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Everything posted by MomsMobley

  1. afro-eurasion eclipse (eke pronounces it ee-clips)
  2. axedlrod + adderleys cannonball nat & nat jr Gunjah control
  3. can you hang sec a do some research? thanks.
  4. isorhythmic motets from the sometimes 'controversial' paul van nevel / huelgas ensmeble the sorrows of young jay gould & ulysses grant you're goddamn right i sing the blues
  5. to the extent a harpsichordist can be 'hyped'... Mehan Esfahani deserves it. this is marketing / promo but I can't fault it for being so; his new Goldberg Var is excellent also.
  6. 1000% yes. The packaging, I should have mentioned, is exceptional too-- it's not some 'cap box' like many of the classical sets but rather a hard cardboard case akin to some of the old Fantasy sets like Monk / Prestige, Sonny / Contemporary but the discs & booklet are in a slide out 'tray'-ish thing. Or, from the outside it looks like a thicker / squatter variation of the first pressing Miles / Sony sets. I mention this because unusual and also kudos to Erato really taking care with both the presentation and sound. That's not always true with their parent 'Warner Classics', let alone some of the shoddy-- albeit inexpensive-- Sony / RCA sets. (A company which is certainly capable of better-- am I correct to recall you snagged the swank Monteux box a while back?)
  7. Ruzickova 20 CD Bach box on Erato though some might have portions on vinyl or Supraphon partial issues-- ain't no one Bach for everything but... https://www.amazon.com/Bach-Complete-Keyboard-works-20CD/dp/B01JQV81P4/
  8. Spanyi from BIS Volume 26 of the solo keyboard works it takes a while to understand CPE rhetoric and the range of possibilities within it but as it seems more people are discovering, he's a GIANT. It's gratifying if not often to my taste to see more pianists taking the repertoire on also, including the estimable 'integrale' by Ana-Marija Markovina.
  9. Capaciously talented and amiable genius-- there ain't many of the latter. Estimable poet and calligrapher also. Besides Miles, the only record with Keith Jarrett I feel compelled to hear let alone own (sorry Dewey). Had and hopefully has more "currency" than some other cotemporaries because of his top work for percussionists who were / are grateful for the repertoire. Grab anything you can for $6-7 or less & proceed from there. As former academic music student yourself you might enjoy this-- http://www.ojaifestival.org/my-memories-of-lou-harrison/ *** *** ***
  10. *** *** *** one might say Ralph Carichael "only" reinforces the brilliance of Galt Macdermot, Rado & Ragni but...
  11. just for starters, symphony 2 string quartet 6 clarinet concerto 1
  12. effi (also an example of Stanley Cowell composer and James Spaulding colorist) Harold Land so goddamn good on those collab lps
  13. Samuel Adler, Dallas to Denton November 1963 Samuel Adler profile Quartet 10
  14. Adolphus Hailstork performed by the Grand Rapids Symphony and all credit Grand Rapids but you'd think "we" could hear this elsewhere too? Hailstork in Czechoslavakia, the redoubtable Paul Freeman conducting
  15. Charles Ives Carl Ruggles of Red Gap
  16. have we not had cause to discuss the Columbia Masterworks Black Composers series before? Mea culpa, though that's another instance of the label having done excellent work which it then ignores in the CD era, not even "mostly" ignores as w/ its Ives albums but totally-- https://www.discogs.com/label/460768-Black-Composers-Series also on this Albany anthology
  17. All Sessions is at least good Sessions; I'd be shocked if you can't find the Dennis Russell Davies cond. Sym 4, 5, 6 disc Larry posted since that was Argo (part of London / Polygram U.S.)... Note the label here and ask rhetorically why more people don't know it-- don't even know it exists! piano sonata 2 live Takes balls, baby! to set the same text Hindemith did & not an easy one either-- Whitman's great (if racially evasive) Lincoln threnody but Sessions had 'em-- ... but what about Szechuan?
  18. Re: Ives, it's a motherfucking corporate abomination how his catalog has been treated. Check out what Columbia did in the 1960s and 70s and what's ever come out on CD even once, let alone well compiled once and then re- re- re- re- packaged for subsequent gens & collectors of packaging / "improved" mastering. That's just the most obvious-- but also the most important-- example, so one could in a relatively small package have access to Ives': symphonies, tone poems, string quartets, other chamber pieces, piano music, choral music, some (if not all) songs. One can get most (tho' not all) of that elsewhere and unbeknownst to many, one of the great contempo Ives programs was recorded for and released by German EMI under Ingo Metzmacher's "wand" Especially now with RCA / Columbia ("Sony") one, I'd argue their should also be a Samuel Barber box, even if that ends up confusing matters as "adagio" and "Knoxville Summer of 1915" lovers try to reconcile the piano sonata and James Joyce and other 'outre' references etc And that's just the monuments! We can talk about the Nonesuch and Albany and New Albion (Lou Harrison!) and Delos and Naxos labels (at their respective peaks) elsewhere. But what was once "obvious" and should be as both destination and starting point has been rendered needlessly "obscure" and diffuse... ** ** ** ya'll know Beroff's Prokofiev, Bartok and Messiaen (for starters) I'm sure...
  19. idris muhammad exists ** ** ** **
  20. Aeolian Haydn after Landon once ubiquitous now perhaps underrated ** **
  21. Kalish Zukofsky EC Duo not in the box though the Double Concerto from the same album is Oppens Arditti good elsewhere
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