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Blue Train

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Everything posted by Blue Train

  1. Considering how few records the VU sold (even to this day)....just how influential they became.
  2. Same here....though no F kit on my end.
  3. In case anyone doesn't know how. The easiest way. http://www.keepvid.com/
  4. For anyone that missed this the first time I posted it. It's up again. Posting the direct link. Get it while you can. http://youtu.be/7N6uUhWl6cA
  5. What's that? Dicogs images can't be linked ... Sorry. Didn't know that. Let's try this. Otomo Yoshihide / Lasse Marhaug / Paal Nilssen-Love - Explosion Course
  6. Did this thread officially become the now non-existent politics/religion forum?
  7. I never heard of the Vinnie Catricala Rule. Remember watching the Jean Segura one and going WTF? is that, and HTF? was it legal? Unfortunately. aka the Jeb Stuart World Series
  8. That last touchdown was hilarious. Well, unless you're a Cowboys fan, I guess. What I never get is you draft players to play a certain type of defense....then you bring in someone that uses a defense they're not suited to play. In the 4-3 Ware was a monster. In Kiffin's D he might as well be sitting on the sidelines every game. They're last in D in almost every category. Under the other Ryan they were middle of the pack. All of which means having to depend on Romo even more to win games for them. P.S. Back to concussions and the High School level. From you can't make this up. 11 schools in Kansas and Nebraska share one athletic trainer. Why would any parent allow their child to play for a team there is not a single medical personal, or trainer @ that their games? http://mmqb.si.com/2013/10/22/smith-center-kansas-high-school-football-robert-klemko/3/
  9. Turned it off after the game ended. Maybe he meant only AL team...which makes even less sense to say in a WS between the only NL and AL team. If he did....you can be sure it will be over the place.
  10. Two straight games with a crazy ending.
  11. Just what it is about the Evil Empire goes out of their way to be as Caucasian as possible with the crazy Caucasian Civil War-like beards? I realize it's Boston and they have issues in the city....but still.
  12. Middlebrooks didn't trip over Craig. They didn't even touch until Middlebrooks kicked up his legs the second time and tripped Craig http://youtu.be/dpT7-9evb1Y?t=2m
  13. P.S. I checked, even Connie Mack started with the Pirates before taking over the Phillies. I will admit that I thought he was a given before I checked. You mean the A 's, right? I meant the Philadelphia Athletics so it's a split even. @ least that is my story.
  14. Add in Sparky, Weaver, Lasorda, Tom Kelly, Gito Gaston, Ron Washington, Metheny and that's pretty much it. 8 out of just how many mangers in baseball history? P.S. I checked, even Connie Mack started with the Pirates before taking over the Phillies. I will admit that I thought he was a given before I checked.
  15. Consolidates the position of GM Rizzo. Williams was the Diamondbacks' third base coach for the last few years. Metheny didn't have managerial experience either but look where he is! This move does not look like flushing the young talent to me. Missed this. I don't think you can compare them. Metheny became manager of one of the most consistently best run teams in modern sports....with veterans (many of whom had already been to several playoffs over the 4-6 years) that were coached by Tony La Russa. The Nationals forced out Johnson who went from Manager of the Year to here is the door.... for Williams. I could be wrong....after all it's all subjective...but also keep in mind just how very few first time managers (pretty, sure you can count them all on one hand, or maybe an extra finger or two now with Metheny) ever took a team to the playoffs.
  16. This is true! Even a broken clock is right twice a day.
  17. Before you even get to that. He took out Drew to bring in Middlebrooks. Then he kept him in the game @ 3rd. Bogarts went to SS. You don't think Drew still @ SS he makes a throw Ortiz didn't have to really work for and Carpenter isn't out? Holliday's hit....does it make it past Bogarts @ his natural position....or as easily as it did with Middlebrooks? That hit alone is 2 runs. My take on Saltalamacchia is he forgot it was MIddlebrooks and not Bogarts. P.S. Leaves out no IBB for John Jay.
  18. Speaking of Dallas: Dez Byrant 3-72-2td Megatron 14-329-1td To paraphrase Lloyd Bentsen. I have seen Megatron play....you Dez, are no Megatron. P.S. Maybe Monte Kiffin finally retires. Add in his years @ USC.
  19. Giants @ 2-6 are 2 games out of 1st place in the NFC East. The NFC East has officially become the once NFC Worst aka West.
  20. Famous last words Mr Fish ! As long as he remembers to follow the yellow brick road, avoid winged monkeys, anyone on a broom, or just cut to the chase and click his heels three times and saying there is no place like home.
  21. Two more from Otomo Yoshihide on pre-order @ Cafe Oto from his 2009 Residency. The first is the first recording I know of him playing piano and it's a solo. Soundcloud to a track. https://soundcloud.com/cafeoto/otomo-yoshihide-piano-solo 2nd is with Otomo Yoshihide / Sachiko M / Evan Parker / John Edwards / Tony Marsh / John Butcher Soundcloud. https://soundcloud.com/cafeoto/otomo-yoshihide-sachiko-m-evan
  22. The soon to be Santa Clara 49ers have got to be experiencing of the weakest cupcake schedules anyone has played in WTF? knows how many years. Today's alleged opponent.....the worst team in the NFL. They have 2 or 3 games out of the remaining 8 that they actually have to play anyone on the cupcake tour.
  23. By the time St. Jude hits us on Monday....it's thankfully going to only be a 40% chance of rain. Everyone stay safe and dry.
  24. Yeah, but an amazing run considering his history. http://youtu.be/dKo3nbOSx9o http://youtu.be/FwDZT8XXkFw Be well.....
  25. New short story from Haruki Murakami in the New Yorker. It's a variation on Kafka's The Metamorphosis. http://www.newyorker.com/fiction/features/2013/10/28/131028fi_fiction_murakami?currentPage=all
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