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Everything posted by bluesbro

  1. Nope. Its probably not going to happen in this decade. The guy who pushed this project is no longer wokring at Capitol, IIRC. The UK remasters is what's brewing somewhere.
  2. This material has been booted before. The 1/19/63 Paris date came out on lp on Unique Jazz and on cd on Magnetic and JazzUp (there may be more). I believe the Berlin set is partly on Unique Jazz UJ 29, though the lp lists Kenny Drew on piano rather than John Lewis. The trio portion of the Graz concert was split between that album and Jazz Connoisseur JC 108. The description of the new release sounds like straight up boot speech to me. The question is what is the source material and sound quality. The JazzUp releases were barely listenable. Also, the Graz concert came out a step or half step fast, presumably so they could fit tracks on one side of an lp. It will be interesting to see whether the Graz portion of the new release has the same problem. If it does, that suggests a needle drop. Speed problems aside, the version of "Lover" from Graz comes as close as anything ever does to being my favorite Rollins solo. For those unfamiliar with this material, it should be noted that it is not just any trio. The drummer is Max Roach and the performance of Max's own group from the same Graz date has also been preserved. It would seem that Max's group would perform and then Max's horn players and pianist would leave the stage and Sonny would do a set with Max and Jimmy Meritt. There are also recordings of the trio on the same tour from Paris and Copenhagen and a quartet performance that includes Roach's pianist, Ronnie Matthews, from Reading University in England. Spectacular stuff. I got my copy two days ago and it sounds very good. I dont think this is a needle drop, the source is obviously not a professional recording, but it sounds very, very good all things consider. I am happy I got this one and have been playing it a lot. I cant comment on whether the speed is off or not. I didnt notice anything weird tough.
  3. I ordered a copy from cduniverse. Im in for any live Sonny
  4. Yeah, I do think its a little boring.
  5. Anyone know if I can use this coupon (30%) multiple times? Like once a day? I could get some sweet deals on those jazz icons DVDs. My Borders received a big shipment of all the new titles.
  6. Item arrived. thanks!
  7. I'll take it. PM on the way
  8. CD's arrived at good ol USA from Switzerland yesterday. Great transaction, thanks!
  9. You can get the original US Rubber Soul on CD on the Beatles Capitol box set Vol2. It includes the album in mono and stereo.
  10. I'll take this one: JOHNNY GRIFFIN Do Nothing Till You Hear From Me Japan mini-LP K2 remaster VICJ-60697 $10
  11. Hehe. Got a chuckle when Paul starting playing 'Pictures of lily' in the background.
  12. I'll take these two. Pm on the way.
  13. I'll take this one: Joe Henderson - Tetragon - killer and very rare - $10
  14. I love this album. I think going after the drummer is the obvious thing to do. Ornette knew his kid was no Max Roach, this works on a more basic level. For some strange reason, this album reminds me of Elvis Sun sessions. Something about playing just for the fun of it...
  15. Top notch.
  16. I've had it for a week or so, and I am very happy with it as well. All 3 volumes are great. I plan on keep buying them all!
  17. I wonder how many tracks on Vol1 are actually prime Fats Waller and how many are Fats just comping behind other groups/singers. I was a little dissapointed with Vol2 including lots of tracks where Fats is barely audible. I'll probably skip this one and wait for Vol 3.
  18. PM sent for: jackie mclean-demons dance (TOCJ version-minor scuffage) $8.00
  19. After shipping & tax, it totals about $22 for the 5-CD set. isn't this the out-of-print metal spine box? No, they are sending the longbox now.
  20. Anyone know the market share of Jazz in other parts of the world? I cant imagine it would be that different from 3%
  21. Miles version of 'Basin Street Blues' in underated IMHO. One of my favorite MIles performances ever.
  22. bluesbro

    Helen Merrill

    I think she lives there now right? Havent heard of her performing in the states lately.
  23. I saw this one on eBay and had to snatch it. It is a live recording from 1993 in the Jazz Door label. This doesnt appear on any Sonny discorapgy I know of, so I thought this was maybe an audience recording. Well, I got today and it sounds wonderful, its obviously a professional recording in stereo. I cant find it in amazon, but oddly, amazon uk does sell it. So, is this a boot? are there other Sonny live recordings by this label out there?
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