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Everything posted by MomsMobley

  1. William Albright William Albright William Albright http://www.amazon.com/Complete-Rags-Scott-Joplin/dp/B000000FNA http://www.amazon.com/Marches-Waltzes-Rags-Scott-Joplin/dp/B000000FRE you-- everyone-- needs this "Treemonisha" in your life also-- no cut on Gunther Schuller who had good intentions & is musically sound but... but here is much vaster, more subtle soundworld. William Albright no slouch composer himself btw.
  2. Total agreement with David here. I don't care how clumsy or reticent one is... Especially when one considers how important tutelage was to great composers... just to follow Schoenberg's students-- whatever one thinks of Arnold himself (whom I love)-- throughout Europe (not just Berg & Webern but Gerhard, Skalklottas etc) and America... Hindemith... Think of all the jazz cats who crossed paths with Stefan Wolpe... Bartok Mikrokosmos... Both Peter Yates books are fantastic btw (the other being "An Amateur at the Keyboard"... hold on, let me check something-- ah! here's some Peter Yates' Harry Partch presentations from mid-1960s KPFA-- https://archive.org/search.php?query=peter%20yates%20AND%20collection%3Aaudio_music Yates a fine poet also-- though he's not the sometimes awesome-- no superlatives enough for "The Friends o Eddie Coyle"-- film director of the same name. re: Berman, do you know his Ives recordings, LK? re: "silence," there's a woman named Sabine Liebner who'd made some brilliant Cage recordings for the Neos and Wergo labels-- some of thee greatest Cage recordings I've ever heard. There's noone now living that can't learn from Cage though how much that's needed, daily, afterwards, is subect to determination.
  3. oh I like Quinichette a lot-- just more, ah, 'functionally' than as an inspiration or whatnot. And for the many Basie-ite functions I yet host & have attended, those two Swingville sides are corkers. re: Moishe / Mieczyslaw, anyone know, rate the "Requiem"? Mark Stryker, very hep you saw Kremer and having a top Weinberg program on ECM will hopefully kick awareness up a notch. Listening to this now btw--
  4. anyone nostalgic for "Gram" & "Emmy"... how is that possible in a world where Melba Montgomery... Rose Maddox... please!!!
  5. are you trying to bait me? Gram Parsons is dogshit; a LOUSY country singer in a genre that demands brilliance, a worse white 'soul' singer (hardee har har, "To Love Somebody" in a world of Bee Gees and James Carr)... at best he had an adequate light voice for some bluegrass/folk tunes on the first Burritos album... Byrds "Sweetheart" is garbage... and the two solo albums are fluff with a couple OK songs... only "rock" heads, by accident or prejudice, unfamiliar with country repertoire & the HUGE # of superior singers & songwriters could be gulled... but he was rich & traded heroin suppositories w/ Keith, big deal... and then there was a generation who wanted to sleep with almost always insipid (but ooooh, so tastey) Emmylou because hey, they understand, man... Gram stole 97% of his schtick from Bobby Bare, who kills him in every way possible except death btw but since "rock" don't know from Bare... re: Nesmith, a pretty good songwriter, a little tedious with the girl/women problems, solo albums are inconsistent but flecked w/ brilliance, even that last RCA one w/ synthesizers, "The Prison" ain't exactly the Prisonaires or "Escape From Alcatraz" (watch for the Don Siegel direction, not Clint) etc etc. Later Mike is a "tastey" snooze, lost it near completely but still, you know, "pleasant," "Spanish" guitar solos included. Ricky Nelson country rock via Buck Owens destroys Gram in every way also but that goes without saying. Spare me the Monkees musical shit otherwise unless you were a adolescent/teenage girl OR are willing to pay no less than $100/foot for your interconnects, of which you must have multiple sets because each brand/forumalation is optimized for different styles of music, etc. TV show was decent, "Head" better than that. i could go continue for days but in no way does Gram rate except legend, while Nesmith is a notable, if not major, country rocker. Gene Clark and Doug Sahm (to say the least) far better than both. ignore the anachronistic Waylon image here & know he was mostly greater pre- "outlaw" than post- (ego tumors & cocaine kill)
  6. have you read interviews with the musicians who have taken up Weinberg? they would disagree with the impetus here & since nobody is getting rich-- few probably even breaking even-- recording/distributing, performing Weinberg... Kremer 2-cd set on ECM just the latest...
  7. Larry Kart's been listening and though I initially scoffed, making the Lester Young & Paul Quinichette comparison, I believe that was incorrect, victim of DSCH hegemony... Weinberg is at least-- at least!-- Dexter, Teddy, Harold Land, maybe more... Most people until recently heard (read) so little Weinberg... but this is changing the music is why (i.e. Shosty is great but there's lots else to glom onto there for those so inclined... and who wouldn't be?) more anon
  8. why post-tonal and not pan-tonal? do you know the symphonies of Benjamin Frankel? Milton Babbitt composer >>>>> Pierre Boulez, Paul Griffiths is good but read Peter Yates if you haven't already http://www.amazon.com/Twentieth-Century-Music-Peter-Yates/dp/B0013PLBFY learning basic music theory & learning how to read music is actually pretty easy so...
