for them until last year. As in, glass houses and all. The Phillies didn't buy their 2008 WS win. They won with home grown talent and a few low priced FA's. The only notable acquisition they made during the 2008 season was a trade w/ the A's for future Hall of Famer Joe Blanton which added about $1.8M to their payroll that year. In 2008 their team payroll was $98M which put them 13th highest. They didn't go crazy w/r/t spending until after they won. Now if you want to say they tried to buy a championship in 2010-13 you would get no argument from me. So did the Giants. Those big contracts [excepting that Zito mistake] were awarded to players already on the team and who came up through Triple-A ball in Fresno. They were Cain, Lincecum, Posey, Bumgarner, Crawford, Sandoval and Belt. Pagan, Scuturo and a handful of others came in trades or their contracts were purchased by the Giants. Hunter Pence was the only additional player the Giants got in a 2012 trade with Philly. That's legit baseball. The Dodgers are just dumping suitcases full of money on guys never associated with the team ala New York Yankees. Alzheimer's by homers is always amazing. Forgetting Barroid and all the rest just 2008 through 2012. Amazing just how many free agents throughout it all beside Zito. 1. 2008 $75.8 4th place. No free agents on this team. 2. 2009 $82.56 million. Won 16 more games but still finished 3rd in the minor division. Just to name one of a the many of a free agents galore lineup....as in, I completely forgot about Randy Johnson who everyone knows like all the other free agents started out in SF's farm system. They were not trying to buy anything by signing Randy Johnson for $8 million. 3. 2010 $97 million and first WS in San Francisco. No former free agents signed for big money involved beside Zito. 4. 2011 $118 million and they drop to 2nd in the minor league. Still all no major money for free agents beside Zito is the story, I guess. 5. 2012 $131 million and 2nd WS in San Francisco. They even had a free agent who was an All-Star that year who was having his best year as a player....but unlike Barroid....he was officially suspended for steroids. How far would they even gotten without Melky "SF Farm system" Cabrera? http://www.baseballprospectus.com/compensation/?cyear=2008&team=SFN&pos= http://www.baseballprospectus.com/compensation/?cyear=2009&team=SFN&pos= http://www.baseballprospectus.com/compensation/?cyear=2010&team=SFN&pos= http://www.baseballprospectus.com/compensation/?cyear=2011&team=SFN&pos= http://www.baseballprospectus.com/compensation/?cyear=2012&team=SFN&pos=
  13. It's fine for Yankee fans to desire young talent from smaller market teams. Join us in celebrating the great potential Kipnis displays! Given that he is nowhere near free agency, don't believe NYY obtains JK without giving up major assets (that display significantly higher upside than Kipnis). It doesn't matter if the Tribe loses 100 games next year. In fact, at this point I'd say JK is pretty close to untouchable. Arguably the most talented (and most popular) position player on the team. [...the Grady Sizemore posters have all been sent to recycling at this point.] The talented Indian infielder that can be had via trade right now is Asdrubal Cabrera. Much like Shin-Soo Choo this past season, he is in the last year of his current deal and motivated. Everyone seems to think Cincy made a great trade for Choo. I think Tribe got back decent assets for a one year rental. I made sure to add in that I didn't think it wouldn't happen.
  14. The PBS documentary on the NFL and concussions. The NFLPA isn't mentioned @ all....it wouldn't have happened without the NFLPA turning a blind eye on it. Also, no mention of steroids affect...another thing the NFLPA turned a complete blind eye too....just like they're doing their best to do with HGH. http://video.pbs.org/video/2365093675/
  15. Adrian Peterson's 2-year-old son is on life-support and most likely not survive. Peterson is still planning to play this weekend. I know people handle things differently, but I don't get it.
  16. Just a week ago. http://blog.gsmarena.com/some-2-9-million-accounts-compromised-in-adobe-creative-cloud-hack/
  17. Forgetting the whole NSA thing....It's the internet. If "anyone" really is interested enough and has the time....there are always going to be flaws....it's just human nature. Anyway....external hard drive. Even @ my age....life is too short wasting time uploading 6 TB....and never hook it up to anything while also connected to the internet. If you want to go really hard core....encryption. Even if your drive crashes...there are still ways to save whatever is on it. You get hacked.... P.S. Backup things. P.P.S. Keep in mind this is the Senior Writer of Wired...and knows a thing, or 10,000 about computers, the internet, etc. http://www.cnbc.com/id/48611864 http://www.wired.com/gadgetlab/2012/08/apple-amazon-mat-honan-hacking/
  18. Well deserved! She isn't a giant, but then we don't live in an age of giants. I believe it's well deserved too. Will they ever get around to giving it to Roth or does he have to die first?? I liked all of her books that I read...and I am glad @ least it wasn't one of their obscure and/or political choices. Only the Peace Prize is more of a joke these days. Speaking of the Peace Prize....what a joke of a pick. They don't give any Nobel to anyone that dies...and don't hold your breath on an American winning anytime soon. P.S. There are still giants out there...and like the Oscars, Grammys and similar....you can put together a vastly better list of those that didn't win than those that did.
  19. The original Harper's Magazine story of "Pafko At The Wall" that would become the prologue for DeLillo's must read...Underworld. If you haven't read this....you really should. DeLillo originally wrote it in 1992. I will be honest....I know about that game/HR from family members that to this day you don't want to get them started on it....but the only reason I knew Pafko was because of the amazing prologue of Underworld. Be well.... http://dumpendebat.net/static-content/delillo/DeLillo-Pafko_At_The_Wall-Oct1992.pdf
  20. Since he didn't add in in any Fair Warning. You really don't want to google either one of those if @ a place you can be fired from, etc.... And as much as a horrorfest as Honey Boo Boo is....it's not in the same Universe.
  21. 1. Not wasting time on that. 2. "It is in the character of very few men to honor without envy a friend who has prospered." - Aeschylus aka the Clusterfuck which was a result of envy. I went into the details in one of the Mathew Shipp threads. 1. Of course you wouldn't. 2. Reading the links was interesting. Thanks. 1. Didn't wast time because I don't think Monk went through the motions like Parker does. I also don't think Parker is in the same level as Monk. I guess you think differently. As in, it just came across as baiting as a response. 2. You're welcome.
  22. Chris Stainton (aka Spooky Tooth) Joe Cooker George Harrison
  23. I think Nunez at third, despite his penchant for costly errors. $189mil or less! I think Cano @ 3rd helps his career in the long run more than staying @ 2nd. Another possibility is resigning Ryan and moving him to 3rd. Perfect world, Cleveland go to hell (sorry to their fans, but it's Cleveland.) early next year and they trade for Jason Kipnis. I don't see that happening. Honestly, I see next year as rebuilding/positioning for the future. Granderson is probably gone, Rivera, Pettitte, who knows about Jeter, Mr. April (lawsuit, or not....no way to get around the CBA if the arbitrator rules against him. It would be a precedent setting case.)...then there is Teixeira will be 34 next April.
  24. With the addition of the Wild Card....I am not sure it's possible anymore.
  25. Wives and Girlfriends...it started out for slang for the wives and girlfriends of those that played Futbol in the UK. Enter the horrorfest that is reality tv in the U.S., and caught on in the U.S. P.S. There actually is a reality show called Starter Wives Confidential on TCL. At one time TCL was known as The Learning Channel. Now, it might as well be the Honey Boo Boo, etc. channel. P.P.S. I am going to let you google Honey Boo Boo.
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