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  1. Yeah it's the Well Tempered Klavier! I remember now I think as well as this I could write some dubstep songs in Sonata Form or something like that? I think it'd be great to really mix classical with modern music as much as you can, I think The Strokes wrote a lot of their stuff in sonata form though already Oh while I'm in here, for the music homework is asks 'What is the tonality of this piece' (for All Blues) and I feel like a right idiot not knowing what that means ...care to help? Thanks though Shrdlu!
  2. I'm not a 'timid teen' Actually can you guys maybe give me advice, I'm in the process of recording an album - and I was thinking of doing something like Beethoven did? He wrote a set of scores in every single key - C maj/min, C# maj/min, D maj/min etc - do you think it'd be interesting/different enough if I did this for an album, but in loads of different genres?
  3. Will do It's basically because I'm doing it in music at the moment Although I do love it Yeah this forum is really nice - I prefer it to the 'AllAboutJazz' forum so far And I guess this forum is linked up with the 'disqus' comments website because the rabbit picture is on there - and it came up automatically on here
  4. Wow he must be pretty decent then Yeah I do Royal College (for violin) on Saturdays, was thinking of joining the Jazz Ensemble as well though Would be pretty good!
  5. It's for GCSE so it's a must do Alright I'll give those a listen - sounds good man Very good advice here! And have fun doing it. But branch off into contemporary things surrounding you too. Go out to hear lots of live music. As much as your budget allows. To me that's the real key to appreciating and loving jazz and improvised music. Hear the greats in performance. Hear the near-greats. Heck, go and hear the lounge band down the street... You never know where beauty may surface. It's a great adventure. Enjoy! "Seek and Listen" as Rahsaan Roland Kirk said. Is 14 a bit young to go out to Jazz Clubs? Anyway yeah, Kirk never lies - I'd better go and listen to live to get a real flavor of jazz improv! Although I made this thread it's a real gem just to store artists for those 'new' to jazz
  6. Thanks! I know what you mean, that's the same with a lot of classical and even rock bands, although I was interested in some of the more 'unknown' artists, as well as this a range of artists that I could just stack onto my iPod and slowly get through over my life ha I know a lot of (almost all) the music is really well done and needs re-listening, but I thought I'd collect up a good stack first! Yeah, I'm studying Kind Of Blue right now in school, really great stuff, I love how a lot of (Miles Davis in this case) the music is just instinctively done rather than 'thought through' - a lot like the other musical greats! Although Jazz is fantastic and 'complicated' in the way it can be studied a lot - it can also be listened to for no meaning and enjoyment Thanks for all the stuff guys - really really appreciated x
  7. Ahh I didn't see the page 2! Thanks for albums and stuff guys!
  8. Fab, I'll give 'em a listen
  9. Like in the way Mozart looks easy to play but you then end up finding it's the most difficult thing ever? Yeah sure man I'll give that a listen
  10. Wow cheers Bill! Thanks so much for the diverse range of musicians!
  11. I know, I'll never be able to listen to all of them But yeah I'll give those bands you mentioned a listen, Thanks for the magazine, I'll check that out EDIT: Phwooar, I love Polar and Acoustic Ladyland so far
  12. Ooh I'm just getting a variety of artists
  13. Listening to the album now, cheers for that Fab I'll listen to that then! Yeah I'm also interest in present Jazz, what artists would you recommend? I know all the 'greatest' so to say jazz muscicians have died but are there any up and coming ones that you like? Jazz isn't a 'popular' genre of music anymore, more of an art, so are there bebop jazz artists around? Sorry if I don't know zilch about jazz The Sidemen? I'll give them a listen then
  14. I'm listening to a documentary about him on iPlayer right now! (BBC Radio4) I'll definitely take a listen to the artists you gave me after the documentary I wouldn't envy me, I've only liked jazz for about a day now! It's funny because as well as Jazz I love trip-pop, dumbstep, prog rock, pretty much everything!
  15. Listening to it now I've made a playlist of every single artist you guys have given me so far on Spotify Cheers!
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