  9. http://www.billboard.com/articles/news/6296648/herbie-hancock-crack-addict-memoir
  10. i actually pondered what word to use; 'excursions' seemed too flip, but yes, 'studies' too formal... here's the Haba Quartet-- they who have recorded their namesake's cycle for Neos-- btw, in Smetana-- -- which they have recorded, along with Janacek 2-- http://www.habaquartet.com/en/media/cds-en music starts at 2:00 but for us kolach lovers, Haba speaking is likewise compelling--
  11. because I care... for Joe Maneri fans & others-- &, because a new Haba string quartet cycle is imminent on the Neos label-- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fMI-JT1hOEw if JSngry sees this, have you stumbled into Haba yet in the course of your Janacek studies?
  12. forgot to mention, Mark, I laughed when you suggested parts of MacMillan "vulgar" because 1) I generally like vulgar and 2) that's a criticism oft leveled at Messiaen, whom I mostly adore. The Messiaen ---> MacMillan lineage is obvious to me, of course, though I'm suspecting there's a goodly amount of Vaughan Williams there too? And yes, David, I think MacMillan's prolific discography as composer-conductor threw me also; I think my current plan is to grab each BIS as I can...
  13. thanks for all this; nice work in public too, Mark. reason I asked is that though I'd noticed the # of CDs of MacMillan on BIS-- a label whose CDs I'm nearly always at least curious about-- I hadn't actually bought nor knowingly heard any and... though I'm not dismissive of sacred choral music, having heard some of it on Hyperion I shrugged it off as estimable but... eh. obviously, however, I was wrong and MacMillan has covered quite a bit of territory in numerous forms, including symphony, chamber music etc and, rather than drearily fucking pious a la Part (whom I've kinda paid lip service to before but now live wholly and happily without) or Tavener... (Taverner, however, YES.) MacMillian is surely Catholic but as Scottish socialist also... I'm intrigued.
  14. excellent date, def. overlooked as an OJC though ezz-thetically, it's cool Fantasy didn't dump it into the oft misnamed if otherwise largely excellent "Acid Jazz" series, perhaps coupled with Wiggins' other organ + deep south transplant to L.A. tenor corker--
  15. http://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/online/articles/pks01 all hail Hoss Allen, Freddie King, Gatemouth Brown, Pee Wee Crayton, Billy Harper
  16. Marc Meyers early frontrunner for jazz fool of 2015 and it's hard to imagine who's dopey and careless enough to beat him. Truly, that's a pathetic piece of writing-- I won't call it "history" because it's not, it's bullshit, and I won't call it "criticism" because he's thought about, and reasoned, nothing; he's just chirping a hodgepodge of made-up and garbled inanities. Ofay Marc Meyers, define "soulless"? Funny part is a soulless hack like Meyers types that up and when he's busted on it-- as he should have been upon submitting the damn thing to any professional publication-- he gets all aggro at those who actually read him. I guess we can assume Myers has not or recalled Robert Gordon, Ted Gioia, the RJ Smith Central Ave book for starters. Nor the contemporary BLACK press (NY, Chi, L.A.) about bebop generally and Dizzy, Bird, and R&B specifically which, while rarely the most musically sophisticated journals, did do pretty well placing the music in its context within the black show biz continuum. Etc etc but I'm not getting paid to do Marc Myers job. At best, maybe he should stick to interviewing the living instead of trying to pretend understanding of the past? I'd say "nuanced" past but Myers is so far from operating on that level...
  17. LK, moreso the 'provocative' blowhard critic/polemicist than the composer, though NOT the mighty RED Hollway's Benny Hill meets P.D.Q. Bach schtick doesn't particularly impress nor "amuse." Anyone curious for more can see the contents here-- http://www.robinholloway.info/rhessays/html/extracts.html excerpts on Die Frau, with passing mention of Delius' mindblowing Mass of Life especially atuous. http://www.robinholloway.info/rhessays/html/strauss.html hmmmm... Hofmannsthal versus Larkin, whom NOT the mighty RED Holloway has set, though not an opera? etc etc and though I refute the sanctity of DSCH-- and like some of his soundtrack and ballet work very much--- I strongly suspect there's more than musicological consideration in H's dismissal of.
  18. Robin-- NOT the mighty RED-- Holloway is a po' faced crank & like a stereotypical tight-ass Brit (not all are so drearily restrained), sweeps away much that's most interesting about Shosty-- can we presume he's a throbbing "The Nose" fan at least? preferring Weinberg Vainberg to DSCH, Prokofiev &/or Schnittke is like, i dunno, preferring Paul Quinichette to Lester? not exactly, natch, but... i wish Moishe was better more often & if he's got his moments, so does Kabalevsky... whom I value but in his place & even truncated, someone like Erwin Schulof destroys Weinberg Vainberg in most ways that matter (except living, true.) re: Hollowway's glazed Goldberg's... Little Rootie Tootie, jazz meets Bach-- Berlioz et al-- et Beckett-- meet Berio--
  19. excellent commentary on the Nicholas Brothers and in case there's anyone from Michigan here
  20. i wouldn't want to be without either-- (re)watch "Zabriskie Point" for another sage use of Patti. Thanks to Pee Wee King also.
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