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Everything posted by MomsMobley

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kvew42zIMZA
  2. don't lose the belt buckle tho'! i've been wearing this one for the Civil War sesquicentennial etc myself--
  3. MomsMobley

    Anthony Braxton

    sidenote: maybe someday while Anthony is still alive, Werner X. will figure out that he can make more $$$ selling CDs that people actually want to buy than sitting on them and putting out new ones nobody (mostly rightly) gives a damn about? Box up the complete Hat Cage and Feldman recordings for those interested while one is at it and voila-- decent amount of $$$, a rush of mostly fulsome international press etc. I think everyone can live without the Charlie Parker Project (mediocre idea executed at same level), most of the rest still merit wide dissemination etc. Also, note AB's 1985 chops, & slim George Lewis.
  4. dizzy gillespie for president don siegel et al i withold judgement on the OTC question except to note Lalo Schifrin could do damn near anything &, if we look (listen) closely, in x # of ways, it's Teo & Miles who are playing catch up-- in practice-- with best soundtrack dudes, whose job allowed them great liberties & resources etc. david soul plays butch in "Magnum Force" too of course, another fine Schifrin score & an excellent action movie, tho' lacking most of Siegel's visual flair & ambiguities.
  5. i should note the esteemed Señor Goldberg has provided the recording date; the release date was for "Dirty Grape" was July 1968... Moby Grape "Wow" was released in April 1968... "coincidence"? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NaEZvk0eJhM Side Q: is there not yet a worst/cheapest/tackiest Prestige album covers ever thread yet? "Dirty Grape" doesn't quite rank but it's on the outskirts, at least.
  6. anyone still wanna 'argue' that keith jarrett's insipid ostinatos* or wynton marsalis or ken vandermark or ____, ____ & (especially) _____ ever mattered? * keeping Dewey Redman in pork chop money-- however well-intentioned-- justifies nothing; the music sucked then and now.
  7. mo mop mopp mopp mopp mopp mopp
  8. great set, great composer; Villa-Lobos probably thee greatest, most underrated 20th c. composer of them all... funny to realize, after the fact, what a HUGE influence Villa-Lobos was on Messiaen also. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfRanER4Q4E
  9. also, Hindemith & Ancerl >>>>>>>> Hillary Hahn is excellent, Chandos doing another Sibelius cycle under anyone's baton is ridiculous, even if it's mostly a souvenir for the Limeys etc & Chandos has been down that road before-- sometimes even covering ** themselves ** unnecessarily, like when Polyansky & Noseda both recorded Rachmaninov "The Miserly Knight" within a few years of each other. Nemo Jarvi's Chandos recording of this is pretty hot tho'--
  10. box, "Soul & Swagger," forthcoming on the estimable Rockbeat label, hot damn! http://www.amazon.com/Soul-Swagger-The-complete-Royales/dp/B00HGTNKAU
  11. Walter Johnson Granville "G.T." Hogan Frank Butler Hamid Drake is about at the same level, relatively, as Granville. Nothing to be ashamed of tho' Hogan made more good records in his time. Or is someone going to pretend Wm Parker is a "great" (even a "good") composer or that any of those Brotzmann Inane-tet records are worth a damn? Really? In a sound world of Mitchell, Braxton, Threadgill, Hemphill? (Bartok, Varese, Vila-Lobos, Messiaen?) (I only wish there were film of Walter Johnson.)
  12. Absolutely not. He's a competent, demi- 'eclectic' drummer-- big deal. But he's got the look so oooo, he must be 'awesome.' Hardly, or rather, hardly exceptional or exceptionally interesting. Revere Chauncey Morehouse, Vernell Fournier and Osie Johnson and on down the line and by the time you get to Hank or Hamid Drake... why would anyone bother, except somebody's gotta make the gig.
  13. If not 'overrated' per se (since he's largely ignored), Drake is definitely over-revered... He's fine, 'looks great,' whatever (I've only seen him do jazz, not funk/reggae), but hardly a mind-blower and if I never hear another Wm Parker/Hamid Drake duet live or on record... I'll be fine, thanks. (Excellent point btw on why we can-- & ultimately must-- mostly ignore Miles saxists in this era; to me they're like a section trumpeter in a Ray Charles band or whatnot, definitely NOT Fathead level or anywhere close to it, Sonny Fortune included) Now this drummer--
  14. Black Swan is definitely GHB's weak link... But are they really sitting on a treasure trove? Since there no Paramount masters to own, how many Paramount label records do they have at hand & have access to? Definitely lots of Document label titles deserved better presentation/sound, likewise the crappy JSP knockoffs (some of which do have decent themes.) Black Europe >>>>> Paramount Box qua anthology commerce (MP3s+ steamer trunk false 'luxury')
  15. Ubu, the first Vivaldi is Cafe Zimmermann on Alpha, disc for disc the greatest living baroque ensemble-- http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00D8DVF78/ This should be on the deals page but I see the mixed Celine Frisch, Cafe Zimmermann D'Anglebert 2-cd set is v. inexpensive (in the states)-- http://www.amazon.com/DAnglebert-Pieces-clavecin-harpsichord-Zimmermann/dp/B0009JXN7O http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlEZ8DsX5S8
  16. steel there is Tom Brumley, formerly with Buck Owens. I should clarify re: Lennon, whatever value is in those songs is JL's occasionally uncanny writing, sometimes great singing; as compositions per se... that was hardly ever the point. Also, tho' I can't actually listen to any Lennon (I liked Plastic Ono Band album as a kid, felt burned by every other one, overexposed & obscure alike), I do have a favorite JL moment & this is it--
  17. i had no idea such a thing was happening; what a horrific idea. Frisell is the ersatz "America" anticrhist! why does this dogshit exist, he can't broke can he? charity gig for bum sidemen? and why not the Johnson City or Asheville sessions instead? Can I assume albums of Julius Hemphill and Muhal Abrams compositions are forthcoming? Tributes to Harry Reser & Deitz-Schwartz? Dana, let's say 'professional obligation' meant I needed to at least skim through that Lennon vomit. I have zero use for the originals, of course, but I figure that's a plus here, i.e. Frisell could do anything to 'em & if interesting themselves, I'd be cool with it. Even the worst chops-oriented bluegrass players destroy this deluded fool on every possible level except $$$ and propaganda. Instead he and his band of happy hoss simps do sub Muzak versions & I point out the insipid contributions of that pedal steel player because I have such a high regard for an instrument too often abused as merely 'colorful.'
  18. resist, ejp. a false bargain since there's approximately zero RCA recordings by Davis that are either better than his Philips sides or better than equivalent competition from other conductors/labels. And if there are a couple/three of those discs you're curious about, pick them up cheap separately. There are some excellent Davis recordings from earlier in his career but RCA + the live LSO stuff are almost wholly mediocre at best.
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